He slowly put the orange petals in his mouth into his mouth, narrowed his eyes and looked at the person at the door, he didn't know whether it was intentional or not, he leaned towards Lan Shuang almost imperceptibly, his aura did not restrain himself at all, Lan reminded him with the instinct of being a knight, so that he finally noticed that there was an "outsider" here.

He frowned and looked over, suddenly taken aback.

Why does this person look so familiar, as if he has seen it somewhere?

Andre recognized Nian Siyan before him. After all, he is the general of the Federation, a position that many knights dream of.

He asked excitedly and in disbelief: "General Nian Siyan? Why are you here?"

All human beings are muqiang in their bones, and people like Andre are no exception, or people who bully the weak and fear the hard are themselves a manifestation of muqiang.

The first time he saw his idol, he couldn't care less about losing his composure in front of the Patriarch.

Lan Ping also reacted when he reminded him, this person is Nian Siyan!It often appears on the news, isn't it familiar?Later, because Nian Siyan was harassed tirelessly, the media was no longer allowed to show his photos. Yi Lanping didn't recognize him for a while, or he didn't dare to recognize him.

Lan Shuang took the time to watch the changes in the faces of the two people, and found it quite interesting. When facing her, one was tougher than the other, as if she could control her own life and death, but in front of Nian Siyan, each of them stood up. Like a pug, the tail is clamped up.

"Admiral Nian, I didn't recognize him before, I'm sorry, I'm sorry—"

Lan Ping squeezed out a standard smirk, and stretched out his hand to Nian Siyan. Nian Siyan glanced at it, ignored it, and went straight to eat the oranges on the table.

He doesn't have much patience for this kind of person who looks malicious at first glance.

Lan Ping and Andre looked at each other awkwardly, then turned their heads to look at their target this time - Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang looked at them with a smile, "Patriarch, Andre, are you here to see me?"


Nian Siyan was present, and Lan Ping was somewhat burdened by the head of the family. He was too harsh to speak, and his voice was eight degrees gentler than when he first entered the door. He asked quite kindly: "Yeah, you said yesterday to make up the exam, but the exam is over. I didn't go home, and I didn't send a message until the evening, I was very worried, and I sent you a message and a video call, but there was no reply."

It seems to be concerned, but in fact every sentence is probing.

Lan Shuang pulled her lower lip and showed a harmless smile: "Didn't I return the video call to you after I woke up yesterday? I fainted from hypoglycemia and was hospitalized, so I can't go home for the time being."

"But I haven't seen it with my own eyes. I still can't be completely relieved. All the fathers in the world must be the same as me. They were so strict just now, and if they care about it, they will be chaotic."

"Oh, that's it." Lan Shuang said four words dryly and then didn't continue.

Lan Ping: "..."

He looked at Lan Shuang, seeing that she didn't intend to continue asking, he endured the fire to continue the topic, "So I'll come to see you today and pick you up by the way, it's just hypoglycemia, our family doctor can treat it, at home Is it more comfortable than outside?"

Lan Shuang shook her head: "But I don't want to go back. I just met a friend here, and I plan to stay with him for two more days. Such a small wish, the owner, will you agree? I didn't even have friends in the slums before. .”

Nian Siyan's heart moved, slums?
She used to live in the ghetto?

Seeing him looking up at Lan Shuang, Lan Ping clenched the crutch tightly in his hand. Can Lan Shuang know how to speak? Did he say this in front of the general to say that he abused her?

Andre looked at Lan Shuang with dark eyes, "Miss Lan Shuang, are you angry with the Patriarch? But the Patriarch only knew of your existence, and sent me to pick you up as soon as he found out, you Why are you still brooding?"

"Andre, why did you forget again, don't interrupt when we are talking, it will appear that our family is very rude."

Lan Shuang dispelled Andre's accusation with all her efforts.

Lan Ping frowned, and tapped his cane on the ground gently: "Andre, shut up."

Andre gritted his teeth silently.

Lan Shuang smiled at him, and Andre felt that she was provoking him.

Lan Ping looked at Nian Siyan again, and continued to talk to him without giving up, "Admiral, you are Lan Shuang's friend? It's such an honor, I didn't expect that she would fall into your eyes!"

Nian Siyan was uncomfortable hearing this, and said in a cold tone, "Well, we are friends, very good friends."

Lan Ping smiled brighter, "How did you guys meet? I haven't heard Lan Shuang mention it before, this kid is really, why didn't you tell me that you have such a good friend as the general? I came here empty-handed, How rude."

"No need." Nian Siyan looked at Lan Shuang, "It's our job to make friends, it has nothing to do with you."

Lan Ping: "..."

This is almost directly saying what kind of onion he is.

Can this admiral speak human words?No wonder conditions are so good until now are single.

Don't know etiquette, don't respect elders, don't know what to say!
He cursed Nian Siyan over and over a hundred times in his heart before he suppressed his anger, "That's right, you young people don't like family interference when you make friends."

"Since you want to stay here for a few more days, then go for it."

Lan Ping suddenly changed his tone, and said to Lan Shuang, "You are not young anymore, you really should make more friends."

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows, always thinking that this person had some tricks.

Sure enough, the next moment he said to Nian Si: "I have some private things to say to Lan Shuang, I wonder if the general can avoid it?"

Nian Siyan did not agree, but looked at Lan Shuang inquiringly. Lan Shuang nodded at him: "Okay, the general will go back to his room first, it's next door anyway."

Nian Siyan asked uneasy: "Do you really want me to avoid it?"

Lan Shuang nodded, leaned closer and whispered in his ear: "Don't worry, he won't take me back by force after seeing you. He wishes I could get closer to you."

Nian Siyan felt the same way, imitating her example and said in a low voice: "I'll wait outside, call me if you need anything."

"Okay, thank you."

Lan Shuang smiled at Nian Siyan, and Nian Siyan got up and walked around the coffee table to leave without even looking at Lan Ping and Andre.

Lan Ping is used to calling the wind and calling for the rain at home, when has he been so ignored by others?

Unable to suppress his anger any longer, he fired at Lan Shuang as soon as Nian Siyan left.

"How did you meet him? Why is the relationship so good? Why didn't you tell me before?"

Lan Shuang looked at him with a funny face, "Patriarch, didn't you investigate me before? I'm afraid you know better than me who I associate with in the slums? Why are you asking questions knowingly? Of course I only met here. Will."

"As for why I have such a good relationship with him—"

Under Lan Ping's gloomy gaze, Lan Shuang smiled, "Probably because we hit it off, we hit it off right away."

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