Chapter 439 Let Me Take Another Bite 19
Lan Ping was choked by her, what kind of bullshit fell in love with her at first sight, and it was almost the same when he saw the sex, but Nian Siyan had seen so many beautiful envoys, would he really be seduced by Lan Shuang's skin?And she hasn't evolved yet...

Thinking of this, he suddenly paused, then looked up and down suspiciously Lan Shuang, "You haven't evolved yet?"

Lan Shuang's heart tightened, but her face was calm and composed, "Well, the doctor was also surprised when he gave me nutritional supplements. He said that people like me are rare, probably because the previous growth environment was too bad."

Lan Ping felt that he had been hit by another arrow in the knee, so he still blamed himself in the end?
He pulled his lips: "Don't think that you can sit back and relax when you hug Nian Siyan's thigh. Lan Shuang, if you are still named Lan, you will not be able to get rid of the control of the Lan family for the rest of your life. As long as I want to, let you go quietly. If you dispose of it, no one will find out, so you'd better not challenge my patience and bottom line, and stop being weird."

Lan Shuang shrugged indifferently, "I never thought of hugging his thigh. For a person like me who was once precarious, only myself is the most reliable, so Patriarch, if you are here today just to say these things, then why not?" Sorry, it's of no use to me."

Lan Ping looked at her intently, Lan Shuang didn't dodge, her eyes met, there were faint sparks, and finally Lan Ping withdrew her gaze first, "Since you don't want to go home, well, stay here Well, you can hide for a while, but you can't hide for a lifetime, if you don't get admitted to the First Academy, you still have to go back to Lan's family, you'd better evolve into a knight, otherwise I will settle the account of you disobeying me today."

After speaking, he stood up, gave Lan Shuang a warning look, and said to Andre: "Go."

Andre hesitated: "Patriarch, let's just leave?"

Lan Ping gave him a cold look: "What else? Do you want to stay?"

Andre choked, and shook his head honestly, "I don't want to."

"Then go."

Lan, who has been repeatedly provoked by the authority of the Patriarch today, has long run out of patience, and is now on the verge of going berserk, whoever hits him will die.

Andre touched his nose embarrassingly, not daring to say anything more.

When the two went out, they saw Nian Siyan again. He was standing in the corridor, leaning against the wall and looking at the terminal. When he heard the door opening, he glanced up at them, and then continued to look at his terminal as if he hadn't seen it. Know whether to go up and say hello.

In the end, Nian Siyan made the choice for them. He walked straight past the two of them, leaving behind a little aftertaste of wine.

Lan Ping: "..."

Andre: "..."

Although, the indifferent appearance of the idol is also very handsome.


When Nian Siyan came back to the room and saw Lan Shuang slumped on the sofa, thinking of her eloquent appearance just now, she felt a little funny for some reason.

"You don't give him face so much, aren't you afraid of suffering when you go home in the future?"

Nian Siyan sat down beside Lan Shuang and continued to eat oranges.

Lan Shuang said quietly: "Don't be afraid, anyway, he knows that after I evolve into an envoy, he will still wear small shoes for me."

"Is that why you didn't come home?"

Looking at Lan Ping and Andre's battle, Nian Siyan could understand it.

"Well, I'm waiting for the grades to come out. When I'm officially admitted to the academy, I won't be under the control of the Lan family anymore."

Nian Siyan raised his eyebrows and smiled: "So confident?"

"It's a matter of a lifetime, I don't dare to come if I don't have confidence." Lan Shuang stretched out her hand to him, with her palm facing up, Nian Siyan was taken aback, and put her hand on it hesitantly.

Lan Shuang: "..."

She raised her head blankly, "What are you doing with your hand in mine?"

Ke Nian Siyan looked more confused than her, "What are you doing with your hand?"

Lan Shuang withdrew her hand helplessly and patted the back of his hand, "I want to eat oranges, and I want you to pass me some."

Nian Siyan: "..."

You don't say it straight.

He put the last piece of orange in the palm of Lan Shuang's hand, and Lan Shuang smiled, with eyebrows and eyes curved, "Thank you."

Nian Siyan stared at the corner of her eyes for a moment, "You're welcome."


The efficiency of the Federal First Academy was very high, and the results of the make-up exam came out the next afternoon.

At that time, Lan Shuang was leaning on the sofa to take a nap in a daze. Nian Siyan was dealing with her own affairs opposite her.

Nian Siyan's rioting period is not completely over yet. Staying where Lan Shuang is staying, it will be much more comfortable to be comforted by her appeasement element. In the spirit of cooperation, Lan Shuang did not refuse his behavior of running to her if he has nothing to do .

"Didi, Didi—"

Lan Shuang opened her eyes in a daze, and her first reaction was to look at Nian Siyan who was opposite, but Nian Siyan said without raising her head, "Your terminal message."

Not only does this man have eyes on his head, but he can also read minds.

Lan Shuang looked down at her terminal, and slowly sat up straight. She has only been in this world for a few days, and she is not used to using the terminal to process things.

She clicked on the terminal, "Hello, you have an unread email from Federal First Academy."

Lan Shuang didn't turn on the privacy function, so this sentence was released publicly, and Nian Siyan could also hear it.

He fixed his eyes and raised his eyes to look over.

Lan Shuang's heart couldn't help beating a little faster, she raised her eyebrows at Nian Siyan: "The time to witness a miracle has come, whether I am confident or really capable, I will see the result soon."

Nian Siyan didn't speak, but his eyes softened a little, like ripples suddenly appearing in a dead cold pool.

Lan Shuang clicked on the mail, and the translucent screen was immediately projected in mid-air. The mail popped out first, and then it slowly turned into a piece of paper and slowly unfolded. Lines of characters jumped out one by one: "Dear Miss Lan Shuang, hello, I am Yi Pingliu, the dean of the Pharmacy Branch of the Federal First College. I am very pleased to inform you that your make-up exam score is knight level, which is No.1 in this major. We are very honored to see such a person who loves pharmacy Excellent student, so I am writing to ask if you are willing to accept the invitation letter of this hospital and become a member of the Pharmacy Branch? If you are willing, please write back to me as soon as possible, and I will send you your admission letter and a series of application forms as soon as possible. "

"No.1?" Although Lan Shuang was sure of passing the exam, she never thought that she would be able to pass the exam.

Surprise surprises always make people feel happier.

Lan Shuang was stunned for a moment, and immediately looked at Nian Siyan, "General, I am number one!"

Nian Siyan didn't expect her to be so powerful, but he was always calm and wasn't too surprised. He just bent his lips and stretched out his hand: "Congratulations."

Lan Shuang shook his hand vigorously and smiled, "Thank you."

"I'll email him right now!"

Lan Shuang withdrew her hand and clicked on the terminal to edit the email.

(End of this chapter)

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