Chapter 440 Let Me Take Another Bite 20
And Nian Siyan lowered his eyes and looked at the page on his terminal. He had turned on privacy, so Lan Shuang couldn't see it on his screen.

What he read was Lan Shuang's information.

It was Alice who sent it to him this morning, but he was dealing with the affairs of the military department before, so he didn't have time to read it, so he just remembered it now.

Although Lan Shuang and Lan Ping probably knew about her life experience before, it was still not detailed enough. As his assistant, Alice had the most solid intelligence network, and Lan Shuang might not even know what she found out from the investigation.

Including how Lan Shuang's mother died, how her neighbors bullied her, how she struggled to survive in the slums, and Nian Siyan also came out of the slums. Easy, so when he heard the news of Lan Shuang's admission after reading the materials, he was really happy for Lan Shuang from the bottom of his heart.

If you want to get out of the slums and get rid of the shadows, going to school is indeed the best choice, especially when the Lan family obviously regards her as a pawn.

He also took a look at the information of the Lan family, and couldn't help feeling that Lan Ping was really capable of giving birth. There were a bunch of children, men and women, but none of them were knights. No wonder he would hold on to Lan Shuang. Cavalier potential.

But... that was before.

Nian Siyan raised her eyes and glanced at Lan Shuang. She has evolved into an envoy now, and she is also an envoy who fits perfectly with her.

"What's your plan next?"

After reading the information, Nian Siyan turned off the terminal and looked at Lan Shuang in leisure.

Lan Shuang also finished sending the email, and looked at him tiltedly: "Well...of course I'm going to do a matching test report with you."

Nian Siyan was taken aback, then smiled: "Now?"

"Wait a minute, the dean sent me a few forms, and I will go with you after I fill them out."

Lan Shuang was busy for a while, and when all the dust settled, half an hour had passed. Lan Shuang stood up, stretched her waist, and smiled at Nian Siyan: "Let's go."


Parked outside the hospital was a very cool silver-white suspension car with light blue light. The smooth shape of the car immediately attracted Lan Shuang's attention.

"Is this your own car? It's beautiful."

Nian Siyan nodded: "It is a combat-type suspension vehicle improved by the military department. It has extremely high defense and can resist the attack of five high-energy laser cannons."

He stood in front of the hover car and scanned his irises, and suddenly a transparent glass-like thing descended from outside the hover car.

Lan Shuang narrowed her eyes, "What is that?"

"It's the most basic anti-theft shield. If you touch the hover car without permission, you will be shocked." Nian Siyan opened the car door and turned to look at her.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Fortunately, she doesn't have the habit of touching things with her hands, otherwise she might be completely dark now.

The suspension car looks huge from the outside, but in fact there are only two seats inside - Nian Siyan's and his co-pilot.

Lan Shuang was stunned for a moment, Nian Siyan had already gotten into the driver's seat, wearing silver-blue transparent goggles, looking handsome and cold, "Huh?"

Lan Shuang came back to her senses and sat on the co-pilot. Immediately, the seat belt popped out and tied her body, and then a drawer popped up in front of her, with goggles of the same style inside.

Nian Siyan explained: "After a while, the levitation car will fly very fast, and you will feel motion sickness when you look outside with the naked eye. Wearing this will slow down the changing speed of the scene."

"Tsk, Nian Siyan." Lan Shuang called out to him when she put on the goggles.

Nian Siyan was puzzled, "What's wrong?"

After putting on the goggles, her eyes were indeed clearer. Lan Shuang smiled, "Do you think you've talked a lot recently? You even explained the uses of various things to me. You were still very cold when we first met. "

Nian Siyan was taken aback by what he said, it was true, after he read those materials, he always took care of Lan Shuang unconsciously, because he knew she had never seen these things before, so he was afraid that she would be embarrassed, so he would Say a few more words.

However, this basically never happened to him before.

So, has he changed?
Nian Siyan fell silent, and Lan Shuang didn't get an answer and didn't take it to heart. After all, how much this person said depends on his mood.


The speed of the suspension vehicle was really fast, soaring in the air like the wind, and it arrived at the testing institution they had reserved in less than 10 minutes.

Nian Siyan had sent them a message before they left, so when they got out of the car, the people from the agency had already lined up at the door, waiting respectfully.

Nian Siyan frowned when he saw the battle.

He has never liked too lively occasions, he is too lazy to socialize, he has already said not to do these things, but they still have to be smart.

Lan Shuang looked at Nian Siyan's suddenly sullen face and shook her head. She had nothing to do.

When the people from the agency saw Nian Siyan, it was like seeing a dog with fleshy bones, their eyes lit up, and they wanted to rush up and hug his thigh.

Nian Siyan immediately looked back indifferently, frightening them with his eyes. When someone tried to talk to him, his brows and eyes sank, and he suddenly released a powerful pacifying element.

The faces of the people in the organization changed, and they retreated one after another, but they were suppressed by instinct and couldn't move.

They looked at Nian Siyan in horror, and Nian Siyan said lightly, "Can I go in now?"

The people from the organization hurriedly said: "Yes... yes!"

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows, why didn't she feel oppressed?When Nian Siyan released An Fusu, he avoided her?

Can appeaseton attack people so purposefully?As expected of an SS-rank knight!
"Let's go." Nian Siyan withdrew his comforting element and took the lead, and Lan Shuang immediately followed.

888 watched from the space, hating that iron can't be made into steel.

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah, people are afraid that you will be hurt and avoid you on purpose, isn't your first reaction to be moved? ?Host, what are you thinking about! ! !

When will we be together after this goes on?

888 crouched on the ground depressed and drew circles.

After being threatened by Nian Siyan, the people in the agency were obviously more honest, and led them into the testing room, and took a little bit of their soothing body fluid.

After the doctor asked Lan Shuang's name, he wanted to ask a few more questions, so Nian Siyan came over and grabbed Lan Shuang's wrist.

The doctor looked at the two in shock and gossip.

Nian Si said coldly: "I hope that more people will not know about this test. If the information is leaked, we will see you in the federal court."

The doctor came back to his senses, his back was in a cold sweat, he almost forgot that this man in front of him was Nian Siyan, he always kept his word!
He pushed his glasses and said nervously, "General, don't worry, we have professional ethics."

The corner of Nian Siyan's mouth curled up in a mocking arc, "Then what were you asking just now?"


It stands to reason that they are only responsible for testing, and have no right to ask the identity of the testing person.

He had just crossed the line.

(End of this chapter)

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