Chapter 441 Let Me Take Another Bite 21
Finally, under the doctor's reassurance, Nian Siyan left with Lan Shuang.

It will take three days for the test results to come out, and it is useless for them to stay here.

Before getting on the suspension car, Lan Shuang suddenly said: "General, please take me back to Lan's house."

Nian Siyan paused, and slightly frowned, "Are you going back to Lan's house now?"

Lan Shuang nodded: "Your riot period is over, you don't need my consolation for the time being, and my grades have come out, there is no need to continue to be hospitalized, so I plan to go back, this layer of window paper, sooner or later you will have to poke broken."

Nian Siyan looked at her in silence for a while, then suddenly unbuttoned his coat.

Lan Shuang: "???"

Isn't it a serious conversation?Why are you undressing?
She took a slight step back warily.

Nian Siyan: "..."

He took off his coat and held it in his hand, and said to Lan Shuang, "Come here."

The voice is low and gentle, but with a bit of instinctive strength.

Lan Shuang walked over suspiciously, Nian Siyan shook the black coat in his hand and spread it over Lan Shuang's shoulders, "Put it on."

His coat was too big for Lan Shuang, the length covered her buttocks, and even two of them would not feel crowded wearing it together. Originally, Lan Shuang was relatively thin, so the big black coat made her petite and pitiful.

Nian Siyan's eyes moved slightly.

The jacket still carried the body temperature and smell of Nian Siyan, and the warm wine was inexplicably gentle.

Lan Shuang was in a daze for a moment, and then felt the top of her head sink slightly. She looked up, and Nian Siyan had already withdrawn her hand, and said calmly, "I'll take you back to Lan's house. If you need anything Or if you encounter any danger, contact me as soon as possible."

Lan Shuang was silent for a moment, grabbed her coat tightly and gathered it up, "Okay."


The suspension car stopped at the gate of Lan's house. Lan Shuang hesitated before getting out of the car, but turned her head and said, "If you need my pheromone comfort, you can contact me at any time, and I will go when I am free."

The corners of Nian Siyan's lips raised slightly, "Yes."

As soon as the door of the suspension car was closed, Lan Shuang stood at the gate of Lan's house. Instead of going in immediately, she asked 888, "Little Baba, do you think Nian Siyan is a bit weird?"

888 pretended to be stupid and stunned: "Ah? Is there? Didn't you see it? I think it's quite normal. What does the host think is wrong?"

Lan Shuang hesitated and shook her head: "I can't say it, it's just a feeling."

"That may be a wrong feeling. The host should not think too much. The most important thing now is that you are going back to Lan's house. You will have a tough battle to fight soon! Keep your spirits up!"

888 changed the subject without a trace.

Lan Shuang looked at the gate of the Lan family, "Okay, let's deal with the monsters and goblins of the Lan family first."

She clenched the test report in her hand and walked in.


It was dinner time at this time, and the main characters of the Lan family had all returned, sitting around the long dining table, talking about their work and knowledge for the day.

Before Lan Shuang went in, she heard laughter from inside, she smiled coldly, laugh, she will be happier in a while.

She walked into the living room calmly, and Lan Bing, who was facing her, was the first to see her, and was taken aback. Seeing that she was silent, the people next to her followed suit, and then everyone at the table noticed something was wrong.

Everyone looked over, Lan Shuang smiled and asked, "I haven't seen you for a few days, don't you know me?"

"Lan Shuang? Why do you still have the face to come back? I thought you were going to stay outside until you died."

"So strong, what are you going back to Lan's house for?"

"Are you wearing a man's clothes? Tsk tsk tsk, what have you been doing outside?"

Everyone condemned her in one go, but Lan Shuang just pretended not to hear.

Lan Bing's eyes flickered, but he didn't greet her immediately.

"Are there any rules? What are you arguing about?"

Lan Ping was helped down from upstairs by Andre, and after speaking, he saw Lan Shuang standing alone in the hall.

Lan Shuang heard the dull sound of the crutches, turned her head, met Shang Lan Ping's gaze, and smiled at him: "Good evening, Mr. Lan Ping."

Her unfamiliar title and smile made Lan Ping feel uncomfortable from the bottom of her heart.

"You still know how to come back? I thought you would look down on our Lan family after you climbed the high branch of Nian Siyan."

Lan Ping passed by her, looked her up and down, saw the paper in her hand, frowned and asked, "What is this?"

Lan Shuang turned to face him, and held up the test report for him to read, "My test report."

Lan Ping's expression changed suddenly, and he asked excitedly and terrified, "What is it?!"

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows: "Of course it's a messenger."

Lan Ping's heart sank to the bottom of the valley just after jumping up, and the veins on his forehead throbbed and hurt.

"What did you say?!"

"I said, I evolved into a messenger."

Lan Ping's eyes widened, and she grabbed Andre's arm firmly, until Andre's face turned green, but she didn't dare to make a sound, and could only endure it.

After a while, Lan Ping finally digested the bad news and snatched the report from Lan Shuang.

"A messenger? How could it be a messenger? Why is it still a messenger?"

He asked three times in a row, as if the sky had collapsed.

Seeing his bereaved face, Lan Shuang felt extremely happy.

She wants to take revenge for all the harm these people inflicted on the original owner in the previous life. Even if the original owner is magnanimous and doesn't care, she can't. She is always vengeful.

Lan Ping looked at the test report that was snatched over, and the column of gender behind Lan Shuang's name on it said messenger girl.

Lan Shuang may tell lies, but the test report will not, and the stamp on it cannot be forged. She has indeed evolved into a messenger.

Lan Ping held his breath and scanned down, then paused again, "S+ level envoy?"

He looked at it again in disbelief, "Spiritual power level is it possible?"

His voice was a little high, and the people at the table heard it, and everyone was stunned, as if a drop of water was added to a boiling oil pan, and it exploded all at once.


"Is it fake? Impossible!"

"Where is the S+ level envoy, where is it?"

In the chaos, Lan Bing smashed the spoon in his hand on the plate.

A crisp sound made everyone quiet again.

Lan Shuang took back her test report, held it up and said, "Here is the test report, the certificate issued by the medical school of Federal First Academy. If you don't believe it, you can ask yourself."

"If there is no evidence, it is false. I can tell the academy and let them sue you with malicious rumors and defamation."

Everyone immediately shut their mouths, their faces becoming more ugly than the others.

"So you are in the hospital these days, not because of hypoglycemia, but because of evolution?" Lan Ping's IQ was finally back online, and everything was straightened out. He suddenly felt that he had been swayed by Lan Shuang, and said with a livid face: "Okay, your wings are so hard that you dare to play with me!"

 you deserve it

(End of this chapter)

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