Chapter 443 Let Me Take Another Bite 23
Lan Shuang sighed comfortably when she was lying on the big bed after taking a shower, and 888 finally opened her eyes, and couldn't help but sneered and said, "Host, the part where you talked about Nian Siyan downstairs was really a bitch." Oh! I see that the fists of the envoys over there are hardened, if Lan Ping hadn't been there, they might have charged up and tore you apart."

"Especially when you're pulling your coat, oh my god, I'm dying of laughter! It's so bitch, but it's so cool to say something!"

888 was leaning back and forth laughing in the space, Lan Shuang turned her head to look at the black coat on the chair, and spread her hands: "No way, I don't have anything now, only Nian Siyan's thigh is still good, of course I have to Take advantage of it, not a single drop of pacifier is given for nothing."

888 gave a thumbs up, "This is Lanshuang."

Lan Shuang laughed enough, and her eyes sank, "I have to stimulate them to take the bait, otherwise the next plan will not go well. The original owner's wish is to get rid of the control of the Lan family and study hard, but as long as the past life is not resolved, Lan Bing and Lan Ping are still alive, this wish is destined to fail to come true, so we must deal with them first, oh yes, and what is that scum called?"

888 was stunned for a moment, and tentatively asked: "Host, are you talking about the husband of the original owner's previous life?"

Lan Shuang disdained: "Husband? He is also worthy? He is a scum."

888: "His name is Zhong Yue."

"Oh yes, it's this Zhong Yue. In his previous life, didn't he dislike the fact that the original owner didn't match him well enough? This time I'll find him a good enough match."

Lan Shuang sent a message to Nian Siyan while talking.


As soon as Lan Shuang opened her eyes the next day, she received a message from Lan Ping, asking her to pack up and go to the testing facility with Lan Bing at noon.

The testing agency here has an advantage over the ones that Lan Shuang and Nian Siyan went to before. This testing agency has an independent collection of pacifin, which covers almost all the pacifin samples of knights and messengers in the entire Federation. At the beginning of their evolution , will come here to register once to facilitate the summary of data in the future.

The one Lan Shuang was looking for did not exist, so it needed to be re-collected, but the re-collected data did not communicate with this place.

This is what Lan Shuang has set up.

"Here, sister, you can get off the car." Lan Bing stepped off the suspension car first, and stood outside the car looking at Lan Shuang, with a smile that could not hide her excitement.

Lan Shuang watched calmly, said nothing, and walked down after unfastening her seat belt.

This institution occupies a very large area and looks very spectacular. Lan Ping took them around to find a place for testing.

"After going in for a while, you don't need to do anything, just follow the steps they said."

Lan Ping sat in the lounge outside and waved his hands, "Go."

"Good father." Lan Bing turned to look at Lan Shuang, "If my sister is afraid, you can follow me."

Lan Shuang was noncommittal.

The two went in one after the other, and the well-dressed doctor pointed to the hospital bed covered with snow-white sheets and said, "You haven't collected before, have you?"

"Yes doctor, we are here for the first time."

Lan Bing talked openly with the doctor, and the doctor nodded: "Then you lie down on the hospital bed, lift your hair up, and reveal the soothing body, we are going to collect the soothing body fluid now, it won't be very painful, let you get up get up again."

Lan Shuang obediently laid down on the hospital bed, and with a sound of "ding", the curtain between the beds was pulled up, Lan Shuang couldn't see Lan Bing's side, she squinted her eyes, "Little Baba, Lan Bing's side How's it going?"

888 could see the situation on the other side through the curtain, he touched his chin and said, "Hmph, she's trying to bribe the doctor! I saw her stuff something that looks like a card into the doctor's hand."

"Sure enough." Lan Shuang pulled her lower lip with a sarcasm on her face.

They are sisters, and they are all messengers. They don't need to take off their clothes or close the curtains when they are collecting, but most people don't notice this. She has inherited the memory of the original owner, so she asks more.

"What did the doctor do?"

888 looked at it for a while, and frowned: "The doctor accepted it directly, with a natural expression, and nodded at Lan Bing, hiss—why do I feel like they have discussed it in advance?"

Lan Shuang buried her head in her arms and smiled silently, "Of course it was discussed in advance. It should be that Lan Bing contacted the other party last night. Today is just for a reward. Let's wait and see."

Soon the doctor walked over to Lan Shuang after collecting it for Lan Bing. He didn't show any abnormalities when collecting it for Lan Shuang, and even boasted: "Although your soothing body evolved relatively late, it evolved very well. , very mature."

Lan Shuang's cold eyes were hidden in the darkness, and she asked in a gentle tone with a smile: "Really? That's good."

The doctor put the extracted pacifier body fluid into a test tube, and before Lan Shuang got up, he put her name label on Lan Bing's test tube, and said to her: "Okay, you can get up now."

Lan Shuang sat up and looked at him, and said with a half smile, "Thank you doctor."

The doctor was a little guilty and didn't dare to look her in the eyes, so he nodded hastily and left.

The curtain retreated, revealing Lan Bing's face, four eyes met, Lan Bing's eyes shone with a strange light, "I don't know what the knight who will match us will look like, I hope he is a handsome guy."

Lan Shuang got up, exhaled lightly, her smile didn't reach her eyes, "Don't worry, he must be very handsome."

Lan Bing didn't notice it, and walked out on her own, her steps became much lighter. Lan Shuang had no doubt that if she put wings on her at this time, she could fly up immediately.

Be happy, there are not a few days to be happy anyway.

When she walked out of the gate of the testing agency, Lan Shuang's personal terminal lit up, and she glanced at it casually, it was Nian Siyan's news.

She clicked on it and saw that it was a test result report.

I don't know if it's because of fear of Nian Siyan, or because of something else, their test results came out very quickly, but this is not harmful to Lan Shuang.

She clicked on it, skipped those messy terms, and only looked at the last string of numbers, which said: The matching degree of the two sides is 99.99%, which is approximately equal to 100%, and it is calculated on the basis of 100%.

Seeing this, the big stone in Lan Shuang's heart fell from the ground, "Xiao Baba, the good show is about to begin."

888 rubbed his hands: "I'm looking forward to it!"


Tomorrow is the day when the college starts. Lan Shuang packed up the clothes she brought and put them in a bag. Besides, she didn't take any clothes prepared for her by the Lan family.

Drawing a clear line with the Lan family is not just talking.

Before going to bed, she remembered that she hadn't replied to Nian Siyan's message, so she tentatively sent him a sentence: "I saw the report, thank you, good night."


"Admiral, tomorrow is the opening ceremony of your alma mater. The dean sent you an invitation letter. You didn't decide whether to go before, but now..."

Nian Siyan glanced at the terminal, raised his head, and said with a slight smile in his voice, "Go."

He's going to get his coat back.

(End of this chapter)

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