Lan Shuang had just changed her clothes early in the morning, when she heard someone knocking on the door, she opened it suspiciously, oh, it was her "good sister" Lan Bing.

Today is the opening ceremony of the college. Usually, you don't care what the college wears, but on this day, you must wear the uniform of the college.

The girls are all sea-blue tops with white shirts, red plaid bow ties, and red plaid skirts underneath, just above the knees, with stockings and small leather shoes underneath.

Lan Bing very carefully matched a crystal brooch on the jacket, which sparkled and looked exquisite without being overly ostentatious.

Lan Shuang saw the brooch at the first sight when she opened the door. Sensing her gaze, Lan Bing touched it and said with a smile, "Are you looking at this? This is a school-opening gift from my mother. If you like it , I’ll give you one? But my style is limited, there’s only this one in the entire Federation, if you want—”

Before she could finish Versailles, Lan Shuang shot like lightning, and snatched her brooch before Lan Bing could react.

Lan Bing: "???"

"What are you doing?" Suddenly frightened by this, the mask of gentleness on her face was broken, revealing her true face of bitterness.

Lan Shuang blinked innocently, and twirled the brooch between her fingers. Lan Bing held her breath as she watched, for fear that she would drop the priceless brooch if she lost her grip.

There is only one point of truth in what she said just now—this brooch is really unique, the only one in the entire Federation, and her mother gave it to her with Lan Ping's approval, saying that it was taken out to support the Lan family. If you come back at night, you have to return it, and if it breaks, Lan Ping will have to peel off her skin.

Seeing that her nervous eyeballs were almost glued to the brooch, Lan Shuang laughed: "Didn't my sister say she would give me one? I just fell in love with this one. Since there is no second one, you are so generous, so I will give you this one." Give it to me? How many years older than me are you, you won’t be willing to grant me even this little wish, right?”

"You..." Lan Bing choked and widened her eyes.

Who is going to send you?I was showing off to you, do you understand showing off?Don't you understand?Or is it intentional?
She looked at Lan Shuang suspiciously, and Lan Shuang smiled again: "Just kidding, since my sister doesn't want to, then forget it and give it back to you. I don't want your things, but you don't want mine either." Grab it~ Otherwise, I will turn against you."

Lan Shuang gently put the brooch back on for her, and her tone was as light as a feather, but she had something in her words, and the needle was hidden in the cotton, which made Lan Bing's goose bumps pop out all over her body.

"Okay." Lan Shuang patted Lan Bing's shoulder after putting on the brooch, "It's almost time, let's go."

She took the lead to leave, and Lan Bing squinted her eyes looking at her back.

Is it an illusion?Why did she feel that Lan Shuang seemed to be acting weird?

No way, what could an uninformed wild girl from a slum threaten her?With her S+ grade pacifying hormone?

Thinking of what she did, she curled her lips, feeling relaxed again, so what about S+?The final winner can only be her!


On the first day of school, Lan Ping didn't show up, but asked Andre to drive them in a suspension car.

Andre greeted Lan Bing throughout the whole process, with a considerate attitude. When facing Lan Shuang, he rolled his eyes and ignored him at all. Anyway, in his opinion, an envoy of Lan Shuang's temperament will marry sooner or later, and there is no threat to him. There is no need to please her, not to mention that she made herself a fool of herself in front of her idol, and he will remember Lan Shuang for this hatred for the rest of her life.

So after Lan Shuang sat down, he gouged out Lan Shuang's eyes, and when Lan Shuang got out of the car, he glared at Lan Shuang again. Got caught straight.

Andre: "..."

The scene was somewhat embarrassing.

Lan Shuang didn't take it seriously, and asked seriously, "Andre, is there something wrong with your eyes?"

Andre was taken aback for a moment, and then he became angry: "What nonsense are you talking about? My eyes are fine."

"Really? But I see that you are always looking up, you are rolling your eyes, tsk tsk tsk, you look weird, I suggest you go to the hospital, if you are sick, you have to treat it as soon as possible, in case it gets worse after a long time, Maybe we have to dig out the eyeballs and replace them with artificial ones."

After Lan Shuang finished speaking, she gave him a sympathetic look, and then walked away.

Lan Bing: "..."

Andre: "..."

He thumped the dashboard hard and cursed. He became incapable and furious, causing 0 points of damage to Lan Shuang.

Lan Bing appeased Andre with a few words before catching up with Lan Shuang, "You shouldn't talk to Andre like this, he is father's right-hand man, you offended him, he said something in father's ear, yes You are no good, sister, you better control yourself."

Lan Shuang: "Oh."

Lan Bing: "Do you know how to get there? Let me show you the way? I came to report on the first day, and there are quite a lot of things. I have been here for two years, and I am still your senior sister. I..."

Lan Shuang silently clicked on the personal terminal, clicked on the public function, and a gentle female voice sounded immediately, "Now open the map of the First Federal College and connect to the Smart College, please wait..."

Lan Bing: "..."

What are you doing?
Lan Shuang seemed to see her doubts, and explained with a smile: "Federal First Academy has its own intelligent system, which can solve all the questions of new students. It is very convenient. Don't you know, sister?"

Lan Bing: "..."

I know, so, you mean I'm not as convenient as an intelligent system?

Lan Shuang showed with her actions that she was far behind the system.

"The system has been connected... Hello, my dear student, I am Mu Yuan, the dean of the Federal First College, and I am very happy to serve you. What do you need me to do for you now? Navigation or the freshman reporting process? "

This system was developed by the dean himself when he was bored, and all the sounds in it were recorded by himself, which sounds very friendly.

Lan Shuang smiled and said, "Thank you Dean, I want the reporting process for freshmen."

"Oh~ What a polite and smart kid, now follow my guidance to the registration office to get your student ID, dormitory card and subsidy card."

After the voice fell, a map was displayed on Lan Shuang's terminal, and a stickman stood there waving at her.

Lan Shuang couldn't help laughing, "The dean is really an interesting person."

A thick red light appeared under the stickman's feet, extending not far away. This is the correct route.

Lan Shuang took a step forward, and the stickman also took a step. Lan Bing was ignored and turned into air. She said unwillingly: "Sister, do you really don't want me to help you? Then I'll go first?"

Lan Shuang said decisively: "Oh."

Lan Bing: "..."

This man is so annoying!

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