Chapter 446 Let Me Take Another Bite 26
How can this work?The host already has someone!And you can't beat that guy, don't be wishful thinking, be careful that he will throw away your ashes!
888 was going crazy in the system space, but Lanshuang couldn't hear or see, and was still talking to Hua Ming. The two seemed to hit it off.

888 broke down a bit, "Well, host, do you want to stay away from Huaming?"

Lan Shuang paused, her eyes fell on Hua Ming, she narrowed her eyes, she smiled on the surface, and asked seriously in her heart: "What? What's wrong with him?"

888 hesitated and shook his head, "Uh...not at all."

"Then why should I stay away from him? We are sisters of the same sex from the point of view of the big classification."


Is it possible that you just treat her as a sister?
He anxiously gnawed on his finger, hesitated for a while, and decided to tell the truth. The host seems very smart, but he has his own persistence in certain aspects. If he can't produce strong evidence to convince her, she will not be easily shaken. .

888 whispered: "Actually, Hua Ming's sexual orientation is an envoy, not a knight, and you are a female envoy. For him, you are the type he likes the most. Do you understand? So you'd better stay away from him point."

Lan Shuang suddenly realized that this was what he meant, but... "I don't mean that to him, but it's okay to be friends with him. We can chat very well. I can't alienate him just because he likes the messenger? Sexual orientation There is no right or wrong, only suitable or inappropriate, I cannot accept your reason, Xiao Baba, I hope you will face up to the issue of equality for people of different sexual orientations."


Strangers can see it, but the sister who spends day and night can't recognize it?

However, even though Lan Shuang thought about it all night, checked a lot of information, and envisioned many possibilities, she never expected that Nian Siyan would come to present her the award in the end!

Lying on the bed and looking at the pale pink ceiling, Lan Shuang couldn't help thinking, who would be her award presenter?An expert in pharmacy?

Lan Shuang put down the bag in her hand, took off her coat, turned around and threw herself on the bed.

The dormitory environment of Federal First College is notoriously good. Everyone has a single room. The area is not large, but there are private bathrooms and wardrobes, which can meet everyone's basic needs.

"Sister?" Lan Bing walked around in front of Lan Shuang, and asked in confusion, "Why are you ignoring me when I call you?"

What's wrong with your scumbag coaxing your girlfriend's tone!
Forget it, it's not something that a weak, helpless and pitiful little system like him should worry about. He just silently watched the development of the plot.

After Lan Shuang got into the elevator, she found her room according to the number on the dormitory card. Probably there were not many people majoring in pharmacy, so she was the only one staying around her, and there were many people from other majors, coming in and out. out.

Lan Bing's delicate and soft voice sounded from behind, Lan Shuang glanced at the sun and shook her head, it was really a sight to behold.

"Phew, it finally calmed down—"

After swiping the card, the door of the dormitory opened with a "ding", Lan Shuang looked up and was very satisfied.

What Lan Shuang hates most is being in the center of sight, like a monkey for people to watch.

As soon as her temper came up, she was not used to Lan Bing, and asked instead: "I've been here for a while, why can't my sister find it? Did you find the wrong place? Or did you remember my major wrong?"

That's not what he meant!He didn't discriminate against Hua Ming, but wanted to save his own life!The two of you remember a letter and start playing fancy, but there is still an insider like him!
If he doesn't realize that something unexpected happened, when this world ends, you two won't be able to pick him up?

There are few people in the pharmacy major, and Lan Shuang is the first in this year. As a student representative, she has to stand in the front. With such a conspicuous position, if she can't see it, there is really no other possibility except blindness.

Lan Bing entered school two years earlier than Lan Shuang, and has been painstakingly managing her gentle and generous personality, so many people in the academy know her and have a good impression of her. As soon as she appeared, many people moved closer to her.

Early the next morning, the students got up early, washed, dressed and assembled downstairs. They gathered together in twos and threes and whispered, with no concealment of excitement and anticipation on their faces.


Although they were all envoys, men and women lived separately. Lan Shuang and the five Hua family brothers parted ways in front of the dormitory building, and went upstairs with their own bags.

Lan Shuang: "...Hey, don't cry. I don't mean to blame you. If you really can't accept it, I will reduce the chances of meeting Hua Ming. If you still feel uncomfortable, you can block it. What a big deal ,do not Cry."

After lying down for a while, she read the handbook that was handed out. Tomorrow's opening ceremony, the No.1 of each branch school will go to the stage to receive their own medals. At that time, elites from various fields who graduated from the academy will be invited back to present them with medals.

Everything on the bed was replaced with new ones, and the toiletries were also complete, so she didn't need to buy anything extra. For a person like her who was poor overnight, she was so lucky.

"Sister, you are here. I have been looking for a long time but I can't find anyone. I thought you hadn't woken up yet."

But whenever this feeling occurs, there will always be a mouse dropping something bad.

Coupled with the aggrieved expression, it instantly attracted the attention of many people.

That energetic appearance made Lan Shuang feel like studying on earth in a trance.


888 originally wanted to cry but had no tears, but now he really cried, with tears falling down.

Obviously impossible, can't it really be that I have misremembered my major?

Those who can enter the academy are more or less capable, and they are not fools who are easy to fool. After hearing Lan Shuang's words, the smart people realized what was going on, and looked at Lan Bing's eyes a little bit playfully.

The center of sight immediately changed from Lanshuang to Lanbing.

Lan Bing: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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