Chapter 447 Let Me Take Another Bite 27
"Ah, I forgot. It wasn't long before I was recognized as returning to the Lan family. There are many brothers and sisters in the family. It's normal for my sister to remember wrongly. Don't take it to heart."

Lan Bing: "..."

She almost failed to maintain her gentle personality, what kind of nonsense is Lan Shuang talking about?
Doesn't this mean that they are not familiar with each other?
The people around showed expressions of sudden realization.

It turned out to be the younger sister who was just found, and she was not familiar with her, so what are you doing now?Pretending to be sisters?
Lan Shuang looked at Lan Bing with a smile, Lan Bing was so angry that her temples hurt suddenly.

She took a deep breath and managed to maintain the smile on her face, "I'm sorry sister, I misremembered, I originally wanted to ask if you had breakfast, if you haven't, we can return now .”

A knight next to him couldn't stand it anymore, stood up and looked Lan Shuang up and down, and said dissatisfiedly: "Lan Bing is also kind, what are you talking about in a weird way? A younger sister who has just been found, she can do this. You have exhausted your benevolence and righteousness, and you are still not satisfied?"

Lan Bing glanced at him gratefully, but said: "Don't say that, she just returned to Lan's house, it's normal for her to be sensitive, just get along with her more."

"You still speak for her? There is still a difference between being sensitive and being rude? I think she—"

"See what happened to her? What do you want to see? What's your opinion?"

"I think she's very polite. When you first meet, you criticize her when you come up. It seems that you are even more rude?"

The person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, and the opponent is also a knight, and the pressure is very heavy, the strength is obviously superior to him, and he cannot be provoked.

All the small TVs flickered for a moment, and then a person appeared, a middle-aged man wearing a silver-blue suit, combing his hair meticulously, and wearing silver glasses. gentleman.

Hua Ming's smile was as gentle as a spring breeze, "Well, I was originally the first in pharmacy, but after you made up the exam, I became the second."

Lan Shuang heard something was wrong, "What's wrong with you?"

The four eyes met, and the four big brothers next to each other were very happy.

"Hoo-hoo-hey--can you hear me?"

Lan Shuang nodded, "By the way, you also majored in pharmacy? I forgot to ask before."

She turned her head and looked at Hua Ming, dumbfounded, and Hua Ming miraculously kept up with her brain circuit, and said with a smile: "Brother, they are like my father, they are all taller, and people in our family are like this. "

Seeing that the relationship between Lan Shuang and Hua Ming is getting better and better, he is really worried!The security guard of love is about to lose his job, woo woo woo woo——

The square of the Federal First Academy is huge, and when you look around, it is full of people. There are twenty small TVs floating in the sky, broadcasting live the situation on the high platform in front, so that the students behind can see clearly.

Hearing the familiar opening remarks, Lan Shuang felt a sense of intimacy in her heart.

"Okay, now we invite our special award presenter to come on stage!"

Halfway through the swearing, he was held back.

"...The precautions for admission, you should have known it when you reported it, so I won't waste your time repeating it, and then go directly to the awarding session, after that, you will get No.1 every time you take an exam in this academy. The students will be awarded a medal, which is a symbol of honor, affirmation of ability, and the best gift worth cherishing for a lifetime, after graduation and leaving school, with these medals, you can also find a better job."


"It seems that no matter which world you are in, the process of trying the microphone before speaking is the same."

Lan Shuang: "..."

"I see."

The knight who spoke for Lan Bing had a bad temper. When he heard someone refute him, he turned black on the spot and wanted to scold him back, but when he turned his head, he saw four big men with strong muscles standing behind a messenger standing behind Lan Bing. Frost's side.

"It's okay, I'll try to win one." Hua Ming not only didn't feel uncomfortable, but was aroused to fight.

Lan Bing and 888 were not very happy.

Everyone has their own position, which was marked on the stage. Lan Shuang found her own position and stood there. When she looked up, she met thousands of pairs of eyes.

888 burst into tears when he wanted to speak, and he covered his mouth: "It's okay, the system suffers from daily convulsions."

If someone else said this, Lan Shuang might have to worry about whether the other party had other intentions, but when Hua Ming said this, his attitude was gentle and natural, and he didn't shy away from it at all, obviously he didn't care much.

And 888 is worried that his head is going bald. Although his image is virtual and there is no such thing as baldness, he still feels this way now.

At this time, the advantage of fewer students in pharmacy came to the fore again. With fewer people, the students stood at the front. Lan Shuang took a cursory glance and found that there were probably less than 100 freshmen in this major.

Dozens of small heads on the stage turned to the entrance in unison, and they saw big figures who were rarely seen coming out one by one, followed by a beautifully dressed hostess holding a tray.

Other majors are more than a hundred times their.

Lan Shuang smiled and said, "I'm sorry, today the medal belongs to me."

Lan Shuang was taken aback, the dean looked so young, why did he have such a vicissitudes of voice?

Yi Pingliu took the lead in applauding, and Lan Shuang stepped onto the podium under Hua Ming's gaze.

Several people chatted and laughed and followed the teaching assistant to the square.

Lan Bing originally came here to find fault on purpose, but she was slapped in the face instead. What's more, she couldn't get in the way now. She looked at the five brothers and exhausted all her restraint and said, "I still have something to do over there. , let’s go first, see you later.”

"Why are there so few people studying pharmacy?" Lan Shuang poked 888.
888 was ashamed and said weakly: "Oh, maybe it's because the major is difficult, graduation is difficult and there is not much future."

"Now, please come to the stage to receive the award for the No.1 of each major!"

Lan Shuang looked at the shadow that suddenly appeared on the ground. Good guy, he was really tall and big. She was a lot shorter beside her. She and Hua Ming stood in the middle, and the other four elder brothers stood on both sides, forming a circle. very clear - concave
Lan Shuang: "..."

"Who is he-"

She was rarely nervous, and hoped that the award presenter would not talk too much and let her go down quickly.

"I am very glad to see so many new faces here today. I am your dean, Yi Pingliu. You can call me Lao Yi."

Thank you for being hurt.

Soon, when the last person appeared, there was a commotion both on and off the stage.

"It's Nian Siyan!!! Mom, why is the general here?"

"He actually came! Who is he giving the award to? Oh my god, I'm going to pass out, is that person going to die of happiness?"

Lan Shuang couldn't help but gasped for breath, staring blankly at the man who came onto the stage in the general uniform.

Why is he here?No, he didn't say he was coming?
(End of this chapter)

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