Chapter 451 Let Me Take Another Bite 31
Lan Shuang looked at this and was slightly taken aback, then laughed.

She moved her fingers quickly on the screen: [So, can this matter be handed over to the general?I am a soft-spoken person who has no power~]

Looking at the wavy line, Nian Siyan immediately saw Lan Shuang's appearance when he said this, it must be sly and a little arrogant.

He chuckled, [Well, I will deal with this matter, but the Lan family should already know the result by now, right?No trouble for you? 】

Lan Shuang sat up from the bed, opened the curtains and looked outside, Lan Ping's hover car was parked at the gate, and Lan Ping was coming down from it.

Lan Shuang: 【Ah, it should be here soon】

Nian Siyan: [Huh? 】

However, Lan Shuang didn't reply again, there were footsteps outside the door, Lan Shuang turned her head and leaned against the window, and heard Lan Bing's gloating voice, "Sister, go downstairs, father is looking for you."

She couldn't hide the excitement and excitement in her tone, Lan Shuang pulled the corners of her mouth and murmured in a low voice: "I hope you can still laugh later."

She put on her clothes and walked briskly to open the door.

At the same time, Nian Siyan immediately made a video call to Alice without waiting for Lan Shuang's reply.

Alice answered in seconds, "Dear General, what are your orders?"

Nian Siyan said in a deep voice: "I'll send you two reports later, take a look, and then go investigate the FT testing center to see who tested Lan Shuang and Lan Bing that day, from top to bottom , check everything, and arrest immediately if there is any abnormality."

Although Alice is used to Nian Siyan's recent anomalies, she will still be shocked by Nian Siyan's exception.

In the Federation, the admiral has great powers. He has the right to arrest suspected criminals without the approval of the Supreme Court and the Federal Police, and all departments that have nothing to do with federal secrets can be opened for him.

But Nian Siyan had never used these rights. Everyone said that he had the rank of general, but his heart was still at the time of major.

Only the people around him know that it's not that he doesn't know how to use it, but he just thinks it's unnecessary.

But this time, he actually made an exception for Lan Shuang?
Alice suppressed the shock in her heart, and immediately said: "Yes, I will deal with it as soon as possible."

"Well, after checking it out, give me a detailed report. I'm going to Lan's house."



In the lobby of the Lan family, the faces of those who were forced to go downstairs early in the morning were very ugly, yawning, sitting on the sofa and wishing they could fall asleep in the next second, but looking at Lan Ping who strode in, they insisted The impulse subsided.

Immediately afterwards, Lan Shuang and Lan Bing came down from upstairs one after the other. Lan Shuang looked around and found a single sofa to sit down. The others just glanced at her and then looked away. Attracted.

Today is not an anniversary day, but Lan Bing is wearing a very grand dress. She is wearing a goose-yellow v-neck light dress, which is well-cut and perfectly complements her exquisite figure. Just right, she even put on light makeup.

Everyone couldn't help feeling suspicious.

Lan Ping walked in quickly, seeing Lan Bing's appearance, couldn't help but take a second look, and suddenly showed a gratified smile, "Bing Bing is really doing me a favor."

The others are even more confused, what are you trying to do?

Lan Bing greeted her with a smile, took Lan Ping's arm and leaned her head on his shoulder, "Daughter didn't expect such a result, the match between me and the general is as high as 99.99%!"

Lan Ping laughed and stroked her hair: "It's fate, our Lan family is destined to go to the next level!"

Everyone was in an uproar: "99.99%?"

"And Admiral? Which Admiral?"

Lan Bing smiled and turned to look at the person who spoke, "Of course it is General Nian Siyan."


Qiu Yan swept across the crowd proudly, fiddled with her beautiful nails and said: "What's so unexpected, my Bingbing has always been so good."

The mother and daughter looked at each other and smiled tacitly.

Lan Shuang was as quiet as an outsider, taking in all their reactions calmly, and couldn't help showing a meaningful smile.

"Didn't you do the test together? You came out, what about Lan Shuang? The mental strength of S+ level should be able to match someone who is about the same as the general?"

The artillery fire suddenly hit Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang blinked her eyes, her face was innocent, and the villain in her heart was on her hips. You all think of me. Next, it's time for me to perform!
One sentence attracted everyone to look at it, and Lan Shuang stood up Shi Ran, "I saw it."

Lan Bing couldn't control her complacent expression, "My younger sister has also found a partner with a high degree of matching. She is one of Admiral Nian's subordinates. Her name is Zhong Yue. She is a colonel."

The smile on Lan Ping's lips immediately faded when he heard this, and he looked at Lan Shuang with disgust in his eyes, "I have already sent the test results to Colonel Zhong Yue, and there will be a banquet at home in two days, when the time comes Invite the admiral and the colonel to come, you take this opportunity to get in touch, and you will get engaged in a month."

Lan Shuang's eyes widened slightly: "One month later? Is it too urgent? Besides, I didn't say I want to marry him. Even if the degree of matching is high, it doesn't mean anything."

"Don't marry him?" Lan Ping snorted coldly, "Who else do you want to marry? Our Lan family doesn't raise idlers, and if you marry someone with a high degree of matching, you can suffer less and get the best of both worlds. What else do you want?" satisfied?"

"Oh, you think it's pretty good, but that's not what I want. I survived the first 18 years by myself. You haven't fulfilled your father's obligations, but now you are relying on your father's status to guide my life. Tell me, do you think it is reasonable?"

Lan Shuang's tone was cold, and she looked at Lan Ping with some sarcasm in her calm eyes.

Lan Ping was irritated by her eyes: "Shut up! If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have been born at all, let alone stand here and question me."

Lan Bing quickly reassured him, "Father, don't be angry, my sister is still too young, ignorant, and I haven't stayed in this family for long. I don't understand how important the family's honor and disgrace are. Just give me a good education."

It seems that they are pleading for Lan Shuang, but in fact, every sentence is full of fire, which shows that Lan Shuang is just an outsider.

Sure enough, Lan Ping's face turned completely cold, "You don't have to speak for her."

He looked at Lan Shuang, and issued an ultimatum, "You can't choose this matter, either marry him, or, I will find someone to marry you casually right now!"

Lan Shuang narrowed her eyes, "Lan Ping, the Federal Empire is not yours to cover the sky with one hand. If I don't marry, what else can you do to me? I am a student of the First Federal Academy. If you imprison me, the academy will not let you go easily .”

Lan Ping sneered, "What if you are seriously ill and unable to go to school?"

Lan Shuang's eyes froze, "Abusing drugs is illegal, Lan Ping, you are so daring."

"Oh——" Lan Ping didn't deny it, and looked at her coldly, "So, you know what to do?"

Lan Shuang opened her lips and was about to speak, when a coercive low laugh came from outside the door, "Got it."

Lan Ping: "!"

(End of this chapter)

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