Chapter 452 Let Me Take Another Bite 32
Just when he had a smug smile on his face, when he suddenly realized that it was not Lan Shuang's voice, but a man's, his face froze all of a sudden.

He turned around suddenly, and there was a "hum" in his mind for a moment.

Lan Shuang also followed the crowd to look, and saw a tall and slender figure coming against the light. The sun cast a dazzling halo behind him, making his figure more prominent, with wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs. The most eye-catching thing is the star sea epaulets on his shoulders, which is the symbol of the general of the Federation. This blue gemstone is very rare in the Federation, and it is directly monopolized by the military. As an honor and reward, it is only given to those who have outstanding meritorious service people.

The entire Federation has this epaulet, and ten fingers can count it.

Someone exclaimed: "Is it General Nian Siyan?"

Lan Shuang smiled, but she came just in time.

After that exclamation, the entire lobby fell silent, and everyone held their breath.

In such a tense atmosphere, all he could hear was the "da da" sound of Nian Siyan's military boots stepping on the floor.

Lan Ping's hand holding the cane trembled slightly, why did he come here?How much did he hear what he just said?Didn't you hear it all?

He was flustered in his heart, but he remained calm on the surface. After all, he was an old fritter, and he still had this psychological quality.

He greeted him with a smile, "The admiral is here, it really makes the humble house shine!"

Sunshine was left behind, and Nian Siyan's outline gradually became clear, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, and a high nose bridge. He was obviously very handsome, and it was easy to make people feel good about him, but his lips were habitually pursed, and immediately a few A daunting sense of coldness.

His cold gaze swept over everyone present, and finally landed on Lan Shuang, his eyes softened almost imperceptibly, "Come here."

Everyone was stunned, who was going there?Where have you been?

Who is he talking to?

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and then saw Lan Shuang in the corner move suddenly, and she walked straight towards Nian Siyan.

Everyone: "???"

These two really know each other?
Although I had heard Lan Ping say that the relationship between the two was unusual, but that was just a rumor, and the feeling was different from seeing it with my own eyes.

Even if they saw it with their own eyes, there were still people secretly hoping that Nian Siyan would immediately slap Lan Shuang and tell her to go away.

However, they were doomed to be disappointed. Lan Shuang walked up to Nian Siyan steadily, and asked with a smile, "Why are you here?"

Nian Siyan looked down at her for a moment, then put his white gloved hand on Lan Shuang's shoulder, and pulled her to his side with a little force.

Du Qianping was standing next to him, but when he saw this, he immediately took a step back and let Lan Shuang and Nian Siyan stand side by side.

Nian Siyan glanced at him, and Du Qianping assured that he saw the word "satisfaction" in it!

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows, "Little Baba, is Nian Siyan here to support me?"

888 bit his handkerchief and asked back, "What do you think?"

"But I thought he was only responsible for investigating the test report. I didn't plan to let him go there in person. Why did he come at this time?"

The only insider, 888, silently wiped away the tears shed for the beautiful love, and said emotionally: "Probably, he is worried about you? The general is really a good man."

Lan Shuang: "..."

What does it mean that you are more moved than me?Are you such a sentimental system?

"Admiral, what do you mean?" Lan Ping still pretended to be confused while pretending to understand.

Lan Bing let go of Lan Ping's hand indiscriminately, and said with a decent smile: "If you have anything to say, let's sit down and talk, General, please—"

Nian Siyan didn't even look at her, but just looked at Lan Ping, "Patriarch Lan, before you ask me, I would like to ask you, what do you mean by medication? The federal government prohibits any non-medical personnel from Taking drugs in an illegal way, judging from your tone just now, it seems that this is not the first time you have done such a thing?"

Lan Ping: "..."

He did hear it!

His mind turned quickly, and he said with a sneer: "You misunderstood, I was just trying to scare her, just kidding, I am the head of the Lan family, how could I do such a lawless thing?"

"Oh? Really?" Nian Siyan looked at him indifferently, obviously not very convinced.

Lan Ping was sure that he had no evidence, so he bit him to death and said, "If the general is worried, you can have someone investigate. My Lan family is clean."

Standing beside Nian Siyan, Du Qianping curled his lower lip indistinctly.

What's the rush, isn't it a matter of time to check you?
"No hurry, let's talk about another thing first."

Nian Siyan didn't get entangled in this issue, we can talk about it later, the most important thing now is to solve Lan Shuang's matter.

He turned his face to Lan Shuang and asked, "Do you have anything else here?"

Lan Shuang was puzzled: "No, I'm poor and white."

I don't know what's so funny about this sentence, it made Nian Siyan curl his lips.

"This is better, you can go straight."

"Ah?" Lan Shuang vaguely had a guess, but she wasn't sure.

When Nian Siyan turned his head to look at Lan Ping, his smile disappeared completely, "I want to take Lan Shuang away, since you don't want to raise her, then I will make the decision, she will have nothing to do with your Lan family in the future. "

"What?" Lan Ping laughed angrily, "Admiral, even if you are an admiral, you have no right to interfere in other people's family affairs, right? Lan Shuang is my daughter, how I treat her is my business, and you It doesn't matter, besides, I didn't treat her harshly, I arranged a suitable marriage for her, what's wrong?"

"Of course I have the right. Federal law stipulates that if the envoy is threatened with his life or other fundamental interests, he may seek help from any agency or military personnel."

Nian Siyan said slowly: "Besides, the federal regulations cannot force free people to marry, including the parents of free people. What you just said is illegal. Master Lan, I hope you have time to read more laws. It will be very helpful for your future."

"As for the suitable marriage you mentioned—" Nian Siyan curled his lips, his smile didn't reach his eyes, but it made people's skin crawl.

"Is the proof the test report? Coincidentally, I also have one here."

As Nian Siyan spoke, he raised his hand and put down his fingers. Du Qianping immediately stepped forward with a stack of papers, "Patriarch Lan, please take a good look."

Lan Ping looked at them suspiciously, and reached out to take them. Lan Bing, who was standing beside her, jumped suddenly, and subconsciously turned her head to look at Qiu Yan.

Qiu Yan clutched the sofa tightly, pretending to be calm, it's impossible, they couldn't find out!
Lan Bing approached Lan Ping anxiously, "What is it?"

"Isn't it still the same test report?" Lan Ping glanced at it, and the first one was still the matching report of Lan Shuang and Zhong Yue.

(End of this chapter)

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