Chapter 453 Let Me Take Another Bite 33
Nian Siyan didn't speak, Lan Shuang smiled, "Don't worry, just keep looking back, there must be something you want to see."

She knew what these papers were after seeing them, and she wasn't worried at all.

Lan Ping gave her a suspicious look, and opened the second sheet. The second sheet was the test report of Lan Bing and Nian Siyan, with a match rate of 99.99%. The corner of his mouth raised uncontrollably, as if a little proud.

However, this was not over yet, he found that there were still two sheets of paper underneath, he opened the third sheet suspiciously, his eyes widened instantly, "This... this..."

This is the matching test report of Lan Shuang and Nian Siyan, also 99.99%. Lan Ping glanced at Lan Shuang in disbelief, and then looked at Lan Bing beside her. speak up.

Lan Ping's heart sank, and his mind told him not to scroll down any further, but his hands couldn't be controlled, and he turned to the next page. The fourth and last page was the test report of Lan Bing and Zhong Yue. According to the report, the match between the two is 87%.

Four sheets of paper, two reports, the result is exactly the same, the only difference is that the name has changed.

Lan Ping's face turned pale and then blue, blue and then red.

As old and cunning as he is, how could he not be able to see that it was tampered with, but... which one is true and which one is fake?
He thought of Nian Siyan's attitude towards Lan Shuang, and he had a vague premonition in his heart, but at this moment he still wanted to struggle.

"Admiral, what do you mean by giving me this? Where does this second report come from?"

Nian Siyan's sharp gaze finally turned to Lan Bing. Lan Bing, who could always hope that he would look at him more, was like a light on his back this time, not daring to look at him, wishing that he would look away immediately.

However, things backfired, Nian Siyan's gaze still pressed down on her like a mountain.

"You should ask your good daughter, Miss Lan Bing, this question."

Lan Ping looked at Lan Bing, who shook her head again and again, "No, I don't know, did the general misunderstand something? I have never read the second report."

Qiu Yan, who looked like an outsider, stepped forward. She stood in front of Lan Bing and stared at Nian Siyan, "Admiral, what evidence do you have to doubt my daughter? Why don't you suspect Lan Shuang? What if she forged the report?" ?”

Lan turned the telegram with her heart, and asked hesitantly: "Did the general make a mistake somewhere? We went to a formal institution, and all the procedures were very normal, without any problems, but this second one..."

Although he didn't bluntly say it was a lie, he looked at Lan Shuang with suspicion in his eyes.

Lan Shuang smiled and shook her head, some people really couldn't shed tears when they saw the coffin.

"Then what should we do? Our test report is also legal and compliant, and the general and I did it together. Is Patriarch Lan suspecting that the general is fraudulent?"

Lan Shuang smiled and threw out a proposition.

Lan Ping: "..."

How dare he?
Nian Siyan looked down at his terminal, and when Lan Ping was about to argue, he suddenly raised his hand to stop him, "Wait a minute."


It's the sound of the video.

Lan Ping and Qiu Yan looked at each other, and they both closed their mouths, but he looked at Lan Bing with some doubts in his eyes.

Lan Bing's heart sank, a little aggrieved.

Sure enough, at this time, his father was unreliable. He only had the Lan family and his powerful position in his heart, and he didn't have her as a daughter at all.

Nian Siyan turned on the broadcast and connected the video, and soon Alice's face appeared over there, "Admiral, I—uh."

Seeing someone beside Nian Siyan, she froze for a moment, and Nian Siyan explained: "This is Lan Shuang, you tell me."

"Oh, good." Alice suddenly realized, and couldn't help but look at Lan Shuang a few more times. Is this the future wife?She's so pretty, and she's smart at first glance!

She cleared her throat and said very quickly: "After receiving your instructions in the morning, I went to check the FT testing center, and sure enough, I found a problem. The day before Miss Lan Shuang's test, someone contacted the FT testing center that day. The doctor in charge of the test offered a series of benefits and successfully bribed the other party, agreeing to exchange the test samples of Lanshuang and Lanbing on the same day."

Alice sent a video while talking, "This is the surveillance video of the hospital that day, and a section was cut out. Fortunately, the time is short and it can be repaired. I saved this restored surveillance video. It can be restored. See, Lan Bing gave the doctor a card at that time."

Nian Siyan clicked on the video, and a light blue screen appeared in midair for everyone to see. After the doctor closed the curtain, he took Lan Bing's card, and the meeting of their eyes was perfectly recorded. Anyone can see what it means.

Lan Bing's face turned pale instantly.

However, Alice didn't finish her sentence, "Afterwards, I took back the samples and re-tested you, Miss Lanshuang and Miss Lanbing. Miss……"

She paused, gentle but with a hint of sarcasm, "Unfortunately, only 51%."

The value of 51% doesn't even reach the passing mark. It can only be said that the soothing elements of the two people will not exclude each other, but they will basically not merge.

Lan Ping's eyes darkened, he staggered two steps, almost fell.

Is it really made by Lan Bing?
(End of this chapter)

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