Chapter 455 Let Me Take Another Bite 35
Another advantage of sitting in the back seat is that it is more convenient to watch the gossip. He can see clearly what the two people in front are doing.

Du Qianping tried his best to reduce his sense of existence, and quietly glanced forward.

It feels like the general still can't let go in front of his future wife?Madame doesn't seem to have that much interest in the general?
Hiss——the progress is a little slow, does he want to give the general some help?Teach him how to chase people?
Du Qianping pondered for a moment, clicked on his terminal, found the most popular novel website recently, clicked in from the ranking list, and found a few novels that were very popular at first glance, such as "The Admiral's Sweet Wild Wife" ", "The Interstellar Group Dotes on Beauty and Wildness: The Boss Pampers You Lightly", "The Sick Husband Flirts Fiercely", "The President's Wife Runs with the Ball"...

Well, these seem to be very popular, the general should be able to learn some skills in chasing people, right?

Nian Siyan didn't know what kind of bubbles were in his subordinate's mind. He seemed to be staring at the road conditions intently, but in fact his peripheral vision kept falling on Lan Shuang, and he couldn't control it at all.

I don't know if it's because she got up too early, Lan Shuang started to doze off after sitting for a while, her little head was a little bit cute.

Nian Siyan couldn't help laughing, turned on the autopilot function calmly, freed up his hands, and adjusted Lan Shuang's seat back so that she could lie down comfortably.

Lan Shuang was awakened by his movement, and looked at him blankly.

Nian Siyan's voice was low and coaxing, "It's okay, go to sleep."

It might be because she was too sleepy, or it might be because the person in front of her was Nian Siyan, Lan Shuang believed him subconsciously, and fell asleep almost as soon as she closed her eyes, breathing evenly, without worrying at all.

Du Qianping: "..."

Tsk, it doesn't look like it's completely meaningless. Suddenly, I feel that there is still hope for my own general. After going to the villa, the two of them get along day and night. Isn't it a matter of minutes to cultivate a relationship?

He glanced at Nian Siyan in relief.

Nian Siyan: "..."

He ignored it, and stared at Lan Shuang's sleeping face for a moment, then switched the driving mode back to manual.

Automatic driving is controlled by the intelligent center, and it may be tampered with by humans. In contrast, people in the military are basically used to driving by themselves, so that hidden dangers can be eliminated.

Nian Siyan's villa is a bit far from Lan's house. Even with the suspension car, it took more than half an hour. Lan Shuang was still asleep when she got off the car.

Du Qianping hesitated and asked in a breathy voice: "Admiral, do you want to wake up Miss Lan?"

Nian Siyan shook his head, said nothing, and motioned for him to go down first.

Du Qianping wisely got out of the car first, and then saw the driver's door open. Nian Siyan got out of the car and walked around to the co-pilot, leaning over and hugging Lan Shuang out of it.

Lan Shuang twitched her eyelashes uncomfortably when her body suddenly flew into the air, and Nian Siyan immediately stabilized her hands, holding her and stood there without moving, and walked slowly into the villa when Lan Shuang regained her stability.

Du Qianping took over the authority of the suspension car with a wink, drove the car into the garage, and followed the two silently.

After entering the villa, Nian Siyan kept walking and carried him directly to the second floor.

There are several guest rooms on the second floor. Nian Siyan carried Lan Shuang to the largest one. Du Qianping stood at the door and took a look. Good guy, he remembered that it wasn't like this before?
The bed sheets used to be black, and the whole room was very simple, with basically no furniture, but now it is completely new.

The off-white walls and off-white carved bed are covered with light pink and light blue sheets, and the light pink gauze hangs from the top of the bed, embroidered with blooming roses, which looks very dreamy.

The floor was covered with off-white carpet, and there was a pair of brand new slippers. Du Qianping was lost in thought as he looked at those slippers. Pink rabbit ears... Is this really the general's aesthetics?Why didn't he know that the general still had such a girlish side?
In addition, there is an extra row of wardrobes in the house, below is a shoe cabinet, a European-style dressing table, a full-length mirror with a height of one person, and an independent bathroom... Forget it, he can't get in, but you can figure it out if you think about it. Everything must be ready.

Before seeing this, he thought that Nian Siyan brought Lan Shuang home just on a whim, but now that he saw it, my good guy, it was clearly planned for a long time!
Scary, this man is really scary, and I don't know when he started planning.

Nian Siyan leaned over to put Lan Shuang on the soft big bed and wanted to get up and leave, but the moment he got up, his sleeves suddenly tightened. He looked down and saw Lan Shuang tightly clutching his sleeves Don't let it go, it seems a little uneasy.

Nian Siyan frowned, Du Qianping had an idea, and whispered: "General, it may be that there is no familiar smell here, so the body instinctively feels uneasy, just give her some pacifier."

Nian Siyan was silent for a moment, sat down by the bed, held Lan Shuang's hand, released a wisp of pacifying essence, the smell of wine soon filled the room, and Lan Shuang's eyebrows relaxed a little bit.

Afterwards, the smell of the mountains and forests came out after the snow.

Nian Siyan immediately turned his head to look at Du Qianping, and Du Qianping saw a warning from it.

Du Qianping: "..."

Come on, he just came up with an idea, isn't it a bit too much to cross the river and tear down the bridge now?
But thinking about the knight's possessiveness, he raised his hand and retreated to the stairs.

Witnessing the whole process of 888: "..."

Fortunately, he is not human, not at the scene.

The smell of mountains and forests after the snow is fresh and distant, blending with the rich and mellow wine, it is sober and presumptuous, and it is the sinking of reason. Nian Siyan couldn't help but close his eyes and took a light breath.

At this moment, he felt a state of peace of mind that he had not seen for a long time.

After sitting for a while, a faint blush appeared on Lan Shuang's face, and Nian Siyan withdrew his soothing element, got up and went downstairs.

Sitting on the sofa, Du Qianping saw him coming down, and smiled: "Admiral won't be with Miss Lan anymore?"

Nian Siyan sat down opposite him, and immediately a robot came over to pour water for them.

Nian Siyan said after drinking the water, "There are more important things now."

Du Qianping immediately sat up straight, "Say it."

"You will deal with the follow-up problems of the FT Testing Center. Since they collected money so quickly, it is obviously not the first time. Check their old background and report it to the Federal Police and the Procuratorate. This agency must clean it up. In addition, contact Andrew and ask them to contact members of various parties before the next general meeting, and bring up the anti-monopoly issue again, and the testing center must not be dominated by one.”

When it comes to business, Nian Siyan is still vigorous and resolute as usual, Du Qianping said solemnly, "Yes."

"Also, help the Lan family to find the Resident Information Registration Center and ask them to transfer Lan Shuang's information from the Lan family, just say it's my intention."

 It’s weird, I don’t know if it’s because of my brain or the system. In this world, 34 ran behind 35, and 34 is still heavier than the previous 33. But I have no problem with timing, how could I run to Repeated before, out of line

(End of this chapter)

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