Chapter 456 Let Me Take Another Bite 36
"Move out? Where to move? In your name?" Du Qianping asked tentatively: "In this case, you must be partners."

Nian Siyan leaned on the sofa and narrowed his eyes: "Who said you want to move to my name?"

"Ah?" Du Qianping was surprised: "If you don't move under your name, what are you going to do?"

Nian Siyan put his finger on his knee and nodded lightly, his voice was warm and solemn: "Of course it will be moved to her own name, and she will settle down alone. From now on, she will be her, not the Lan family. Even if we have any relationship in the future, She is always herself, and other identities are just suffixes."

Du Qianping was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect this to be the reason at all. When he came back to his senses, he just wanted to sigh with emotion that the general really cared about her and respected her a lot.

"Okay, I understand." Du Qianping nodded.

Nian Siyan changed the subject, with a stern and stern expression, "And the Lan family can't let it go. What Lan Ping said is full of loopholes. Since he dared to threaten Lan Shuang like this, it is likely that he really has some sinister means. You let Alice Find someone to investigate, be careful, don't startle the snake."


Du Qianping asked after a while: "Will the general not deal with Lan Bing? She and her mother are the main culprits of the falsified test report. If you and Ms. Lan hadn't done the test in advance, they might really be fooled by them. The consequences would be unimaginable."

Nian Siyan picked up the cup and took another sip, smiling lightly, "Leave them to Lan Shuang."

Du Qianping: "..."

He didn't need to ask this question.

Nian Siyan had no other orders, so Du Qianping resigned to deal with the matter he had given.
"Well——" Lan Shuang woke up naturally from sleep, only felt comfortable all over, rolled on the bed and stretched vigorously, and then she paused.

"Huh? Aren't I on the suspension car?" She opened her eyes, and what she saw was a pale pink bed curtain, not the Lan family, nor the school.

"This is... Nian Siyan's house? No way?" Lan Shuang suddenly turned over and sat up, looking at the pink and blue quilt on her body, and then at the warm decoration style in the room, with a complicated expression, "Little Baba , You didn't tell me that Nian Siyan is a girl with a cold appearance and a heart."


Is it possible that these are specially prepared for you?
Lan Shuang touched the silky quilt, "But I have to say, the aesthetics are quite good, at least it's not a death Barbie fan, not that kind of particularly gorgeous fan, I can still accept this kind of fan."

"This is the guest room of Nian Siyan's house~" 888 was really helpless.

Lan Shuang rolled her eyes: "How did I get in? Nian Siyan carried me in?"

"Yeah, he didn't call you when he saw that you were sleeping soundly, and carried you in all the way."

"What about the others?"


Lan Shuang nodded, "I'll go and have a look."

When she was about to get out of bed, she found a pair of pink and white rabbit slippers next to her shoes, which were still new.

"Is this also prepared by Nian Siyan? She's quite careful."

Lan Shuang put it on and found that the size was just right. She couldn't help but feel subtle. How does this person know how big her feet are?

His thoughts drifted uncontrollably back to the time when he was in the hospital. At that time, Nian Siyan liked to scratch her feet. Couldn't it be that time?

"Huh~" She shook her head and threw out those overly sexy pictures, put on her slippers and walked out.

The corridor on the second floor is very long, and the stairs on one side are made of wooden guardrails. She leaned on it and looked down, and she happened to be able to see the situation in the lobby on the first floor. A circle of sofas surrounded the coffee table in the middle, and Nian Siyan was sitting on the right On the sofa next to him, he held an ultra-thin laptop in his hand.

However, the notebooks of this era are different from those on the earth. This notebook is not only used for watching dramas in the office. The screen can be thrown in the air alone. When necessary, he can also be used as a weapon, and can be folded into a fist-sized sheet when not in use.

Lan Shuang lamented the development of science and technology in this era, and missed the life on earth.

Rapid development brings rapid changes, and she still likes a slower life.

She lost her mind after thinking about it, her eyes kept falling on Nian Siyan, and Nian Siyan's ears couldn't help but feel a little hot.

He really couldn't see what was in front of him, he raised his head to meet Lan Shuang's gaze, and asked softly, "Are you awake?"

Lan Shuang blinked: "Yes, I'm awake."

She went down the stairs, sat on the sofa opposite, and smiled: "I got up a little early today, and I didn't sleep enough. I'm laughing at you. Thank you for letting me sleep well."

Nian Siyan closed the notebook, clasped his hands on his lap, and said casually, "You're welcome, are you hungry?"

Lan Shuang looked at the time on the terminal, it was almost eleven o'clock, she hadn't had breakfast yet, she was really hungry right now.

She nodded honestly, Nian Siyan snapped her fingers, and the chubby robot immediately slid over with bright eyes.

"What is the master's order?"

Nian Siyan looked at Lan Shuang: "Tell him what you want to eat, and he will do it."

Lan Shuang thought for a while, "Is there a menu?"

"Yes, this beautiful lady, please see—"

The robot slid to Lan Shuang to show her. Lan Shuang ordered a rice with tomato and egg and a glass of watermelon juice.

"Just this little?" Nian Siyan frowned, and looked at Lan Shuang's thin arms and legs dissatisfied.

Lan Shuang: "..."

"It's quite a lot. My appetite is only this big. This is the appetite of a normal girl."

Nian Siyan was silent.

He stayed in the army all year round, and he was surrounded by knights who were big and thick, and their appetites started at the catty, so he always thought it was normal. Is it true that normal people have such a small appetite?
When the meal was served, he looked at the full bowl, and then at his bowl that was one size bigger, and fell into silence again.

But Lan Shuang's food was delicious, and her movements were neither too fast nor too slow. Every time, she used a spoon to scoop up a large spoonful and stuffed it into her mouth, and then she ate with eyes full of satisfaction.

Nian Siyan couldn't help wondering, is it really so delicious?
Seeing him staring at her, Lan Shuang pushed the bowl over, "Do you want to try it? It's delicious."

Nian Siyan usually distributes what to eat and seldom pays attention to the taste, but seeing Lan Shuang's food so delicious, he is still a little curious.

He looked down at the tender red tomato and the golden egg flower, and with a thought, he picked up a spoon and scooped a little into his mouth. It was sour, sweet and delicious, with a very rich taste. After swallowing it, Nian Siyan nodded, "Well, It's really delicious."

However, as soon as he looked up, he saw Lan Shuang looking at him with a complicated expression.

"What's wrong?" Nian Si was puzzled.

Lan Shuang's eyes fell on his hand holding the spoon, and said hesitantly, "You used the spoon I used."

Nian Siyan: "..."

He looked down, really, he didn't think so much just now.

He tilted his head and coughed, "Sorry, I didn't mean to."

With such a tilt of the head, the tips of the red ears were exposed, Lan Shuang was surprised, are you embarrassed?

Is it so innocent?You were not like this in the hospital!
(End of this chapter)

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