Chapter 457 Let Me Take Another Bite 38
After hearing this, Nian Siyan was stunned, "Aren't you responsible for me?"

Lan Shuang blinked, "Of course, I'm only responsible to my boyfriend.

Nian Siyan heard that for some reason, sour bubbles suddenly popped up in his heart, rising and bursting continuously, filling his heart with a sour taste.

He snorted softly, and said something vaguely with a bit of displeasure.

Lan Shuang's instinct was to struggle, but Nian Siyan grabbed the back of her neck, "Don't move."

Lan Shuang froze, "Little Baba, I suddenly felt that it was really unwise for me to live in his house. Why do you think I agreed to it at that time?"


That's not obsession, that's pretending to be blind for love.

In fact, is it possible that your body accepted this person before you, but your brain is still rational?

888 didn't dare to say these words and couldn't say them, it was so uncomfortable.

He simply went offline and pretended to be dead, the following content was not for his weak and helpless little system to read.

"If you want to bite, hurry up!"

As soon as the words fell, the long-coveted wolf finally opened his mouth, showing his white teeth, and bit down hard.

After the snowfall, the smell of the mountains and forests suddenly became strong, and it grew wildly indoors, like a sudden heavy snowfall, which made people clear.

The continuous intrusion of wine made Lan Shuang's limbs feel limp and hot, and she was already drunk before drinking.

When Nian Siyan realized what he had done, his face turned red all of a sudden. It was the first time in his life that the admiral, who had never changed his face when he was surrounded by powerful enemies, blushed and was at a loss for the first time.

He quickly turned over and sat beside him, watching Lan Shuang buried in the pillow without making a sound, he asked nervously, "I'm sorry, I lost control just now."

Lan Shuang didn't want to speak, the tips of her ears were red, and it was still spreading rapidly to her face.

Nian Siyan pursed his lips, got up and left.

Lan Shuang: "???"

She turned her head to look at the corner of her clothes that disappeared at the door, she was stunned, and asked in disbelief, "Leave now? Run after biting?"

She gritted her teeth and wanted to sit up, but her body was as soft as noodles, and she couldn't get up at all, so she had to give up.

Turning over with difficulty, Lan Shuang looked at the ceiling and calmed her throbbing heart. She thought that a bite was just a bite, and it was fine if it hurt. She didn't expect it to bring such a strong feeling. Consciousness has collapsed.

But vaguely, she inexplicably felt a very familiar feeling, like a resonance from the depths of her soul, but this feeling came and went quickly, and she didn't catch it.

"It should be a hallucination from being bitten?"

Lan Shuang comforted herself in this way.

She thumped the bed angrily, "Nian Siyan, a ruthless tooth-pulling guy, better not show up in front of me today!"

Nian Siyan who had just returned: "..."

He looked at the person on the bed, coughed lightly, "I took the ointment, I'll leave after applying it on you."

Lan Shuang: "..."

Before waiting for Lan Shuang's answer, Nian Siyan narrowed his eyes, walked quickly to the bedside, and looked down, Lan Shuang was staring at him with misty eyes.

The ends of the eyes and the tip of the nose are still slightly crimson, as if crying, looking inexplicably pitiful.

Nian Siyan's heart trembled, and the breath around him subconsciously softened. He sat on the edge of the bed, stretched out his hand, and Lan Shuang held his fingers weakly, "What are you doing?"

"Give you medicine and lie on your side."

Lan Shuang stared at the ointment in his hand, reluctantly agreed, and turned her back to him.

He squeezed a little blue transparent ointment on his fingertips, and then carefully pressed it on the wound, Lan Shuang shivered from the cold, "Hiss——"

"Just bear it, it will be a little cold at first, don't move."

Nian Siyan coaxed in a low voice, with a rare serious expression, he carefully applied the wound and the surrounding red areas, and gently pressed the ointment to spread it.

The cold feeling gradually disappeared, Lan Shuang slowly relaxed, her eyelids became heavy, and she just fell asleep like this.

Nian Siyan withdrew his hand, "Okay, it's better to lie down for a while, so as not to rub off the ointment."

However, before Lan Shuang's answer, Nian Siyan frowned. Are you still angry?

He called softly: "Lan Shuang?"

No one answered.

Nian Siyan felt something was wrong, knelt on the bed, propped himself up and looked at Lan Shuang's face, only to find that she was breathing steadily with her eyes closed and had fallen asleep.

"How did you fall asleep?"

He touched Lan Shuang's forehead worriedly, it was a little hot, but not to the point of fever, could it be because of the appeasein?
He injected a lot just now, maybe it was the first time, so there will be such a reaction?

Nian Siyan was not sure, so he opened the terminal to check.

Possible situations that may occur when exchanging pacifiers for the first time: slight fever, drowsiness, fragile heart, emotional sensitivity, and soaring desire for monopoly are all normal phenomena, because the exchange of pacifiers is essentially a way to open one’s heart and exchange emotions The way is a process of mental power intercourse, which requires constant testing and acceptance, so both parties may experience different degrees of fatigue.

During this process, the messenger's mood will be obviously depressed and unstable. The knight must appease them in time, and if there is nothing to do, they must stay by the messenger's side, lest they have a psychological gap due to lack of security.

"So that's how it is." Nian Siyan was relieved after reading the popular science. No wonder Lan Shuang reacted so strongly to her leaving just now, and it was also because of the influence of pacifying hormone.

(End of this chapter)

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