Chapter 459 Let Me Take Another Bite 39
Nian Siyan was silent for a moment, turned over for Lan Shuang, let her sleep on her stomach, so that the ointment could be absorbed more easily, took off her shoes and turned on the bed, sat on the head of the bed and looked at Lan Shuang, his big hand fell on her back for a moment. They patted one after another, as if coaxing a child.

Sure enough, Lan Shuang fell into a deeper sleep.

Nian Siyan smiled softly, his eyes were gentle.

Go to sleep, hard work.


When Lan Shuang woke up again, it was completely dark outside. Lan Shuang stared out the window blankly for a while without reacting.

What happened before bed?How did she come to bed?

She's a bit retarded.

It wasn't until a warm breath came from her side that she was startled suddenly, and a powerful arm was added to her waist.

She turned her head and saw Nian Siyan's handsome face. Nian Siyan seemed to have sensed something was wrong. She opened her eyes suddenly, and her eyes met. The scene suddenly became ambiguous and weird.

Let's not talk about how they rolled onto the same bed, or why they are in such a weird posture...

Don't say a fart!Who's going to tell her what's going on?

Lan Shuang was mad in her heart, but her face was very tense.

Nian Siyan blinked his eyes slowly, and the memory came back. He looked more natural than Lan Shuang. He first touched Lan Shuang's forehead naturally, and felt that it was not hot anymore. His expression eased, and his voice was still a little hoarse when he opened his mouth. , sounds gentle and tender, "Are you still uncomfortable?"

Lan Shuang: "...I..."

She was just about to explain why she was so uncomfortable when her mind suddenly turned, and the scenes that happened before going to bed popped up without warning, and Lan Shuang's face turned a little red under Nian Siyan's gaze.

Nian Siyan looked at her suspiciously, Lan Shuang pretended to be calm and looked away, and said vaguely, "'s not uncomfortable anymore."

"That's good, I'll let the machine butler prepare dinner."

Nian Siyan had a natural demeanor and quick movements. He got up and got out of bed and went out in one go. It seemed that nothing was wrong, but Lan Shuang stared at his back, inexplicably seeing a sense of fleeing.

She patted her forehead, "It's really far from the spectrum."

Will Nian Siyan run away?What are you kidding?
Oh, it's not impossible, every time he did something wrong, he was quite shy.

Lan Shuang sat up with her still sore body, hugging the quilt in a daze, thinking of something, she pressed her backhand on the back of her neck, the ointment had already taken effect, the wound was completely healed, and there was nothing left.

It was as if the previous hotness and beauty were nothing but a dream of hers.

Lan Shuang narrowed her eyes, thoughtful.


When Lan Shuang packed up her mood and went downstairs, she didn't see Nian Siyan. She looked around, and when she sat down at the dining table, the chubby robot rolled over, "Hello, beautiful lady, I'm Tess, I have A message from the admiral~ Listen or listen?"

Lan Shuang couldn't help but smiled: "Isn't this an option for you?"

Tess's big eyes flashed: "Because the admiral said he must let you hear it."

"Then listen."

Lan Shuang looked at him with her chin in her hand, and Tess's screen immediately switched to the video left by Nian Siyan. He should have recorded it standing in front of Tess, with the living room in the background. I have to go, dinner is ready, let Tess serve it for you, tell Tess if you need anything, leave me a message if he can't solve it, I will deal with it as soon as I have time, I will let Du Qianping has left four bodyguards for you, they won't show up usually, you can rest assured, the exact time when you will come back..."

Nian Siyan paused here, as if he was not sure, "Well, if it is short, it may be a week, if it is long, it may be half a month, you can live in peace."

After finishing speaking, he stared at the camera and smiled slightly, "Goodbye."

The screen went black, and soon turned into Tess's face again, "So beautiful lady, do you want to eat?"

Lan Shuang corrected him: "You can call me Lan Shuang."

"Okay, beautiful Miss Lanshuang."

Lan Shuang: "..."

Dumbfounded, she tapped on Tess's smooth goose egg head, "I didn't realize that you little robot is still a face control."

Tess blushed: "Oh, people just like beautiful women."

"Okay, then please go and serve me dinner."

"Happy to be of service to you."

Tess turned and went to the kitchen.

Lan Shuang tapped her chin with her fingertips: "Little Baba, do you feel it?"

888 was at a loss: "Ah? What do you feel?"

"I feel like Nian Siyan is avoiding me." Lan Shuang said firmly, "How could it be such a coincidence? He left all of a sudden?"

888: "It might be a coincidence, after all, there are so many things in the military..."

Well, he actually thinks that Nian Siyan is avoiding her. This person looks cold and ruthless, but he has no relationship experience at all. A blank piece of paper. During the riot period, he is evil and evil. When he calms down, he regrets all kinds of things. ,shy.

However, distance produces beauty, maybe after this time, the relationship between the two will undergo further changes?

"Just hide, anyway, this is his home, I'll see how long he can hide."

Lan Shuang smiled inexplicably, took the food brought by Tess and ate it.


The vacation was short, and Lan Shuang went back to the Federal College for class the next day, because she and Lan Bing were not a professional, and she didn't usually meet her, so she didn't know how the Lan family handled Lan Bing.

But before she could trouble Lan Bing, Lan Bing came to her first.

Lan Shuang had just finished class, and she had to pass through a forest on the way back to the dormitory. Lan Bing had been waiting there early, and when Lan Shuang passed by, she immediately jumped out to block Lan Shuang's way.

"Lan Shuang, I've been waiting for you for a long time." Lan Bing looked at Lan Shuang sadly, her face was cold, her eyes were dark and pretentious, and she didn't pretend at all.

Lan Shuang was holding a thick professional book on pharmacy, and looked her up and down. Lan Bing didn't seem to be in any serious trouble, and Lan Ping probably didn't do anything to her.

"What are you waiting for?" Lan Shuang smiled, "What else can we talk about?"

Lan Bing gritted his teeth, approached her and whispered: "Don't get too complacent, the things you get can fly, let alone the things you don't get, you'd better hold on to the admiral's thigh, otherwise - sooner or later you will fall one day!"

Lan Shuang looked at her indifferently, and asked an irrelevant question: "Lan Bing, I don't understand one thing."

Lan Bing frowned: "What?"

"You and I have no grievances. Why do you keep targeting me? I am not in the Lan family. It stands to reason that I have no threat to you."

Lan Shuang really didn't understand what was going on in this man's mind.

Lan Bing froze for a moment, then snorted in disbelief, "No grievances or enmities? You entered the Lan family as a reserve knight at the beginning. If you became a knight, my successor status would not be guaranteed. Why didn't I For you? Why don’t I hate you because you can get what I have worked so hard for for many years?”

 I'm really convinced, and the news can't be sent out. 37 is being blocked, and 38 is being reviewed. I guess it has to be blocked. Wait first.
(End of this chapter)

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