Chapter 460 Let Me Take Another Bite 40
She took a step closer, and questioned through gritted teeth: "It turned out that you didn't become a knight. I'm quite happy. You can't threaten me anymore, but you detected the S+ level mental power again, and you overwhelmed me again. In the future, You must be better than me in terms of marriage, and Lan Ping will definitely value you more at that time. Besides, you have also been admitted to the First Federal College. People who dare to think, why can't I hate you? Obviously you are just an ant from a slum!"

"I was forced by my mother to learn this and that since I was a child. Everything is based on the honor of the family. I sacrificed all my time to become the perfect heir. But what about you? You took away all the aura casually, Now you still have the face to say that we have no grievances? If you are as humble as the mud under your feet, I will naturally not look at you more."

She raised her hand and tapped Lan Shuang's shoulder, her voice was cold, "You'd better be careful, we haven't decided the winner yet."

Without waiting for Lan Shuang to reply, she bumped into Lan Shuang's shoulder, brushed her hair and walked away with high spirits
Lan Shuang: "..."


Lan Shuang pulled her lips, "Then let the horse come over and have a try."

What she likes the most is to send her to the door to seek death, so that there is no psychological burden at all for revenge.


Lan Shuang actually didn't do anything after returning to the dormitory, she just came to pick up a few books, and she won't return them here, because the relationship between her and Nian Siyan is just borrowing and helping each other. Or if she fell out for some reason, she must have her own escape route.

People can't always think about relying on others. Only when they have confidence can they be fearless.

In the next few days, Lan Shuang didn't see Nian Siyan again. She attended classes normally during the day, and Tess prepared dinner for her when she came back in the afternoon. She read on the sofa for a while, then went back to her room to do her homework and take a shower. Do some exercise and then sleep.

The house without Nian Siyan was empty, a little deserted, but also quiet. Lan Shuang was quite used to living there, but she didn't know if Nian Siyan was used to being outside.

She thought about sending a message to Nian Siyan to ask, but Nian Siyan didn't take the initiative to contact her, maybe she still didn't want to?

Thinking of this, Lan Shuang gave up, but occasionally stared at the dining table in a daze.

On Friday, Lan Shuang came home from school as usual. After eating and taking a shower, she did her homework upstairs for a while. She felt a little sleepy, so she lay down on the table and slept for a while. She slept until nine o'clock. many.

She got up in a daze, and yawned, "Sure enough, if you use your brain too much, you will get sleepy easily."

She went downstairs to make herself a glass of refreshing juice. It was dark downstairs, but when she sensed someone coming out, the lights on the first floor suddenly turned on.

Lan Shuang was caught off guard and caught sight of the person who came in on tiptoe.

Nian Siyan: "..."

Lan Shuang: "..."

The scene was so embarrassing that people scratched their toes.

A thought suddenly flashed in Lan Shuang's mind, "Little Baba, Nian Siyan doesn't come back so quietly every night, does he?"


How did you know? ? ?
He felt guilty and didn't answer, and Lan Shuang didn't care. She was all focused on Nian Siyan, intending to see how he explained it.

Nian Siyan slowly retracted his feet, stood still by the sofa, and greeted Lan Shuang calmly: "Good evening."

Lan Shuang suddenly stopped being embarrassed. She lay on the railing on the second floor, looked at Nian Siyan, and asked with a smile, "Good evening, are you done with the general? Are you coming back to sleep tonight?"

Nian Siyan nodded: "Well, it's over, I'll stay here tonight."

"Oh, have you eaten yet? Shall I ask Tess to prepare dinner for you?"

Nian Siyan was taken aback by her enthusiastic appearance, a little overwhelmed, "I'll let Tess prepare it, what are you going downstairs for?"

Lan Shuang went down, "Oh, I want to drink some fruit juice to refresh myself."

Tess came out from the corner, saw Nian Siyan's eyes lit up, and opened her mouth to sell him out, "The general came back an hour earlier today than yesterday, welcome home."

Nian Siyan: "..."

Lan Shuang: "..."

Her eyes subtly fell on Nian Siyan's face.

The villa fell into deathly silence again.

Nian Siyan wished he had never shown up.


Lan Shuang couldn't help but covered her mouth and laughed, jokingly said, "Ah, so the admiral came back yesterday? Then why did he leave without saying hello?"

Tess: "Admiral woo woo woo woo—"

Nian Siyan covered her voice hole, and then turned off the power.

Tess: "..."

Do you dare to be more guilty?

Lan Shuang leaned on the railing and bent over laughing, Nian Siyan was helpless, turned her face away, also felt that she was a bit stupid, and laughed softly.

He rolled up his sleeves, "Tess is a little tired, I'll let her rest, if you want juice, I'll squeeze it for you."

The topic changed quickly, but Lan Shuang didn't insist on it anymore. Sometimes it's not good for the two of them to make everything too clear.

As for the window paper, it looks good when it is hazy.

"Admiral still squeezes juice?" Lan Shuang walked down the stairs curiously and watched him enter the kitchen.

Nian Siyan was wearing a white shirt, his tie was casually thrown aside by him, and he unbuttoned the two collar buttons. He looked unrestrained and indulgent, quite different from his usual unsmiling abstinence.

The sleeves were rolled up to the crook of his arms, revealing a section of wheat-colored skin. With his movements, light blue blood vessels loomed under the skin, with smooth and powerful lines.

Nian Siyan took out fresh oranges from the refrigerator and asked Lan Shuang, "Is orange juice okay?"

"Yes." Lan Shuang leaned against the door and looked at him. Nian Siyan thought for a while, then took out a fist-sized new orange variety from the refrigerator and threw it to her: "Try it."

Lan Shuang raised her hand to catch it steadily, raised her eyebrows at Nian Siyan, who curled her lips, "Not bad."

"Thank you, thank you." Lan Shuang peeled off the orange peel and smelled the strong orange smell, and her spirit was shaken.

Nian Siyan slowly drew out the knife, scratched the orange a few times, and with a gentle stroke, the whole orange flesh came out intact. He whispered: "I live alone, and when I have nothing to do, I will clean it by myself." Do, so don't underestimate me."

He took a knife and twisted a flower in his hand, and the orange immediately split into eight pieces and fell into the juicer, then the second one, and the third one, using up four oranges.

The oranges cultivated by the Federation are as big as two fists, and four can squeeze a pot.

The juicer worked very quietly, and the orange flesh was crushed in an instant, turning into bright orange juice.

The juicer has its own filter, so you can drink it when you pour it out.

Nian Siyan held the juice jug, walked to the door and raised Lan Shuang, "Come and drink."

Lan Shuang smiled: "Sure."

Nian Siyan poured a glass each, and the two sat on the sofa facing each other drinking orange juice, speechless for a while, with different thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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