Chapter 461 Let Me Take Another Bite 41
After drinking a glass of orange juice, Lan Shuang got up and said, "I'm going upstairs first, and you should go to bed earlier."

Nian Siyan watched her hesitate to speak, but finally said nothing, nodded, "Yes."

After they left, Nian Siyan turned on Tess's power, pointed to the cup on the table and said, "Clean up the cup."

Tess was aggrieved: "Why did the general turn off the power supply?"

"Because you owe me."

Nian Siyan smiled angrily, and still had the face to mention that if it wasn't for her, he wouldn't have exposed him so thoroughly. Lan Shuang looked at him in the wrong way just now.

But... Nian Siyan narrowed his eyes, and Lan Shuang knew it well, but didn't say anything else. Does it mean that he still has some place in her heart, at least she doesn't reject it?

Not repelling means that they can have further contact.

Nian Siyan was silent for a moment, and a meaningful smile flashed in his eyes.

Tess looked at him blankly, "Admiral, you seem very happy?"

Nian Siyan stood up, looked down at Tess, reached out and patted her bald head, "Happy, I'll be happier if you talk less in the future, good night."

Tess: (T▽T)
With one hand in his trouser pocket, he walked slowly up the stairs holding on to the handrail with the other.

The avoidance these days is not useless, at least he has figured out his mind.

Although he during the riot period was not the same as the usual him, he also more honestly reflected his inner desire, that is-- Lan Shuang.

Why bother to ask whether the desire is caused by the influence of pacifying hormone, or the pacifying hormone is stronger because of liking?
Instinct and reason are inseparable, and people are complicated.

Nian Siyan stood at the stairs on the second floor, looked at the door of Lanshuang's bedroom meaningfully, moved his lips slightly, and said silently: Good night, dear messenger.


What happened that night didn't seem to have any impact on the relationship between the two, but there were still some subtle changes.

For example, Lan Shuang would see Nian Siyan at the dining table every morning when she woke up. The two of them ate together and then went out separately. When they came back in the evening, the two of them had dinner together. He knocked on the door and gave Lan Shuang a glass of his own juice, without saying much, and he took the glass and left after she finished drinking.

They were familiar like an old couple, yet alienated like strangers. This delicate state lasted until a month later.


Lan Shuang has been listening to the lectures very seriously since she entered school, and she is indeed talented in pharmacy. Today, the professor prepared an in-class test. After finishing the class, you can leave the get out of class. Everyone can choose their own partners.

Lan Shuang looked around and gave Hua Ming a look, "Come on, classmate Hua Ming."

Hua Ming readily agreed, and the other students wailed suddenly. The first and second teams of pharmacy were formed, and they had no chance, woo woo woo——

Lan Shuang and Hua Ming had a solid foundation and strong hands-on ability. The test question left by the professor was to make a primary potion, and the two of them formed it at one time, which took less than half an hour.

After handing it in, the professor said with satisfaction after checking it: "You did a very good job. You can finish class now. I wish you a happy weekend."

Lan Shuang and Hua Ming left the laboratory, looking at the empty corridor, she lowered her voice and asked, "Are you going to find the four brothers?"

Hua Ming shook his head: "We don't have the same class time. I'm going to go back to the dormitory after they have an hour. How about you? Go home?"

Lan Shuang nodded: "Well, we happen to be on the way, let's go together."

"it is good."

Hua Ming and Lan Shuang walked out side by side. When they passed the tree-lined road, Lan Bing suddenly appeared and blocked their way.

"What are you going to do?" Hua Ming subconsciously stopped Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang patted his arm: "It's okay."

Hua Ming glanced at her nervously, but didn't move.

Lan Bing looked him up and down, remembered that he still had four older brothers, and didn't intend to confront him head-on, so she looked at Lan Shuang and said, "I have something private to ask you, come with me."

"What private matter?" Lan Shuang looked at her leisurely.

"You knew it when you came with me. It has something to do with your mother." Lan Bing shook her hair, "Of course, if you don't care about your mother, just pretend I didn't say it."

Hua Ming felt that there was a fraud in it, so he stopped Lan Shuang and didn't want her to go, but he didn't know that Lan Shuang had been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

"Hua Ming, go back first, I'm fine."

Lan Shuang and Lan Bing looked at each other for a moment, then agreed.

Hua Ming worried: "But she..."

"Don't worry, I will protect myself, trust me?"

Lan Shuang looked at Hua Ming seriously, Hua Ming's heart moved, and he withdrew the arm that was holding her back.

Lan Bing gave him a disdainful look, turned around and said, "Let's go."

Lan Shuang followed her, watching the two go farther and farther, Hua Ming felt chills all over his body for no reason, he hesitated for a moment, he opened his personal terminal, found Nian Siyan's public mailbox, and took pictures of Lan Bing and Lan Shuang's backs. A photo, and then sent to Nian Siyan's mailbox.

Nian Siyan was in a meeting, and the terminal was set to mute, but it would flicker. He glanced at it and found it was an email. He didn't take it seriously, but when he looked away, he always felt a little uneasy.

He was silent for a moment, but still clicked on it. After seeing the photo, his expression changed suddenly.

"Dear general, hello, I'm Hua Ming, a classmate of Lan Shuang. Just now Lan Bing said that he had to talk to her alone if he had something to do with Lan Shuang's mother, and let Lan Shuang go with her. Lan Shuang is unfavorable, I wonder if the general has time to check it out?"

After reading it, Nian Siyan didn't hesitate at all, stood up directly, grabbed his coat and walked out.

"Hey? Admiral, where are you going?"

Nian Siyan said as he walked: "There is something urgent at home, you should discuss it first, and send me a copy of the result."

They had meetings every day, but it wasn't important, so it didn't matter if Nian Siyan was there or not, so everyone didn't stop him.

Nian Siyan walked out of the conference room quickly, flung his coat on his shoulders, immediately unmuted the terminal, and sent a message to the bodyguard he sent to Lan Shuang: "Keep an eye on Lan Bing and see what she wants to do If you want to do something against Lan Shuang, keep the evidence and don't be polite to her."

The bodyguard returned quickly: "Yes!"

(End of this chapter)

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