Chapter 462 Let Me Take Another Bite 42
Lan Shuang followed Lan Bing all the way out of the academy and walked on a remote path.

Lan Shuang looked at the surrounding environment calmly. Well, she has never been here before, but she has a little impression that the college occupies a huge area, so it was built on the edge of the city, and there are many old buildings around it.

The old and the new are separated, and there is some confusion.

There are many dark alleys, comparable to those in slums.

It seems that Lan Bing is planning to take her to those alleys?

"Xiao Baba, what do you think she is going to do?"

Lan Shuang asked with great interest.

888: "Host, are you not worried at all?"

"What are you worried about?" Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows: "Isn't there still you? There are still bodyguards sent by Nian Siyan in the dark. When the time comes, I don't know who will be more unlucky."

888: "It seems to be the same."

But in order to act more realistically, Lan Shuang pretended to be scared and asked, "Where are you taking me? There is no one here. If you don't say anything, I will leave."

She turned around and wanted to leave, but at some point there was a man standing behind her.

Lan Shuang's eyes flashed, she was surprised and instantly understood Lan Bing's plan, it was disgusting.

She found Zhong Yue.

Looking at Zhong Yue's undisguised greedy gaze, Lan Shuang's face turned cold a little bit, "Little Baba, what does Lan Bing think with a brain that is not as big as a walnut? She thought I was possessed by Zhong Yue, Nian Si Yan will take a look at her?"

888 rubbed his arms, and said coldly: "Maybe it's just trying to drag you into the quagmire? She's not doing well, so she can't see others doing better than her."

"This is your sister?"

Zhong Yue laughed. In all fairness, he looks pretty good, but his eyes are gloomy, which makes him not easy to get in touch with. He always looks malicious when he looks at people.

It was like being stared at by a poisonous snake and preparing to attack.

Lan Shuang turned to look at Lan Bing, pretending to be shocked: "What do you want to do?"

Lan Bing smiled triumphantly, "What are you doing? Of course it is to help you find a good husband. Although your match is not high, you have special mental power. Maybe you can help him upgrade. Zhong Yue is a colonel. In this way It's not considered humiliating you because of your identity, why, are you unhappy?"

As she spoke, she gave Zhong Yue a look, "Don't let anyone run away."

Zhong Yue immediately released his pacifying element, and the smell of inferior tobacco permeated the alley in an instant, making people breathless.

Lan Shuang was so choked that she turned her face away and coughed violently, "What does it smell like?"

Zhong Yue put away his sinister smile, "What did you say?"

"I said your smell is disgusting and smells bad." Lan Shuang looked at him mockingly.

"You—" Zhong Yue gritted his teeth. What he hated most in his life was being looked down upon by others, especially in front of women.

His jawline was tense, and he rushed over, "You don't want to drink a toast, don't you just want to climb the high branch of Nian Siyan? I'm here today to mark you, I think Nian Siyan wants more Not you!"

The second thing he hates is Nian Siyan!

Obviously joined the army together, Nian Siyan's background is not as good as him, younger than him, more talented than him, even braver and stronger than him on the battlefield, compared to him at a young age, he is worthless.

In the last battle, because he had a disagreement with Nian Siyan, Nian Siyan took people away, causing him to be besieged, limping one leg, and unable to go to the battlefield again. How could he not hate it?
He can't wait to swallow Nian Siyan alive!

But he couldn't do anything to Nian Siyan now, until Lan Bing found him and talked to him about the degree of matching, and also talked about Nian Siyan's attitude towards Lan Shuang.

He agreed straight away, and slept with the person Nian Siyan liked, would Nian Siyan go crazy?

Thinking of this, the blood in his whole body boiled, and the eyes he looked at Lan Shuang became even more maddened.

"If you are obedient, let me take a bite, and you will suffer less. Don't worry, I will love you well."

Tobacco-flavored fangs and paws rushed towards Lan Shuang, Lan Bing folded her arms and watched, couldn't help covering her nose, took out a tranquilizer and wanted to give herself a shot, "I'm going out first, hurry up."


Seeing that Zhong Yue's hand was about to fall on Lan Shuang's face, Lan Shuang suddenly smiled, her panic was swept away, and her eyes were full of mischief.

"Zhong Yue, a person like you is not worthy of lifting Nian Siyan's shoes."

"you wanna die!"

This sentence directly exploded Zhong Yue's minefield. He wanted to pinch Lan Shuang's neck with his hands, but he didn't expect that Lan Shuang would not play the card according to the common sense, and suddenly raised his knee and hit his third one fiercely. leg.


Zhong Yue's face turned pale in an instant, and there was still blue in the white. He staggered back two steps and couldn't stand still, and fell to the ground clutching his crotch.

Lan Shuang snorted, didn't run away, and stepped on Zhong Yue's lame leg.

"Ahhhh!" Zhong Yue screamed, and Lan Bing outside shivered, "What's going on?"

As soon as she turned her head and saw Lan Shuang was half kneeling on the ground, grabbing Zhong Yue's collar and lifting him up a little, then she clenched her fist and punched him hard.

Zhong Yue's face was distorted from the beating.

Lan Bing: "????"

Lan Shuang slowly raised her head and stared at her, "Lan Bing."

Lan Bing's eyelids twitched suddenly, she turned around and started to run, Lan Shuang snorted coldly, "Come on! Grab her!"

The bodyguard, who had been hiding in the dark and had been hesitating to go up, rushed out immediately, and the four of them directly blocked all Lan Bing's escape routes.

Lan Bing panicked completely this time, "Who are you?"

Lan Shuang smiled: "You guess."

One of the bodyguards took off the smart handcuffs from his waist, gestured to Lan Bing's wrists, and put them on, fastening them tightly.

The more Lan Bing struggled, the tighter the handcuffs became.

One of the bodyguards was almost done, and walked towards Lan Shuang, "Miss, do you want us to help?"

Lan Shuang shook her head: "No, I'll talk about it first when I feel better."


Then he found that Lan Shuang was really happy.

She shot at Zhong Yue left and right, and beat him violently, until Zhong Yue hugged his head and begged for mercy, but Lan Shuang didn't intend to let him go at all.

In the previous life, this piece of garbage abused the original owner, forced the original owner, and used the original owner to frame Nian Siyan, driving the original owner to a dead end. How can this revenge be done without avenging it?

Every punch, every kick was what he had inflicted on the original owner.

The head-on fight was almost over, Lan Shuang waved to the bodyguard, "Come here, help me turn around."


Ancestor, are you grilling here?

But Miss Lan Shuang had to listen to what she said, they quickly turned him over, at this time Zhong Yue had been beaten to the point where he had no strength to fight back, lying on the ground moaning.

Lan Shuang stepped directly on his back, punching and punching until she lost consciousness.

888 belatedly realized that the host really seemed to hate this person.


He just opened his mouth to persuade Lan Shuang to stop beating, but when he suddenly sensed Nian Siyan's breath, he immediately shut his mouth.

Lan Shuang raised her hand and was about to punch Zhong Yue again when someone grabbed her hand.

(End of this chapter)

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