Chapter 463 Let Me Take Another Bite 43
Lan Shuang's eyes were red, when someone grabbed her hand suddenly, she struggled subconsciously, trying to fight back, but before the other hand hit the person, she was held again, and now both of Lan Shuang's hands were shaking. fell into the opponent's hands.

Lan Shuang raised her head and stared fiercely at the other party for a moment, Nian Siyan squeezed her fist lightly, and coaxed her softly as if she was disturbed: "It's me, don't be afraid."

Lan Shuang was stunned for a moment, the redness in her eyes gradually faded, and she gradually calmed down, but her body couldn't help shaking.

Nian Siyan felt her heart throbbing when he saw her confused and fragile appearance with all the thorns standing up all over her body.

Lan Shuang turned her head to look at Zhong Yue, but Nian Siyan suddenly pulled her up forcefully, and pressed her into his arms by the back of her neck.

Rubbing her back repeatedly, "It's okay, I'm here, no one can hurt you."

Lan Shuang lay on his shoulder silently, closed her eyes, and exhaled lightly.

888 asked worriedly; "Host, are you alright? Your mood fluctuates a lot, and it's a little out of control. Do you need me to help you adjust?"

Lan Shuang said in her heart: "It's okay, it's the original owner's remaining emotions that broke out just now. In the previous life, the original owner was bullied so badly by Zhong Yue. In this life, he finally had the opportunity to take revenge, so naturally he couldn't help it."

That emotion was as violent as a dike breaking, causing Lan Shuang to feel dizzy, leaving only one thought - kill this scum!
That's why she was so ruthless just now.

But now that I'm awake, I don't regret it. I just feel a little pain in my hands. Zhong Yue's skin is rough and fleshy, and her hands are red from the beating.

Nian Siyan didn't know that Lan Shuang's heart had returned to normal, and thought she was afraid, so he patted her on the back, his sharp and cold eyes fixed on Zhong Yue who was moaning on the ground, "Where are you going to hit him?" Need your hands?"

He let go of Lan Shuang, took out a snow-white handkerchief from his arms, and wiped Lan Shuang's hands carefully, not sparing even the crevices of his fingers.

Because she had just hit someone, Lan Shuang's hands were very hot and her joints were red. Compared with the fair skin in other places, it looked a little shocking.

Nian Siyan frowned, his eyes dim, "Does it hurt?"

He pressed it lightly. He didn't feel it when he hit someone just now, but now it really hurts. Nian Siyan pressed it so that she gasped, and whispered: "It hurts."

Nian Siyan paused, and then wiped more carefully. After wiping, he took her hand and put it on his lips, and blew gently.

Lan Shuang's heart trembled.

What is he doing?

Nian Siyan raised his eyes to look at her, then lowered his head, "When I was crawling around in the slums, I met an old lady. She saw that my hand was hurt, so she told me to blow it off. It doesn't hurt anymore."

He smiled softly, "I don't know if it will work, but I did feel no pain at the time, so I'll give it a try."

Lan Shuang choked for breath, and an unspeakable emotion rose from the bottom of her heart, slowly filling her whole heart, sour and swollen.

Seeing her red eyes and not speaking, Nian Siyan thought she was still in pain, thought for a while, and suddenly lowered his head and branded a kiss on the back of her hand.

Lan Shuang's whole body tightened, as if a small electric current spread from the place where the skin touched, making her bones numb slightly.

Zhong Yue on the ground opened his eyes with difficulty, and this was what he saw.

Zhong Yue: "..."

Damn it, you two bitches!

The bodyguard brought Lan Bing over, "Admiral, I've caught him. We recorded everything that happened just now."

Lan Bing was about to open his mouth to argue, but when he heard this, his face turned pale. Was it recorded?Did they already know what they were going to do?

She looked at Nian Siyan anxiously, "Admiral, I'm not—"

Nian Siyan raised his hand to stop her from continuing, and looked at her with cold eyes as if looking at a dead object, "Lan Bing, your mother took the blame for you for forging the test report before, and you still don't know how to repent, and bribed Zhong Yue, conspired with him to coerce the envoy, heh—"

He sneered, "You are also a messenger. You should know how hurtful and humiliating it is to be forced to estrus and be forced to marry, right? If you commit a crime knowingly, you will be punished. For the rest of your life, you should reflect on yourself in a federal prison."

Before Lan Bing could say anything else, Nian Siyan said in a deep voice, "Take it away!"

"Yes!" The bodyguard pressed Lan Bing to leave.

Nian Siyan looked at Zhong Yue who was like a dead dog on the ground.

Zhong Yue couldn't help shivering when he saw the calm eyes of the previous year.

"You...what do you want to do?"

His voice was hoarse, and even though he was pretending to be calm, the trembling voice still betrayed his fear.

Nian Siyan didn't answer him immediately, but turned his head to look at Lan Shuang who was beside him, "My hover car is parked at the entrance of the alley, and I have given you permission, why don't you sit and wait for me for a while?"

Lan Shuang glanced at him, then at Zhong Yue, "What do you want to do with him?"

Nian Si said: "According to the federal law, forcing the envoy to marry or using pacifiers to induce the envoy against the will of the envoy can be punished by death if the circumstances are serious, but for him, he should be sentenced to life."

He paused, and added cruelly when Zhong Yue breathed a sigh of relief: "Of course, this is a legal punishment. Before that, I still have a private account to settle with him."

Lan Shuang was silent for a moment, then turned and left.

However, as soon as she walked in front of the suspension car, she heard a shrill scream from the alley, which made people shudder.

She paused, but didn't hear a second sound.

She scanned her irises and got on the hover car. The moment the door closed, she heard a gunshot.


Nian Siyan came back alone, Lan Shuang watched him sit down in the driver's seat, and asked suspiciously, "Where's Zhong Yue?"

Nian Siyan said without any ups and downs: "I sent the bodyguards to the police station."

"I'll take care of the rest. I'll take you home first. Are you hungry?"

Nian Siyan started the levitation car, and took a moment to glance at Lan Shuang. Lan Shuang's face looked normal, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Well, kind of."

Lan Shuang withdrew her gaze, looked at the rapidly retreating scenery, and asked after a moment of silence: "Why are you here? Did the bodyguard notify you?"

Nian Si tightened his words, "Hua Ming sent me the message, he was afraid that Lan Bing would harm you."

Lan Shuang was stunned: "Why did he think of sending you a message?"

She doesn't seem to have told Hua Ming about her relationship with Nian Siyan?
She didn't understand, but Nian Siyan knew it all.

They are all men, and they are all men who have unreasonable thoughts about Lan Shuang. He can understand Hua Ming's mood.

Feelings germinated, but he found that someone was ahead of him. Knowing that he was no match, he guarded silently. When he found danger, he chose to give the opportunity to someone who could better protect Lan Shuang.

This is a kind of renunciation, but also fulfillment.

Hua Ming is a smart person who knows how to advance and retreat.

(End of this chapter)

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