"Maybe he thinks I can solve it." Nian Siyan didn't point out Hua Ming's intentions, and Hua Ming probably didn't want Lan Shuang to know, so he didn't need to say more.

"I have to thank him when I go back. Although I can solve it myself, it's really more convenient for you to come."

Lan Shuang was a little tired, and the back of her neck felt sore, she couldn't help stretching her neck.

Nian Siyan saw it out of the corner of his eye, and couldn't help but feel a little worried, "The pacifin he took just now has a strong smell, do you feel any discomfort?"

Lan Shuang nodded seriously: "Yes."

Nian Siyan's heart tightened: "Where?"

Lan Shuang pinched her nose, frowned and said in distaste: "His tobacco smell is very bad, and my nose still feels very uncomfortable."

With that said, she turned to look at Nian Siyan, "General, can you release some pacifying hormone for me? I want to smell you."

Lan Shuang didn't notice that there was something wrong with these words, a straight ball hit Nian Siyan's heart beating wildly, and he dodged his eyes uncomfortably.

In a low voice: "Okay."

The next moment, the smell of wine overflowed and filled the entire suspension car.

Lan Shuang took a deep breath and suddenly felt alive.

The way back was a bit long, smelling the familiar smell, Lan Shuang was drowsy.

Nian Siyan put down the seat and let her sleep peacefully.

But Lan Shuang lay down and closed her eyes, she seemed to be asleep, but she was actually thinking about her own affairs.

She felt like something was wrong with herself.

888 also noticed, "Host, what are you thinking?"

"I feel like Nian Siyan—is he really attracted to me?"

Lan Shuang frowned and turned over, avoiding Nian Siyan's sight.

888 was silent for a while, "I thought it was quite obvious."

Lan Shuang: "..."

Right, she also thought it was obvious, but she had been avoiding it before, and didn't want to respond to this feeling, because she was going to leave sooner or later, and if she had emotional entanglements, she couldn't simply leave.

"Host, what are you hesitating about? I found that you don't have any feelings for Nian Siyan."

"Of course it's because I'm a tasker. One of the taboos of taskers is to indulge in love in the small world. If you can't get out by then, this person will probably be useless."

Lan Shuang has seen too many examples, so for so many years, she has never been tempted by the mission goal, and has always maintained her rationality.

But love is something that reason can never overcome.

What can be measured by reason cannot be called love.

So after she found out that her thoughts towards Nian Siyan were not that simple, she started to run away and pretend to be stupid, but she couldn't pretend anymore today.

She sighed, 888 hesitated to speak, and finally reminded cautiously, "Well, you don't have to worry too much, host. After you leave this world, if you want, I can seal your memory for you, and you won't remember it by then." What happens in this world will not be disturbed."

Lan Shuang was silent for a moment and did not answer immediately.

The next moment, the car stopped suddenly, a hand stretched out, and patted her on the back lightly: "I'm home, stop pretending."

Lan Shuang: "..."

That's how it was discovered?
Nian Siyan smiled and opened the car door.

Lan Shuang sat up, "Am I so bad at pretending to sleep?"

888 comforted her: "The admiral's eyes are too vicious."

"All right." Lan Shuang got out of the car and looked at Nian Siyan, "Aren't you going home?"

Nian Siyan shook his head: "Go back and rest, I have to go to the police station."

Lan Shuang thought so too, Zhong Yue is a colonel after all, she really needs Nian Siyan to deal with it herself, she stared at Nian Siyan for a moment, thinking that she would not say anything At that moment, Lan Shuang spoke suddenly and asked softly, "When will you be back?"

Nian Siyan was stunned for a moment, then smiled suddenly, "Soon."

Lan Shuang nodded and entered the villa.

Nian Siyan stood in place and watched her figure disappear into the villa, then slowly retracted and got into the driver's seat.

Thinking back to the way Lan Shuang looked at her, Nian Siyan's heart felt hot. Perhaps, this time it wasn't all a bad thing, she seemed to be willing to rely on herself.

Nian Siyan was in a better mood. When he arrived at the police station, there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth. He looked at the policemen in a daze, and was very worried about his state, for fear that he was laughing out of anger.

The next moment the gun will be drawn and they will all be chug.

However, the bloody scene in his imagination did not disappear. Nian Siyan sat down on the sofa and cooperated with their questioning very well. He answered everything the other party said very quickly and fluently, and the evidence was complete, so there was almost no need to question it.

The police discussed it and understood the ins and outs of the matter, so they asked one last question.

"When we received Zhong Yue, we found that his lower body had been shot and exploded. This..."

Thinking of the bloody scene, the policemen's faces turned pale, and the feeling of nausea still lingered.

Nian Siyan said frankly, "I did it."


The policemen looked at each other, really.


"Because the envoy he forced was my sweetheart, and the situation was urgent. I was afraid that he would hurt the weak and helpless envoy, so I cut off the possibility of him continuing to commit violence with one shot. Is there any problem? Quan, you should all understand how I feel?"

The bodyguard standing next to him: "..."



Do things in a hurry?
General, are you not guilty at all?Zhong Yue was beaten so virtuously that anyone would be terrified. Are you sure that emissary is weak?
And that shot was clearly the last one you made!
However, it doesn't make any difference whether to supplement first or later, anyway, it can't be cured if it is abolished.

In the end, the police let go and left, and reported the matter to the military department. The military department was furious. As a federal soldier, he didn't want to protect the weak, but colluded with crooked people to force the envoy, and... the reason was unexpectedly Be jealous of the year admiral!
Such a narrow-minded person is not worthy of being a federal soldier. The military department immediately removed him and sent him to the first federal prison. He was sentenced to life imprisonment and did not give him pleasure.

As for Nian Siyan's shot... huh?What gun?Did not see, did not hear.

Nian Siyan returned to the villa unscathed.

As soon as he entered the door, he wanted to call Lan Shuang, but his expression changed the next moment.

There is an indistinct smell of mountains and forests after snow in the air.

But the villa is so big, Lan Shuang is in the bedroom on the second floor, and the soothing element can spread to the door, which shows that she is out of control now.

Nian Siyan didn't care about that much, so he ran to the second floor after changing his shoes.

The smell of the mountains and forests after the snowfall became stronger and stronger as they approached Lanshuang's gate. Nian Siyan had an illusion of being in a world of ice and snow in a trance.

Wine is tempted and ready to move.

Nian Siyan's eyes darkened, and Lan Shuang had entered a period of volatility.

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