Chapter 468 Let Me Take Another Bite 48
Three days later, Lan Shuang squatted behind the green belt, staring at the perfume factory opposite, listening to the voice from the personal terminal, "Miss Lan Shuang, our people are now outside the scented candle factory, ready, what to do next ?”

Alice stared closely at the security guards walking up and down the factory gate.

Lan Shuang said softly: "Pretending to be a spot checker, he forced his way in to create confusion when they blocked them. The two factories are close to each other. If something happens there, there will definitely be some action here. At that time, I will quietly Get in, and remember, be sure to hold them back."


Alice hung up the terminal and gave a gesture to the people behind her, and everyone immediately followed her out, swaggering straight to the aromatherapy factory.

The security guards at the gate of the factory were immediately alarmed, and immediately gathered together to look over.

"Who are you? The factory is important, no entry without permission, leave quickly!"

Alice took out her ID from her coat pocket with a blank expression, "The FBI, we have received a report that you have hidden illegal drugs here, and now we are going in to search, please cooperate."

The security guard's face changed, "What illegal drugs? Impossible, we are a regular factory, and the quality inspection is passed every year. If you don't believe me, you can go to the official website to check."

"That is, the factory needs to be absolutely clean and hygienic. What if you bring bacteria in? Who will bear our losses? No, you can't go in!"

What they said was righteous, but they couldn't hide their guilty conscience.

Alice narrowed her eyes, and suddenly pulled out the gun at her waist, "Then don't blame us for being rude, come on!"


She brought more than 200 people, and at one order, they immediately rushed from all directions and surrounded the factory.

The security guards were shocked, "What do you want to do? Don't those from the Investigation Bureau need to talk about the law?"

Alice sneered, "The law of the Bureau of Investigation is to solve the problem as soon as possible, instead of waiting for the procedure."

There are only more than 20 security guards here, and there is no way to compete with them. In desperation, one of the security guards secretly contacted the perfume factory.

"Something went wrong. People from the Investigation Bureau came to search our factory by force. We don't have enough people to stop it. You should quickly send people over. I will notify the owner of the house and let him find the people above to deal with it."

Lan Shuang squatted quietly behind the grass, her legs were numb, and finally saw the people in the perfume factory move. One of the security guards changed his face and ran in, and then more than 100 people ran out in one breath.

Squeeze onto the factory's large suspension vehicle and quickly rush to the aromatherapy factory.

"It's now!"

Lan Shuang touched the gate of the factory while the security guards were not there, raised her hand and shot the control system at the gate. In an instant, the monitoring of the whole factory went dark, and the final picture was a man wearing goggles. people rushed in.

All these equipments were bought by Alice. At first, Alice was worried that she would not know how to use a gun, but in fact Lan Shuang was more accurate than her.

After Lan Shuang demonstrated it to her, Alice felt relieved to let her come by herself.

The inside of the factory is still quiet at this time, and I don’t know what’s going on outside. The workers are wearing protective clothing, standing in front of the machine with a numb face, putting raw materials into it, and packing them into boxes.

Lan Shuang stared at them for a while, then went up to the second floor while no one was looking.

There are many traps set up on the second floor. At first glance, there is nothing, it is empty, but after wearing special glasses, you can see the dense infrared rays and invisible sirens here.

Lan Shuang knelt on one knee, raised the gun and aimed at the master switch on the ceiling, squinted, and there was a muffled "bang", and all the light disappeared instantly.

A door on her right suddenly opened, revealing rows of refrigerators with dense reagent tubes on them.

She walked in cautiously, and stared at the nearest one. The label contained a series of chemical symbols, which most people could not understand, and it was probably a means of prevention.

But Lan Shuang studied pharmacy, and he understood it at a glance. This is an inducer, which can stimulate the messenger's appeasement, and let him quickly enter the fluctuation period.

Lan Shuang sneered, this is a banned drug that is clearly prohibited by the Federation, but now it is put here blatantly, Lan Ping is really bold.

She picked up the medicine and put it in her pocket, but she didn't expect that there were organs under the medicine, and the alarm rang out as soon as she picked it up.


The door on the opposite side opened in an instant, and people in white coats were gathering together and didn't know what they were researching. Looking at each other, Lan Shuang immediately understood that this side was for the storage of medicines, and the opposite side was the laboratory.

No wonder no one is guarding this floor. It is estimated that any problems in the laboratory have been checked.

Seeing Lan Shuang, the faces of those people changed, "No! She is here to steal the potion, catch her!"

The person on the other side rushed over immediately.

Lan Shuang glanced at it. There was a skylight in the medicine storage room.

She would run into them when she ran outside, so she had to go through the skylight.

While running, she touched a few more medicines and stuffed them into her bag.

Anyway, the alarm will go off if you take one, and it will go off if you take two, so take a few more.

The people who caught up behind were very popular, "Stop!"

Lan Shuang snorted, only a fool would stop.

She jumped onto the refrigerator, threw out a powerful hook, and stuck tightly to the ceiling. She grabbed the rope and swung it vigorously, and the whole person flew out. She looked at the timing and grabbed the window of the skylight Pushing the armrest upwards, the skylight opened. She glanced at the people below and said with a smile, "I'll see you at the police station."

"What are you waiting for? Shoot, don't let her leave alive!"

The people below reacted and drew their guns to face each other, and the sound of crackling was endless for a while.

Lan Shuang pulled back the powerful hook, and the moment she climbed out of the skylight, a bullet flew out against her boot.

"Phew - I was taken aback."

Lan Shuang stood on the roof and patted her heart, 888: "..."

I was just startled!This is too dangerous!

However, Lan Shuang told him that there is no most dangerous, only more dangerous.

She glued the powerful hook to the outer wall of the factory, grabbed the special rope, and jumped straight down.

Although this is only the second floor, this factory is already high, and the second floor can already fall to death.

The cautious liver that does not exist at 888 suddenly mentioned his throat, "Owner, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah -be careful!"

Lan Shuang's voice seemed broken and erratic in the rapidly falling wind, but she was not afraid at all. Not only was she not afraid, but she even laughed. Just when a car drove by, Alice's face was revealed, and she pushed Sunglasses, waved to her: "Get in the car!"

"Here we come!" Lan Shuang let go of the rope, kicked her foot on the surface of the factory when she was about to land, and landed in the suspension car with the roof open.

Exactly, just right.

The moment she fell, Alice gave her a high five, "Happy cooperation!"

 This world should be coming to an end soon, and the next world may write about the end of the world. In today’s update, some people asked me about the process, um, see the comment area to the top
(End of this chapter)

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