Chapter 469 Let Me Take Another Bite 49
"Happy cooperation!" Lan Shuang leaned on the soft back of the chair and let out a long breath: "Phew, it's really exciting."

Alice pressed the button, and the roof of the hover car closed immediately, blocking the dense bullets falling from the sky.

Lan Shuang watched the group of people chasing after them like mad dogs, and suddenly asked: "The military car should have an attack function, right? The co-pilot can also operate it?"

Alice looked at her suspiciously. Although she didn't speak, that look clearly asked, "How do you know?"

Of course, Lan Shuang can't say that she is an old fritter. She has seen too many, otherwise the character design will be too broken. She said with a smile: "I read novels."

Alice suddenly realized that although it is already the interstellar era, people still retain the habit of reading. Reading novels is also a kind of life adjustment. Many people write in vests, and all walks of life will involve some, and there are many related to levitation vehicles. , which also makes sense.

She remembered Lan Shuang's nimble skills just now, and suddenly wondered where her upper limit was, so she transferred the authority to her: "I will give you half of the authority, and you can try to attack them."

As soon as the voice fell, the control panel in front of Lan Shuang suddenly changed, and there were a few more red buttons. Judging from the shape, it was like a long gun and a short gun, which was easy to understand.

Alice explained: "You can try them one by one. Each icon represents a weapon. Clicking on it will pop up instructions and a confirmation button. Just watch."

Anyway, in the end the admiral will be reimbursed without spending her money.

"Okay!" The blood in Lan Shuang's body suddenly boiled.

Compared with any conspiracy, this kind of exciting activity is the most suitable for her!

While speaking, deafening alarms sounded in the factory, and doctors in white coats rushed out, all with guns in their hands, and fired at them. They were all bounced back.

"Their cars are very powerful, put on the energy cannon!"

Someone took a pitch-black energy cannon to their shoulders and pointed it at them.

Lan Shuang narrowed her eyes, and immediately called out the high-energy cannon. The two wings of the hover vehicle suddenly opened, revealing two energy cannons, aiming at the enemy for a burst of fire.

"Bang bang bang-"

Explosion sounded one after another.

"Run, let's not confront them head-on." Although Lan Shuang hit hard, she still maintained her rationality.

Alice nodded: "Okay."

She drifted in the air, and the hover car immediately turned to the direction of the gate. The next moment, a group of people poured in at the gate and pointed their guns at them.

Alice's complexion changed: "Not good, the security guard who was transferred before is back."

"Don't be afraid, so what if there are too many people?"

Lan Shuang moved her fingers quickly on the screen, "I blasted a gap with a high-energy cannon, and you rush through it."

Alice took a deep look at Lan Shuang: "Are you not afraid at all?"

"What are you afraid of?" Lan Shuang's smile is full of confidence, her eyes are bright as if hiding a galaxy, "It's over as soon as you do it, and you will die faster if you are afraid of your hands and feet!"

Alice laughed and raised her voice, "Okay, then let's rush!"

Under her control, the levitation car accelerated towards the gate. The human wall surrounded by the security guards wanted to resist, but the high-energy cannon controlled by Lan Shuang had already locked them in. The next moment, the dazzling light exploded, and the security guards backed away in exclamation. .

"It's now!" Lan Shuang stared closely at the torn gap.

Alice snorted: "Sit still!"

With a sound of "buzz", the speed of the suspension vehicle was raised to the highest level, and it rushed out like lightning. The security guards were blown up and down by the strong wind, and they couldn't catch up.


After escaping from Lan's factory, Alice opened the roof of the suspension car again, Lan Shuang leaned on the back of the chair and laughed heartily, "Cool!"

There was also a smile on Alice's lips. She hadn't played such an exciting thing for a long time, and today she really enjoyed it all at once.

"How about it, have you got the potion?"

She slowed down and turned to look at Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang took out a few potions from her pocket and showed them to Alice, and snorted, "There are so many, it's enough for Lan Ping to die a thousand times."

Alice nodded: "It's not too late, let's go to the police station right away."

"it is good."

Alice kicked the accelerator and drove the hover car to the headquarters of the Federal Police Bureau. Using Nian Siyan's authority, she found the director general and told the whole story, including how Nian Siyan investigated the Lan family and what clues he found. .

Then Lan Shuang handed over the captured medicine, and the chief director's expression changed suddenly, and he ordered the medicine to be taken to the laboratory in an extremely serious manner.

The results came out quickly, and the report was delivered in less than 15 minutes.

The director general watched it with Lan Shuang and the others, and everyone's faces turned green.

All the medicines submitted for inspection are seriously unqualified, very dangerous, extremely harmful to the human body, and their uses are unspeakable.

If this flows into the market on a large scale, the consequences will be disastrous.

wrong!The director general stood up suddenly, these things must have flowed into the market, no one would want to produce them at all!
I don't know how many people have been victimized in places they don't know!
The director general immediately issued an order, "The evidence is convincing. Immediately seal up all the factories under the name of the Lan family. Don't let any one go. All the products produced by the Lan family will be taken off the shelves. If they fail the inspection, they will be destroyed immediately! Arrest Lan Ping immediately." , including his confidantes, bring them all back to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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