Chapter 470 Let Me Take Another Bite 50
After that, there was nothing to do with Lan Shuang and Alice. After the director general praised them, he said that they would be awarded medals when the case was over. It's useless to look good.

She did this only for the original owner.

The original owner's tragedy in the previous life was rooted in Lan Ping's indifference. When the original owner was abused by Zhong Yue, he also asked the Lan family for help, but Lan Ping chose to turn a blind eye and advised her to get along with Zhong Yue and not to cause trouble.

The original owner was disheartened, and in the end he could only live in the shadow of Zhong Yue until he died.

The Lan family, a cold and selfish family, should have fallen long ago.

Lan Shuang stood on the steps in front of the police station, looking at the golden sun in the distance, couldn't help laughing.

At the same time, 888's little assistant went online, "Congratulations to the host! The hostess's resentment value has been reduced by [-], and there are [-] left, keep up the good work!"

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows, thought for a moment, and said to Alice: "Can you take me to see Lan Bing and Zhong Yue?"

Alice was not surprised by her request, she nodded and said, "Get in the car, they are not in the police station, they have been transferred to the No. [-] Prison."

Prison No. [-] is quite far from the police station. Because it is a prison, the location is very remote. On the edge of the city, the defense here is extremely tight, and you can feel a strong sense of oppression before you get close.

When they arrived at the gate, they were stopped by the guards who were waiting in full battle. After carefully checking Alice's ID, they were released.

But the suspension car can't go in, it can only be parked at the door, Lan Shuang and Alice have to get out of the car and walk.

After walking for almost 10 minutes, they entered the prison. The guard asked them to sit in the waiting room, and quickly brought Lan Bing over.

Lan Bing was wearing the gray and blue prison uniform of the prison, with disheveled hair, looking very haggard.

The two dark circles under the eyes are comparable to giant pandas, their eyes are dull and lifeless, and they walk as stiff as a corpse.

She completely disappeared from the appearance of the high-spirited, delicate and beautiful young lady at the beginning.

Lan Shuang sat on the sofa and looked at her calmly, then smiled softly after a while, "Lan Bing, long time no see."

Lan Bing was stunned for a moment when she heard this voice, and raised her head in a daze. The moment her eyes met, her eyes suddenly became sharp, as if a will-o'-the-wisp was burning inside, "Lan, Shuang!"

She gritted her teeth and wanted to rush over, but was held down by the prison guard who followed, and reprimanded: "Be honest!"

Lan Bing couldn't hear it at all, and struggled like crazy: "Lan Shuang, you dare to come! You made me like this, how can you have the face?!"

"It's your own fault for falling into this situation, who is to blame?" Alice raised her hand to protect Lan Shuang, looking at Lan Bing, who had a ferocious face, in disgust.

Lan Shuang gently pressed Alice's hand, "It's okay, she can't hurt me."

She got up and walked in front of Lan Bing, and said with a smile: "I harmed you? It is clear that you harmed yourself. If you hadn't provoked me first, would you have ended up like this? If you do unrighteous things, you will kill yourself, Miss Lan, You deserve it all."

Lan Shuang patted Lan Bing's face with a smile, "From now on, you should repent in prison, and I will be happy outside for you."

Lan Bing was stunned for a moment, is this what he said?
How can she be so arrogant?
Her face turned red with anger, and she cursed loudly, but Lan Shuang was unmoved, and stood in front of her smilingly looking at her, watching her go crazy, watching her go from madness to collapse, and finally knelt on the ground and cried.

During this process, Lan Shuang didn't even blink her eyes, and the curvature of her lips remained the same, only the slight sarcasm in those eyes made the viewers feel chills.

Alice was in awe. Not only could this young lady be good at fighting, but she was also mentally strong and ruthless.

In the end, Lan Bing was taken away by the prison guards, and Lan Shuang looked at Alice, "Let's go and see Zhong Yue."

When they left, 888 reminded: "The resentment value of the female supporting role has been reduced by [-], and there are [-] left!"

Zhong Yue's crimes are much more serious than Lan Bing's. In addition, he used to be a colonel, so he was locked in a special prison and couldn't let him out. If he wanted to see him, he could only go there, in a specific place.

But this is enough for Lan Shuang, after all, she and Zhong Yue have nothing to say.

The special prison has no windows and is surrounded by walls. Everyone is held individually. There is no light in the dark and dark room, which can drive people crazy.

Zhong Yue was locked in the innermost part, and the deep corridor magnified the fear in people's hearts. He curled up in the corner, trembling, his injuries had only undergone the most basic treatment, and he was sure he would not die, so he ignored it. Now There were also bursts of pain.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, he didn't raise his head, and hugged himself numbly until someone stopped at his door, "Zhong Yue is here, you have half an hour to visit, I will pick you up later, hurry up time."

Zhong Yue moved stiffly, his difficult eyes slowly turned to the direction of the door, someone opened the small window on the door, and the dim light came in, he closed his eyes impatiently.

Someone laughed, "Zhong Yue, why are you like a mouse in the gutter now?"

Hearing this voice, he froze and stood up abruptly, "You—why are you here? Did you come here to see my joke?"

Standing at the door, Lan Shuang looked at the unkempt Zhong Yue inside, smiled and shook her head: "What's so funny about you? You don't deserve it."


Zhong Yue gritted his teeth and wanted to rush over, but his legs were completely disabled, so he could only move with difficulty.

Lan Shuang sighed with emotion: "You still have today. Doesn't it feel good to be raped? Doesn't it feel good to be treated like garbage?"

Zhong Yue said viciously: "What do you want to say?"

Lan Shuang shrugged, "It's nothing, I just came to see you, and I'm happy to see that you're doing well."

Zhong Yue: "..."

All parties' verdicts on Zhong Yue have come down, he can only squat in this dark place for the rest of his life, there is no possibility of going out, his past achievements and honors are all wiped out, dissipating like a dream.

Lan Shuang took a deep look at him for the last time, and heard 888 say: "The female supporting role's resentment value has been reduced by [-], and there are still [-] left! It's so strange, I didn't move before, why did it drop so much today?"

Lan Shuang is quite clear, "The reason why I didn't drop before was because the original owner hadn't seen what happened to them. Her heart was still not at ease, so the resentment value didn't drop. Now that she sees the result and her obsession disappears, she naturally dropped it."

888 suddenly realized: "I see, I understand."

"Alright Alice, let's go."

Alice wondered: "Is this the end?"

"En." Lan Shuang nodded.

Alice hesitated and asked, "You just came to see them?"

Lan Shuang shrugged and spread her hands, "That's all. They all paid the price for their actions. I am very satisfied with the result. The rest don't matter."

Alice thought about it, and said with a smile: "No wonder the general will like you. If I were a knight, I might fall in love with you too."

"That won't work." Lan Shuang said with a smile, "Your general will beat you when he comes back."

(End of this chapter)

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