Chapter 471 Let Me Take Another Bite 51
Alice paused, remembering the ice-like face of her admiral.

Alice: "..."

She shivered and immediately rubbed her arms.

"Forget it, I dare not."

Lan Shuang looked at her and laughed, "Let's go, I have to trouble you to take me home."

"Come on, although I can't be a knight, I can be a driver for a beauty." Alice smiled and helped Lan Shuang open the car door.

Lan Shuang smiled and took the co-pilot seat.


Lan Shuang took a good shower after returning home, sat on the bed and looked at the time, it is ten o'clock in the evening, I don't know what Nian Siyan is doing, have you been to the front line?
She wanted to send a message to Nian Siyan, but she was afraid of disturbing him and distracting him.

After hesitating for a while, she remembered that the personal terminal has a scheduled message function, which will not remind the other party, and will only be seen when the other party opens the message box at a certain time.

So Lan Shuang made an estimate and set the time at [-]:[-] in the morning three days later.

Then I started to write a message, and told him what happened today, and checked that there were no omissions. When she was about to press send, she paused again, Nian Siyan—I should really want to see her say something else Bar?

After thinking for a moment, Lan Shuang added a sentence at the end: Be careful, I'll wait for you to go home.

Then hit send.

"It's done, go to sleep."

Lan Shuang turned off the terminal, lay down on the bed and covered the quilt, and the robot automatically turned off the lights for her.

A night without dreams.


In the distant Xinghai, Nian Siyan was sitting in the control room of the mecha, looking at the planets, big or small, with deep eyes.

Du Qianping thought he was worried, handed him a bag of nutritional supplements and sat down beside him, "General, we have been preparing for this battle for a long time, don't worry, nothing will happen."

Nian Siyan took the nutritional supplement and opened his mouth to drink it. During the battle, the conditions were not so good. Everyone took the nutritional supplement, which was convenient and nutritious.

After eating a bag, Nian Siyan felt a lot more comfortable in his stomach, and his face looked better. He shook his head: "No."

"Huh?" Du Qianping was puzzled: "Aren't you worried about interstellar pirates? Are you in a daze here?"

Nian Siyan couldn't help but look down at his terminal, Du Qianping was taken aback, and then patted his forehead: "Oh, so I was waiting for news from Miss Lan~"

His expression was ambiguous and rippling.

Nian Siyan glanced at him, his lips were slightly pursed, and the line of his lips became a straight line, looking extremely oppressive.

Du Qianping's back felt cold, but he still asked without fear of death: "Miss Lan didn't send you a message?"

Nian Siyan narrowed his eyes this time.

Du Qianping shrank his neck suddenly, turned around and ran, shouting as he ran, "Don't worry, General, when this is over, you can have a good chat when you go back!"

Nian Siyan: "..."

He looked down at his silent terminal, raised and lowered his fingers several times.

In fact, Du Qianping was only half right. He was really thinking about Lan Shuang and wanted to see if there was any news from Lan Shuang, but his terminal had turned on the Do Not Disturb mode during wartime. Except for the news from the military, he would accept everything sent by others. less than.

Distraction is the most taboo on the battlefield, no matter what Lan Shuang says, he will always think about it.

To her, Nian Siyan thought he couldn't calm down. Ever since he saw her, he had been losing control, so he didn't dare to take risks.

It's just that the longing is unbearable and the journey home is long, so he can't help but want to find some comfort.

With a sigh, Nian Siyan finally put down his hand, his eyes gradually became firmer and sharper, he helped the microphone on his lips, and a low and cold voice came to the ears of every soldier: "Lock the hiding place of the interstellar pirates, gather immediately Attack with fire, don't let them have a chance to gather, disperse, and attack one by one!"

Everyone noticed Nian Siyan's anger, cheered up, and said in unison: "Got it!"


Zhou Lanshuang came to the college in good spirits, and saw Hua Ming sitting under the ginkgo tree reading a book as soon as she entered the door.

The dappled sunlight fell from among the leaves and sprinkled on Hua Ming's body, illuminating his side face which was pale and reddish.

Seemingly aware of Lan Shuang's gaze, Hua Ming slowly turned his head to look, and seeing Lan Shuang standing in front of him intact, he smiled imperceptibly, "Morning."

Lan Shuang nodded: "Morning, why are you reading here?"

Hua Ming raised his hand to cover the sun and the emotions in his eyes, "Bask in the sun, the scenery here is beautiful."

Lan Shuang nodded: "It's really beautiful, what happened last Friday, thank you very much."

Hua Ming stood up with a smile, and a ginkgo leaf fell on his shoulder, "It's just a small effort, I can't help, I have to find someone who can help, will the general go in time?"

"It's just in time." Lan Shuang raised her hand and took off the ginkgo leaf from his shoulder, and put it on the book he had spread out, "Thank you very much, Hua Ming."

Her tone was soft but solemn, and Hua Ming's heart jumped quickly. He took a deep look at Lan Shuang, closed the book, and sandwiched the ginkgo leaves inside, as if hiding his heart that would never see the light.

"You're welcome, let's go, go to class."

"it is good."

The two walked side by side along the tree-lined road, and their shadows also walked side by side in the sun, but they did not overlap.

(End of this chapter)

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