Chapter 472 Let Me Take Another Bite 52
When it was time for class, they didn't see the professor, but heard the radio first.

Everyone in the school heard the broadcast clearly. Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows and vaguely guessed what it was. At the same time, everyone's terminals received an email.

"Good morning, everyone. I'm your dean, Yi Pingliu. I'm taking a few minutes of your time today, and I want to tell you something very serious."

"Last Friday, Lan Bing, a classmate of our college, instigated others to carry out coercive behavior against another classmate of our college. He also spent a lot of money to buy the testing center and forged the testing report. His behavior was extremely bad! His moral character was seriously corrupted! He violated the federal law many times. The law has broken through the bottom line, after all the teachers of our school held a meeting to discuss, the final result is now announced—”

"From now on, Lan Bing is no longer a student of my Federal First Academy. All her grades and honors will be invalidated, she will be expelled from school, her files will be sealed, and she will never be hired! In addition, the academy has also reported to the police and urged the police to deal with it seriously. Today I received the news earlier that Lan Bing has been arrested, and because he is an adult, he has been punished for several crimes and sentenced to 15 years in prison."

"Here, I hope all of you present here can take this as a warning, learn to learn morality first, and be a man before doing things! Otherwise, Lan Bing's today is your tomorrow! No matter what your grades are, morality is the only criterion for measuring people!"

"Okay, let's continue with the class."

The broadcast stopped, and the students felt a little complicated.

After whispering for a while, some people wondered who Lan Bing was trying to harm.

Hua Ming heard it, and subconsciously glanced at Lan Shuang. Lan Shuang also looked over, and said in a low voice: "The academy still intends to protect the victims. It really deserves to be the first academy in the Federation."

Hua Ming nodded: "This is also the reason why the First Academy is so popular and prosperous."

Lan Shuang took it very seriously, and felt that her original choice was really right.

As for the email... Lan Shuang opened it and saw that it was an official document with the seal of the college, and it was the result of the treatment of Lan Bing. It was similar to what the dean said, but more formal and rigorous.

Lan Bing can be regarded as self-inflicted, and evil will be rewarded with evil.

Although 15 years seems to have passed in a flash, Lan Bing was still very young in her 30s when she came out, but she has a criminal record, and she will not be hired for some important positions in the future. These records will be with her forever, and she will always be able to Live in the shadows.

And when the time comes, the Lan family will also collapse, and the eldest lady will live a life of poverty, which will be a huge blow to her.

Mental devastation is far more terrifying and lasting than physical torture.

Lan Shuang is very satisfied with the result.

These two people dealt with it, and Lan Ping soon had results.

Lan Shuang received a video from Alice that night, "Dear Miss Lan Shuang, I have some good news for you."

Lan Shuang sat at the dining table, sat upright when she heard this and looked at her curiously, "Please tell—"

Alice smiled and said: "Lan Ping has been formally arrested. He illegally made drugs and sold them for profit. The evidence is solid. The police seized 870 bottles of illegal drugs from all the factories under his name. , and there are many planets under his name, very remote, the police suspect that there is also a stronghold there, and they are currently sending people to search, it is estimated that it will take some time to be completely convicted, but judging from the evidence currently available—"

Alice paused, her eyes were a little cold, "The death penalty can't escape."

Hearing the news, Lan Shuang didn't smile or get angry, but instead had an indescribably serious expression on her face. Alice asked her suspiciously, "Don't you feel happy?"

Lan Shuang shook her head: "I'm not happy, you said, we found so many, how many have been sold and used?"

Alice was taken aback, her expression suddenly turned ugly.

Yeah, how many victims are there where they can't see?
Just letting Lan Ping die suddenly felt that it was a bit cheap for him.

But the final punishment can only be like this.

Alice sighed, "We've tried our best."

"Yeah." Lan Shuang took a sip of watermelon juice to get rid of negative emotions, "Okay, let's not talk about this, Lan Ping went to jail, and the Lan family went bankrupt, it can be regarded as an explanation to them, it is indeed good news."

Alice nodded: "Besides, there is good news."

She smiled meaningfully, Lan Shuang narrowed her eyes, "Oh?"

"Guess it?"

Lan Shuang bit the straw and shook her head: "I don't guess."

Alice was helpless: "Why don't you play cards according to common sense?"

"Okay, if you don't guess, I still want to say it. The news came back from the front. Admiral Nian broke through the interstellar pirate's lair in one fell swoop. The interstellar pirates were beaten and fled in all directions. The battle is probably over soon. "

Lan Shuang thought it was true, she guessed it when Alice spoke, after all, there was only one thing related to her that could be called good news.

She put down her glass and applauded, "The general is really amazing."

Alice: "..."

You are so perfunctory.

But her mission has been completed, and the rest has nothing to do with her.

Alice hung up the video, and Lan Shuang sat at the table in a daze for a while. She didn't feel anything when she was talking, but when she was alone, her heart boiled.

Nian Siyan... Are you coming back soon?
Don't miss it, don't miss it, don't miss it, miss it endlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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