Chapter 473 Let Me Take Another Bite 53
Lan Shuang found a work-study job for herself, helping organize books in the school library. It didn't have much money, but it was enough to maintain daily expenses and learn something by the way. Lan Shuang was very active in doing it.

On a sunny afternoon, after finishing clearing the books on the bookshelf, she sat at the desk and fell asleep. A book was spread out in front of her. After reading a few lines, her eyes began to spin.

She was so sleepy that she could hardly keep her eyes open. She supported her face with one hand, but she couldn't help sliding down.

Just when her chin was about to hit the table, a hand suddenly stretched out and placed it under it, and Lan Shuang's chin landed on the other's palm.

The warm touch made Lan Shuang unprepared, she almost fell asleep as soon as she closed her eyes, until she smelled a faint smell of wine, she opened her eyes suddenly.

This smell... Nian Siyan? !
She turned her head, and the other party just leaned over from behind her, and that familiar face was staring at her with a slight smile, "Sleepy?"

The four eyes were facing each other, and the distance was so close that the breathing was intertwined. Lan Shuang couldn't help but pursed her lower lip, "You..."

There are so many things I want to say, but now I suddenly don't know which one to ask first.

You're back? ——Everyone is standing here, but they just came back, asking what nonsense?
How is it going? ——It shouldn’t be too bad if you can still laugh.

Why didn't you come home?

Her mind was in a mess, and she didn't know if she was sleepy. Lan Shuang stared blankly at Nian Siyan for a while, and Nian Siyan suddenly smiled, grabbed her wrist and pulled her to stand up, "Go, go home sleep."

Lan Shuang followed him to the door before remembering, "I have to speak to the administrator."

Nian Siyan nodded: "Okay, go, I'll wait for you outside."

There were quite a few people in the library, and everyone looked over as soon as Nian Siyan appeared.

He didn't want to cause any disturbance, so he took the first step.

Lan Shuang nodded, but when handing over the task to the administrator, the administrator asked curiously, "Why did you leave so early today?"

Lan Shuang was not sleepy anymore, she winked at the administrator, "It's a date."

The administrator was surprised: "Ah? You have a boyfriend? Who is it?"

Lan Shuang took back her card and gave him a meaningful smile: "Temporary secret."


Nian Siyan was standing under the big tree outside the library, Lan Shuang walked over and patted him on the shoulder from behind: "Okay, let's go."

Nian Siyan nodded, "Yes."

The two walked out of the school side by side, and the rate of turning heads soared along the way.

Lan Shuang couldn't help but sized Nian Siyan a few times. Seeing that he was still wearing a military uniform, she asked in a low voice, "You came to find me right after you came back from the battlefield?"

Nian Siyan nodded: "Well, I really want to see you, I can't wait."

Lan Shuang's heart trembled, and she looked away uncomfortably. I haven't seen you for half a month. Why is this person getting better at talking?
"How did you know I was in the library?"

Nian Siyan opened his terminal and showed it to Lan Shuang: "I saw your message."

Lan Shuang mentioned to Nian Siyan about her time in the library in the message three days ago, but he didn't expect him to remember it.

"When did you see it?" Lan Shuang glanced at it, and every message showed a read status. She left about... thirty or forty messages for Nian Siyan.

She wrote whatever came to her mind and said a lot in a mess.

Nian Siyan withdrew his hand, looked at the road ahead and said softly, "The day the war ends."

To be more precise, at the moment when the pirates were all captured, the pirates were still cursing at Nian Siyan for a second, seeing his cold face in shock, and seeing Nian Siyan open his personal terminal the next second , the whole person softened, exuding a sour smell of love.

Interstellar Pirates: "..."

Nima dog thing, these days we are chasing and beating us fiercely, killing us to death, just to go back to see the little lover quickly, right?
If I had known that they were on the dead planet, in the dead star sea, they would not live!
Now not only captured, but also forced to eat dog food.

Thinking of this, the pirate scolded even harder.


Nian Siyan couldn't help laughing when he thought of this.

Lan Shuang glanced at him curiously, "What are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing."

Seeing that there was no one around, Nian Siyan suddenly stopped, and handed his white-gloved right hand to Lan Shuang, "Do me a favor."

Lan Shuang wondered, "What's the matter?"

Nian Siyan had a faint smile in his eyes, "Help me take off the gloves."

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows and glanced at him, "Oh."

She grabbed the fingers of the glove and pulled it lightly, and the glove came off.

"Well, here it is for you."

Lan Shuang returned the glove, Nian Siyan took it with his left hand, grabbed hers with his right hand, squeezed his fingers into her fingers, and clasped them tightly.

Lan Shuang was taken aback, Nian Siyan naturally let go of the hands they held, "If you want to ask anything, you can go home and ask."

Driven forward by him, Lan Shuang thought in a daze, is this person planning to skip the confession and get together?

Not at all concealed.

After leaving the school gate, Lan Shuang saw Du Qianping standing next to the suspension car and didn't know who he was sending messages to. Seeing them coming out, he immediately greeted them with a smile, but when he saw their handshake, he suddenly stopped. , revealing an ambiguous to a little wretched look.

"Oh, do I have to change my name, I can't call you Miss Lan, should I call you Madam?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

Don't spread rumors, she hasn't agreed yet!
She turned her head to look at Nian Siyan's handsome side face bathed in the sun, and pursed her lips.

Although it may be about to agree, right?

(End of this chapter)

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