Chapter 474 Let Me Take Another Bite 54
Nian Siyan glared at Du Qianping: "Speak well."

Du Qianping was taken aback for a moment, why, isn't it done yet?It's not enough to pull your hands together, can't you, general? !
His eyes were too straightforward, let alone Nian Siyan, even Lan Shuang understood, she couldn't help but bend the corners of her lips, and the next moment she felt her fingers being gently rubbed.

Nian Siyan asked in a low voice, "Laughing?"

Lan Shuang: "..."

Somehow, she read the meaning of danger in this one word.

She immediately restrained her expression.


Nian Siyan opened the door of the suspension car for Lan Shuang, Lan Shuang sat in the co-pilot, and Du Qianping sat in the back resignedly.

Nian Siyan drove the car all the way back to Nian Siyan's villa.

After getting off the car, Lan Shuang found something different. The fountain outside the villa used to be just a decoration, but it suddenly opened today, and the water sprayed one after another along with the music, shining like a rainbow in the sun.

Lan Shuang turned her head and glanced at Nian Siyan, "Why did you turn on the fountain? Are there any distinguished guests coming today?"

Nian Siyan smiled softly, gave her a meaningful look, and held her hand again, "Well, there is a distinguished guest."

Lan Shuang: "..."

This honored guest, could it be her?The young general suddenly opened up that muscle called romance?

She turned her head and took a look. Du Qianping left at some point, and there were only the two of them in the whole villa.

Her heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably.

"Little Baba, do you think Nian Siyan wants to confess his love to me?"

888 rested his chin and watched, "Guess the host?"

"I guess it's probably true. The general in the fairy tale returned triumphantly and proposed to his sweetheart with all the honors. Then the two had a happy ending and lived a happy life ever since."


Don't say it so bluntly, you don't have any expectations, okay? !

Lan Shuang was thinking endlessly when Nian Siyan snapped his fingers suddenly.

She blinked, and the next moment she saw Tess with a wreath on her head and a red banner slid out of the villa.

Lan Shuang: "..."

"Pfft—" she couldn't help laughing, "Who dressed Tess like this? Isn't it too silly?"

Originally Tess was chubby like an egg, but with this dress, she looks even more like an easter egg.

Lan Shuang couldn't stop laughing, what Nian Siyan wanted to say was interrupted, unable to raise his emotions, he pinched Lan Shuang's face helplessly: "Stop laughing."

Lan Shuang pursed her lips and looked at him, but she stopped smiling, but the smile came out of her eyes. Nian Siyan was infected and couldn't help laughing.

The two smiled at each other, Tess on one side: QAQ
Is no one talking to me?
If you keep laughing like this, today's matter can't continue.

Nian Siyan smiled for a moment, then suddenly held Lan Shuang's face and kissed it, swallowing all the laughter.


Lan Shuang was dazed by the kiss, and opened her eyes slightly to look at Nian Siyan. Nian Siyan raised his hand to cover her eyes, and the kiss deepened.

Two single dogs in the grass not far away: "..."

You two never finish, can you consider other people's feelings?
Although Xiao Biesheng is newly married, there are more important things to do right now, Nian Siyan can only suppress his restless heart, he restrained himself and bit Lan Shuang's lower lip, breathing heavily, " Have you laughed enough?"

Lan Shuang's face was slightly hot, how can this dog man keep smiling after being like this?

Nian Siyan pursed his lips and waved to Tess: "Come here."

Tess rolled over, and suddenly a bouquet of pink and alternate roses appeared from behind.

"Come on, Admiral~"

Tess encouraged him, then stepped aside and turned on the camera function.

Lan Shuang was surprised, she really wanted to confess her love, but... why does this battle feel like asking for marriage?
Sure enough, Nian Siyan suddenly took half a step back, knelt down on one knee, and held the bouquet in front of Lan Shuang, "I wanted to do this before, but I didn't have the confidence and I didn't have the time. Now the interstellar pirates have been completely solved. No worries, I'll have a long vacation, so I'm going to tackle a lifelong event."

Lan Shuang pursed her lips tightly, and her heart began to beat faster.

Nian Siyan's deep eyes looked at her intently, reflecting the sunlight, looking bright and affectionate.

"Dear Miss Lan Shuang." Nian Siyan's voice was low and slow, as if filled with heavy love, "I am the general of the First Federation Army—Nian Siyan, 23 this year, gender knight, graduated from the Federation No. [-] Academy, with reliable character and recordable grades."

This way of proposing marriage like self-declaration sounds a bit naive, but Lan Shuang, who is in it, can't laugh, she feels that she is about to float now.

"I have never been in love before, so I may be clumsy in this regard. Thank you Miss Lanshuang for your forgiveness. Today, I just came back from the battlefield. I successfully wiped out the interstellar pirates and broke their lair. The credit has been settled. This is My new Peace Medal is a symbol of honor, and now I give it to you."

Nian Siyan took off the beautiful sun-shaped golden gem medal from his lapel, and put it in Lan Shuang's hand.

"I use my life's honor and all my love for the employment. I ask Miss Lan Shuang to give me a chance to be with me for a lifetime. I don't know Miss Lan Shuang, would you like it?"

Lan Shuang was silent for a moment, staring at Nian Siyan silently.

Always fearless on the battlefield, the invincible general became unexpectedly nervous, and his Adam's apple slid up and down.

Lan Shuang smiled suddenly, and stretched out her left hand: "Is this a marriage proposal? Don't you have a ring?"

Nian Siyan was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes lit up little by little, "Yes!"

He took out a beautiful red velvet box from his pocket, opened it gently, and a pale pink diamond shone brightly in the sun.

The shape of the ring is relatively simple, without so many fancy designs, but the extreme simplicity can even highlight the beauty of the diamond.

Nian Siyan took Lan Shuang's left hand and carefully put the ring on her middle finger.

"This is an engagement ring. I bought it in a hurry. I will change it on the day we get married."

Lan Shuang watched the ring slowly fit on her fingertips, feeling very subtle in her heart.

Before that, she never thought that she would fall in love with someone in the mission world. She couldn't measure how deep this love was, but her heart told her that she enjoyed the process and she was willing to live in the present, as for the future Let's talk about it later.

So the moment Nian Siyan put the ring on her, she suddenly grabbed Nian Siyan's skirt, made him stand up, and kissed his lips proactively.

Du Qianping glanced at Alice next to him, stood up and applauded, "Wuhu~ Congratulations to the general for embracing the beauty!"

Alice rolled her eyes, "Idiot, I really don't know how to read the atmosphere."

(End of this chapter)

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