Chapter 475 Let Me Take Another Bite 55
Sure enough, as soon as Du Qianping jumped out, Lan Shuang let go of Nian Siyan, and then Du Qianping got the Nian Siyan card with a blank stare.

"I invite you to be witnesses, not light bulbs." Nian Siyan looked at Du Qianping coldly.

Du Qianping turned his head and looked, okay, Alice stood watching from a distance, didn't step forward at all, he was the only one charging forward.

Du Qianping looked at Alice accusingly.

Alice ignored him, and came over to congratulate Nian Siyan and Lan Shuang: "Walking around, you are still together, congratulations."

She stretched out her hand, and Lan Shuang held it with a smile, "Thank you."

Alice smiled: "As the general's subordinate, I hope you can treat the general well. Although the general always has a cold face, he is just not good at expressing. He is cold on the outside and hot on the inside."

She turned to look at Nian Siyan, and Nian Siyan held her hand. Alice changed the topic: "But after I fought side by side with Lan Shuang, I think we can be regarded as friends. From the perspective of Lan Shuang's friend, I I hope you will treat Lan Shuang well, Admiral, she may not need your protection, she is very strong, but I beg you to protect her and not let her get hurt."

Nian Siyan has always been cold and dignified in front of his subordinates, but today he is like an ordinary person, showing a little imperceptible restraint in front of his fiancée's friends.

He solemnly saluted Alice, "Don't worry, I will."

Alice nodded, let go of her hand and saluted.

Nian Siyan withdrew his hand and took Lan Shuang's hand again, as if he didn't want to be separated from her for a moment.

Lan Shuang saw Tess standing beside her, and waved with a smile: "Tess, come over and take a photo with us?"

Tess cheered up immediately, "Good lady."

Du Qianping came back to life full of blood, and said in a low voice: "Oh, what's your name, Miss, now it's time to call you Madam."

Lan Shuang looked at him dumbfounded: "How much obsession do you have with this title?"

Du Qianping sighed vicissitudes: "Oh, you don't understand. I have been with the general since I was a boy. I once thought that he would die alone. I always felt that no one can match him. Until I met you, Madam, I saw the dawn and I hope that the general can finally get rid of being single, of course I will put him in jail for him."

Lan Shuang turned her head and raised an eyebrow at Nian Siyan, who snorted and said, "If you talk nonsense again, I'll have your mouth sewed."

Alice immediately raised her hand upon hearing this, and volunteered, "I can!"

Du Qianping: "..."

"Alice, I fight with you!"

He hooked Alice's neck as if to strangle her, Alice laughed, Lan Shuang and Nian Siyan looked at each other and smiled with joy from the bottom of their hearts.

Tess thought this scene was good, so she called up the camera, took a picture of this scene with a "click", turned it into a photo, and stored it forever.


Nian Siyan, who confessed and made a successful marriage proposal, completely let go of his nature. He pretended to sleep on the third floor, but that night he went to knock on Lan Shuang's door with his pillow in his arms.

Lan Shuang came out wearing a loose bathrobe after taking a shower, her hair was still covered with steam, and when she opened the door, she saw Nian Siyan standing at the door, her expression became subtle, "Admiral Nian will change his job to do it for me today. Gatekeeper?"

Nian Siyan pursed his lips, "I want to sleep here tonight."

"Why?" Lan Shuang deliberately blocked the door to prevent him from entering.

Nian Siyan was hugging the pillow, wearing a black silk satin nightgown, which made him taller and stronger, blocking the door and saying aggrieved words, but it didn't look like that.

"I miss you very much. These days on the battlefield, I can't smell the smell of mountains and forests after the snow. I can't sleep. I haven't slept well for a long time."

"Oh, that's it~" Lan Shuang smiled, "Then come in."

She didn't embarrass Nian Siyan too much, they did everything they should do, and they proposed marriage, so there was no need to keep a distance.

Nian Siyan's eyes lit up, and he followed her into the room. After putting the pillow on the bed, he picked up the hair dryer and walked over, "I'll dry your hair for you."

He sat down by the bed, Lan Shuang thought about it, and sat down on the carpet at the end of the bed, so that Nian Siyan would save effort.

Nian Siyan adjusted the size and temperature of the wind, and then pointed the hair dryer at Lan Shuang's hair. His somewhat rough fingers shuttled between Lan Shuang's hair, helping her comb while blowing. Lan Shuang felt comfy sleepy.

"I heard what Alice said about the Lan family's affairs, and they did it beautifully." Nian Siyan's deep and mellow voice was accompanied by the dull sound of the hair dryer, making it even more hypnotic. Lan Shuang yawned, tears overflowed from his eyes, He said vaguely: "Well, don't you think it's a little strange that I'm so good at it?"

She seemed relaxed, but when she asked this sentence, her body tensed up involuntarily. 888 bit her fingers nervously. Is the host trying to test Nian Siyan?
She wanted to see if Nian Siyan could accept it?
Nian Siyan didn't seem to notice anything was wrong, he lowered his head and kissed Lan Shuang's hair while blowing, "It's not that bad, how can you survive in a place like a slum?"

"I also hope that you can be better." Nian Siyan straightened up and said with a smile: "When I have time later, I will teach you how to machine armor."

Lan Shuang's heart moved, she raised her arm and put it on Nian Siyan's thigh, and lay on it with her head turned sideways, with a relaxed voice: "Okay."

Putting down the doubts in her heart, Lan Shuang soon fell into a deep sleep. Nian Siyan felt that the blowing was almost done, turned off the hair dryer, and looked down at Lan Shuang's profile.

White and tender, it looks very fragile, and it seems to be broken with a poke.

He looked down and took Lan Shuang's little hand, which was soft and slippery, weak and boneless, but it was very steady when he shot.

How could he not have doubted it?

But... so what?
She is not a spy, and she is not harmful, so what is there to worry about?
He was only worried, what if one day she had had enough fun and left him?
Nian Siyan pinched the center of his eyebrows helplessly, maybe he could only love her more, and lock her by his side with love so that she could never leave again.

He leaned over to pick up Lan Shuang and put her on the bed carefully, Lan Shuang moved a bit, "Huh?"

This sound was full of sleepiness.

The admiral, who originally wanted to do something, thought about it, smiled and shook his head, "Forget it, go to sleep, good night."

He kissed Lan Shuang's eyebrows, turned over and lay beside him, pulled up the quilt and covered her, and fell asleep with Lan Shuang in his arms.

A good night's dream.


The interstellar pirates were wiped out, and Nian Siyan became more relaxed than ever before. He immediately submitted a marriage application with his superiors, and as soon as the approval came, he immediately took Lan Shuang to get the certificate.

The media who had heard the news flocked to interview, wanting to see who the wife of this legendary general was.

Nian Siyan turned everyone back with one sentence: "My wife is still young and doesn't like to be lively. I hope everyone will not pay too much attention to our privacy. When the time is right, we will make it public. She is focusing on her studies now. If any unscrupulous media offends my wife, I'm sorry, and I will take legal measures as soon as possible to investigate to the end."

(End of this chapter)

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