Chapter 476 Let Me Take Another Bite of the Finale
As soon as Nian Siyan's speech was released, it immediately set off an upsurge of discussion among the people, and everyone became more and more curious and envious of that "Madam".

But Nian Siyan had greeted all departments, and kept all information about Lan Shuang secret. Except that the other party was an envoy who was studying, everyone knew nothing about it.

Therefore, Lanshuang's life has not been affected in any way.

As always, she goes to school, does experiments, has dinner with her classmates, and does odd jobs in the library in her spare time. Her life is very fulfilling.

If you have to say something that you are not satisfied with...

Lan Shuang has to rub her waist every morning when she wakes up. Admiral Nian's physical strength is too good and his energy is too strong, which is really distressing.

Other than that, life is really nothing to be dissatisfied with.

Until Lan Shuang was on vacation, Nian Siyan organized a grand and grand wedding immediately, and officially introduced Lan Shuang internally to everyone.

But the wedding is not open to the public, so outsiders still don't know what Lan Shuang looks like.

On this day, Lan Shuang also received news about Lan Ping.

Lan Ping's verdict just came down today.

Lan Shuang went back to the room and sat on the bed, opened the terminal and found that Alice had sent her a file, she clicked on it, and it listed all the crimes committed by Lan Ping over the years, except for selling illegal drugs, as well as coercing messengers, Bribery and so on.

Each of them was a felony, and several crimes were punished together. Lan Ping was sentenced to death.

And it is executed immediately.

That is, when she saw the news, Lan Ping had already gone to reincarnate.

The trees of the Lan family fell and the monkeys scattered, and all the properties of the Lan family were confiscated. The Lan family who did not commit crimes ran away overnight and stayed away from here, while all the criminals went in.

The big family that was once glorious fell silently and silently just like that overnight.

Lan Shuang didn't fluctuate in her heart. These people had nothing to do with her at all. She didn't care about their results, nor did the original owner. She replied to Alice and deleted the email.

From now on, there will be no Lan family, only Lan Shuang.


Lan Shuang performed very well in the first few years at the Federal First Academy. She is indeed very talented in pharmacy. Before graduation, she successfully developed a new tranquilizer, which can be used by both messengers and knights. After that, it can successfully maintain the effect of the medicine for half a year, so that the messenger will no longer be affected by the fluctuation period, and the knight will no longer have a riot period.

The appeasement hormone will no longer affect their judgment, which is very far-reaching.

After the new tranquilizer was tested and determined to be harmless, it was officially put into the market, and received a lot of good feedback as soon as it was put on the shelves.

Lanshuang didn't stop there. Based on this, she spent another five years improving the formula and researching the third generation of tranquilizers.

This one has a longer validity period and can last for one year, and after injection, it will not be affected by the pacifying hormone at all, even if the opponent's mental power level is high, it can be effectively suppressed.

In this way, neither the messenger nor the knight needs to choose a partner from each other. They can choose ordinary people who do not have pacifiers to marry, as long as they take sedatives on time.

After the release of this tranquilizer, many couples troubled by appeasement were liberated, and Lanshuang became a god of love and freedom in their hearts.

They took to the streets spontaneously to thank Lan Shuang for his contribution.

After the Federation discussed, the President came forward and awarded Lan Shuang a Medal of Freedom with a white dove on a green background to show her meritorious service.

On the day of the awards, the interstellar live broadcast was broadcast, and the camera turned around. When Lan Shuang stepped off the stage, Nian Siyan went up to greet her, and carefully lifted the hem of her skirt for her. .

As if sensing that the hovering robot was photographing them, Nian Siyan and Lan Shuang looked up together.

The star network immediately exploded.

[The looks of these two people are too heaven-defying, right? 】

[Good match, perfect match, fairy match! 】

[Woooooo, are my husband and my wife together?I am so green! 】

Lan Shuang turned her head to look at Nian Siyan thoughtfully, "It seems that I haven't given you a title yet?"

Nian Siyan raised his eyebrows, his eyes filled with a smile, "So?"


Lan Shuang took the initiative to smack Nian Siyan's side face, then blinked at the camera, and mouthed: Mine.

All interstellar netizens: [! ! ! 】

Nian Siyan lowered his eyes and smiled, and squeezed her hand tightly. The robot moved down very well. In the camera, the two of them clasped their hands, wearing a pair of simple wedding rings where their ring fingers were.

It turned out that the young general's lover was so beautiful and outstanding.

Now, no one is talking or guessing on Starnet anymore, and all the previous rumors disappeared overnight.

Only one post has been pushed to the most popular:

[Before this, I didn’t know what love was like. I thought it was the matching and combination of pacifying hormones. Later, Ms. Lanshuang told me through medical science that pacifying factors cannot determine love, so what is love?Today, General Nian personally told me with his actions that love is about respect, protection, mutual support, and mutual achievement.It's not who puts who's name on it, but when they are separated, each of them shines, and they stand together equally, no need to say more, just a look, the whole world understands that you love her.This is love, the most perfect appearance. 】

(End of this chapter)

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