Quick-wearing female supporting roles: the sickly villain is suicidal

Chapter 477 World 1: This zombie is kind of cute 1

After Lan Shuang received the medal, the last bit of resentment of the original owner was completely eliminated.

What she hates is not only the Lan family and Zhong Yue, but also the involuntary emissary who cannot shine and realize her own value.

But Lan Shuang helped her make up for these regrets, so the original owner happily reincarnated and welcomed the new life.

At the end of the mission, 888 asked: "Host, the mission has been successfully completed, you can now choose whether to leave this world or not."

Lan Shuang thought for a while, when she first came, she really wanted to leave after completing the tasks, finish all the tasks early and go back early, but...she turned her head to look at Nian Si who was sleeping soundly on her shoulder He said, shaking his head: "Just let the flow take its course and wait for death."

888 was very pleased with her choice, and nodded: "Okay, then we will stay until the day when our lives end, and I will pick up the host at that time."

The lifespan of interstellar humans is generally extended. Nian Siyan and Lan Shuang lived to be over 200 years old. When they felt that they could not survive, they avoided everyone, found a beautiful planet, and calmly waited for death to come .

When her life was about to come to an end, Lan Shuang clenched the hands of the people around her, her emotions surging.

She was going to go to the next world, a world without Nian Siyan, and Nian Siyan would not remember her or this relationship in his next life. They stopped here.

Thinking of this, Lan Shuang felt a little sad, but she knew that this was the fate of every tasker.

She turned her face to the side, and with her last strength, put a light kiss on Nian Siyan's lips, and said, "I love you."

Nian Siyan's withered eyes suddenly glowed with life, and a tear fell from the corner of his eye, "I love you too."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and walked towards the end of their lives together.

The two bodies were tightly pressed together until their last breath, and their fingers were tightly clasped. However, in the next second, two souls suddenly floated out of the lifeless body, one was absorbed by the system as soon as it appeared, and the other floated in midair.

There was a black mist floating around that soul, and slowly opened his eyes, the red pupils flickered slightly, the remaining daze faded instantly, and a few smiles appeared instead.

The farewell they thought was actually a new life in another sense.

He is looking forward to their next meeting.

He took a deep look at a certain position in the void, and then his figure turned into a white petal, floating into the gate of time and space that appeared behind him at an unknown time.


After Lan Shuang returned to the system space, her memory automatically recovered. She sat on the chair for a while, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. She was still sad one second, and turned into sugar the next second. Whoever tries it will know how it tastes. .

888 da da da came over, "Host, are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's okay." Lan Shuang stretched her waist and stood up, "Let's go, the next world."

888's eyes widened in shock: "Don't you need to rest for a while?"

"No, finish it early and go home early."

Lan Shuang smiled and winked at him, "I have a family now."


This dog food is damn sweet.Nonsence!
He numbly pointed to the teleportation array on one side.

Lan Shuang stood up with a smile, and he immediately pressed the start button.

The world was spinning, time and space were reversed, and when Lan Shuang entered her new body, her previous memories were sealed again.



"Ho ho ho ho—"


One after another, strange calls sounded from all directions, gradually approaching the petite figure behind the narrow iron door.

Lan Shuang opened her eyes in a daze. Before she saw anyone, she smelled a foul smell, as if the meat of some animal had rotted, moldy, hairy and maggot.


I had a physical reaction before I opened my eyes.

Lan Shuang covered her mouth, opened her eyes suddenly, and was shocked by the scene in front of her.

"Xiao Baba, what is this? A gift pack for beginner zombies?"

888 pointed his fingers and reminded in a low voice: "Host, now is not the time to think about this. Here I suggest that you run away before talking about it."

Lan Shuang's eyes froze, and she took a quick look at the environment she was in.

Crooked shelves, scattered goods, large packages of paper towels, dish soap and laundry detergent.

Everyone needs these daily necessities before the end of the world, but in the end of the world, the only criterion is to keep people alive. These things are dispensable, so they are abandoned here.

The food shelf on the other side was completely ransacked, and a large puddle of unknown liquid was spilled on the ground.

At the end of the shelf, a group of strangely shaped zombies with gray skin were slowly moving towards this side.

Now is the beginning of the end of the world. Zombies have not yet evolved, and they are all relatively low-level forms. They move slowly and clumsily, and they only look for food according to their instincts.

And obviously, Lan Shuang, who is weak, helpless and alone, is this "food".

Lan Shuang: "..."

She cursed silently, and entered hell mode at the beginning of the game, what a trap.


Zombies gathered towards Lan Shuang from all directions, Lan Shuang didn't have time to think, she turned around and pushed the door behind her. The door was not very strong, and she pushed it like this, revealing a gap through which Lan Shuang could See what's going on outside.

Her eyes lit up, and she was about to discuss with 888 about exchanging for an item to open the door, but the next moment, she saw a zombie rushing over with bared teeth, "Roar!"

The stench was pungent, Lan Shuang's face turned green, she turned her head and covered her stomach and retched again.


"Ho ho!"

The zombies outside didn't know that they were disgusted by the people inside, and they became crazier and more and more in number when they smelled human.

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