With the internal and external attacks, Lan Shuang was almost smoked to death.

"No, it really stinks!" Lan Shuang covered her nose, turned her head to look at the outflanking zombies, and gritted her teeth, "It's smelly and ugly, it's a double torture to my eyes and nose!"

888: "You have to get used to the host, you have to live in this environment for a long time, and you have to deal with zombies all the time~"

Lan Shuang: "..."

Want to give myself a knife.

888: "That's not necessary..."

Seeing that the nearby zombie was about to charge over, Lan Shuang flew up and kicked the opponent's stomach, kicking him to the ground.

Lan Shuang put down her hand and locked her eyes on the rolling pins scattered on the ground beside her.

Although she can't roll dough, she can fight!
She leaned over to avoid the attack of the zombies, and slid to the side of the rolling pin. The two zombies turned around and rushed towards them. Lan Shuang grabbed the rolling pin and hit them directly on the heads.

The rolling pin is still relatively heavy, and it hit the zombie's head with a "boom", knocking people unconscious.

At this time, the head of the zombie is very fragile, and a hole can be knocked out with a stick.

Then fell to the ground motionless.

Lan Shuang took a breath, her body was hot and cold, making her unable to exert herself, she touched her forehead, "I'm not bitten, am I? I'm going to be infected?"

888 explained: "No, it's because you are going to differentiate, so you will have a fever. This is a normal reaction."

"Phew, that's good. If I really become a zombie, I'll give myself a stick right away."

Lan Shuang absolutely cannot accept that she becomes ugly and smelly, even if she doesn't do this task.

She beat the zombies while running, and took headshots, which can minimize her physical exertion, and she really couldn't hold it anymore.

"Host, there is an exit here, not to the outside world, but there are no zombies inside!"

"Okay!" Lan Shuang immediately ran in the direction 888 said.

It was strange to say that there were obviously a lot of zombies in the supermarket, but they didn't see any of them when they got here. The zombies chasing Lan Shuang got close and then backed away.

Lan Shuang glanced at them thoughtfully, but walked over firmly.

Besides the unknown and dangerous future, the most important thing is to get rid of the current predicament first.

Lan Shuang clenched the rolling pin tightly and did not dare to let go. Her breathing became more and more rapid, and her exhaled breath seemed to be filled with heat waves.

However, she felt very cold in her body, so cold that she wanted to shiver.

At the end she had to hold on to the wall.

The empty dark corridor was too quiet, her breathing and footsteps were particularly obvious, which produced a very strange effect, which made her heart ache.

This scene was very much like a horror movie, and Lan Shuang was a little afraid that there would be a sudden sound of footsteps.

Fortunately, there is a door ahead.

She took two quick steps to get closer, and took a look. The door was not locked, but it was bolted from the outside.

She held onto the crossbar, and the moment she wanted to pull it out, her heart skipped a beat. The ability to predict danger played a role at this moment. The hairs all over her body stood on end. Her intuition told her that there was something very scary and powerful inside. Something strong enough to threaten her life.

Her hand paused, hesitating.

Do you really want to go in?

"888, what's in it?"

888 was silent for a moment, "It seems to be a person."

Lan Shuang narrowed her eyes, her eyes fell on the crack of the door, and she suddenly met a pair of eyes, a pair of emerald green eyes.

She froze for a moment, pulled out the cross bar in a strange way, and pushed the door open with a little force.

Today is short and short!confident

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