Dim light poured into the warehouse from the doorway, and the person standing at the door seemed uncomfortable. He raised his hand to cover the light, and as he moved, the overly wide sleeves fell, revealing a section of snow-white arm.

It's the kind of white that hasn't seen the sun for a long time, not a sickly white, and you can still see slightly bluish-purple blood vessels along the lines of the arms.


He uttered a very short syllable, which sounded dull and non-aggressive.

Lan Shuang let go of her guard, and looked around the scene distractedly. This seemed to be a warehouse of a supermarket. There were many cardboard boxes piled up together, leaving a lot of open space.

"Have you been here all this time?"

Lan Shuang asked the person in front of her curiously.

The person in front of her slowly put down her hands, Lan Shuang couldn't help but choke her breath, what beautiful eyes!

The most beautiful emerald in the world is nothing more than that.

When there is no light, it is as silent as a lake. When the light falls into the eyes, it seems to be rippling blue waves, shimmering and shining, like crushing a pool of stars, which is really beautiful.

At a glance, the beauty blurs the gender, which only makes people feel shocked.

Lan Shuang stared blankly, but she didn't expect this person to approach suddenly, and cast a shadow. Only then did Lan Shuang realize that although the person was dazzlingly beautiful, she was quite tall, about a head taller than her.

At such a close distance, Lan Shuang had to raise her head if she wanted to see him.

Lan Shuang: "..."

She was silent for a moment, then questioned 888: "Didn't it mean that every world's body is similar to my original one? I was originally this short?"

888 was sloppy: "Oh, host, you made a mistake. In fact, it's not very short. It's pretty average among girls. It's 1.6 meters six. If you think it's short, it may be because the other party is too tall."

Lan Shuang: "..."

She stared faintly at the person in front of her, oh, what are you doing so tall?
The person in front of Piansheng didn't notice Lan Shuang's emotions, and kept approaching until there was only two punches left between them, and they were about to stick together. Lan Shuang supported the opponent's shoulder with the rolling pin in his hand, Leaning back slightly, "What are you doing?"

The green-eyed beauty stared at her for a moment, and a moment of doubt flashed in those beautiful eyes, then he lowered his head and sniffed Lan Shuang's neck, "... Fragrance."

Being so close, Lan Shuang felt a little uncomfortable and wanted to retreat, but suddenly found a problem.

This person's breath... why is there no temperature?
Lan Shuang felt it blankly, and her eyes suddenly became sharp, no!The man wasn't breathing at all!

How can a normal person not breathe?Has he turned into a zombie?

Fortunately, Lan Shuang is a tasker who has experienced many battles. If she were an ordinary person, she would probably be quite frightened at the moment.

She held the rolling pin with a little force and pressed it against the other's shoulder, "Who the hell are you?"

Hearing this, the young man turned his head to look at her, but did not speak.

Lan Shuang: "..."

"I'm asking you something, don't be cute."


He blinked, and held back a word for a while: "Ah."

Lan Shuang: "..."

She squinted her eyes and realized something, "Little Baba, can he not talk?"

888 looked at Jiang Lusheng in this life with a complex expression, and said awkwardly: "It can't be regarded as not being able to speak at all, but knowing some monophonic notes."

Lan Shuang pushed the boy away and stood up straight, "For example?"

888 cleared his throat, "Ah, oh, um, heh, ha."

Lan Shuang: "..."

She was speechless for a moment, stared at the young man for a few moments, then suddenly smiled, and asked with a hint of coaxing, "You don't have a name, do you?"

The boy nodded stiffly, "Ah."

Lan Shuang couldn't help laughing, "Then shall I give you a name?"

I don't know what the origin of this boy is, but he is so good-looking and not breathing, so he should have a lot of background, but he has no hostility towards him, nor does he have any attacking intentions, which is very good, maybe he can use it for himself.

The boy didn't know what was going on in her heart, he was silent for a moment, then nodded obediently.

Lan Shuang's palms immediately itched, and she couldn't help touching his white hair. It felt good, "I think about it, white hair and green eyes, I'll call you Xiaoqing."

888: "????"

"Host, are you serious? You can't bully someone and give him a snake name without knowing anything, right?"

Lan Shuang asked bluntly and confidently: "Isn't it Xiaoqing, is it Bai Suzhen?"

888 was silent for a moment, then said with difficulty: "Then it should be called Xiaoqing."

"That's enough, it's better to be Xiaoqing."

After touching enough, Lan Shuang withdrew her hand and said with a smile, "Xiaoqing, shall we go in?"

Xiaoqing followed behind her in a daze, step by step.

After Lan Shuang closed the warehouse door, 888 finally reacted: "Wait! Host, you're tricking me again! I mean calling Xiaoqing is too hasty, at least with the first and last name, right?"

"Who said there is no surname? The one I picked up has my surname. From now on, he will be called Lan Qing. Doesn't it sound much better?"


Whether it should be said or not, he was actually persuaded, and it really sounded a lot better.

Lan Shuang groped on the wall for a while, and touched the switch. With a "pop", the warehouse instantly lit up. Lan Shuang looked at Xiao Qing beside her, and said: "I'm very uncomfortable now, I have to stay here for a while, Xiao Qing." Qing, help me watch and don't let outsiders come in and disturb me."

Then she gave the rolling pin to Xiaoqing: "Take it, if any zombies come over, hit them on the head, do you know where the head is?"

Xiaoqing stared at her for a while, then shook her head.

Lan Shuang raised her hand and patted his head lightly: "It's here."

Xiaoqing stared down at the rolling pin in her hand for a moment, then nodded slowly.

Satisfied, Lan Shuang found a clean corner and sat down with her back against the wall. After closing her eyes, she finally showed a fragile and impatient look.

Lan Qing stared at the rolling pin in her hand for a while, then silently walked up to Lan Shuang and knelt down on one knee, just looking at her like that.

Those emerald green eyes flashed emotions that others couldn't understand. After a while, he stretched out his warm hand and gently touched Lan Shuang's trembling eyelashes.


He looked at his fingertips, and after a while, he grabbed Lan Shuang's fingers and held them tightly, as if hesitating for something.

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