Lan Shuang hadn't completely lost consciousness yet, she could feel Lan Qing's small movements, she closed her eyes and waited vigilantly, but she felt that Lan Qing just hooked her index finger, and then didn't move any further.

Lan Shuang: "..."

"Xiao Baba, how old is Lan Qing?"

888 checked the information and touched his chin: "Well, it's unknown."

Lan Shuang: "Huh? What do you mean unknown?"

888: "It's just that this person has a special identity, or has little connection with the main plot, so the system doesn't include his information."

"But he doesn't seem to be a threat to the host, the host just let it be~"

"Okay, pass on the information of this world to me."

"Okay——" 888 pressed the button, "The information has been sent, the host should check it as soon as possible, the zombies outside are still around the corner, we have to hurry up."


Lan Shuang closed her eyes, ignored Lan Qing, and concentrated on receiving the memory from the original owner.


In 2XXX, a biological research base in a certain country suddenly exploded. Many chemical reagents fused together and produced a strong reaction. The poisonous mist filled the air and formed a black cloud in the air. Dark rain.

The skin pain of the people walking outside was unbearable after being drenched by the rain, which slowly penetrated into the body, causing a series of mutations, and became the most elementary zombie, with skin ulceration, stiff body, gray eyeballs, loss of language function, It will only make some meaningless roars and attack humans everywhere.

The attacked human beings undergo two completely different changes after heating, either turning into low-level zombies, or differentiated with supernatural powers, their physical fitness is enhanced, and they can fight against zombies. Such people are called supernatural beings.

The heavy rain came and went quickly, and when the dazzling sun shone on the earth, the whole world changed.

Zombies prey on people and wander around. The surviving humans spontaneously organized to fight against the zombies and established four bases in the southeast, northwest and north.

Besides, no place is absolutely safe, so everyone tried their best to rush to the base to seek protection.

The supernatural beings awakened during this process have become popular, no matter where they go, they are sought after by people and become absolute leaders.

Ordinary people without supernatural powers can only rely on them, and the original social morality and the rule of law have been severely impacted.

The end of the world is coming, it is the most chaotic time.

And the original owner happened to be such an ordinary person without supernatural powers, or should be said to be an ordinary person who has not awakened for the time being.

Before the apocalypse came, she was a rich second generation, but because her family favored boys over girls and she had an older brother, the family treated her very indifferently, gave her a lot of money, and bought her a building here. The villa, I didn't care about her anymore, the whole family settled abroad, but she was left in the country.

Fortunately, the original owner is also used to this kind of life. She lives comfortably by herself and does not need to go out to work. The money in her card is enough for her to live comfortably for the rest of her life, so she spends most of her time at home, playing games or draw.

So much so that at the age of 23, the original owner was still as innocent as a fifteen-year-old girl, not wary of others.

When the end of the world came, she was terrified. Fortunately, her house was in a high-end villa area with few people, and the security system was excellent. As long as she didn't open the door, those low-level zombies couldn't get in.

After a long time, those zombies will leave on their own, and this place has become a small safe zone.

Because the original owner was able to live in the house, there was a lot of food and water in the house, which was enough for her to live for a long time.

She watched her mobile phone and phone every day, thinking that if the signal was not broken, her parents would contact her, so she didn't dare to leave at will.

However, the call from parents did not arrive, but a group of unexpected guests arrived.

In the evening of that day, the original owner turned on the gas stove to heat up a meal for himself. As soon as he brought it out to eat, he heard someone knocking on the door.

Her first reaction was that the zombies were coming, but thinking that the zombies would not knock on the door so politely, she guessed that it might be a living person, so she went over and turned on the camera at the door, and it turned out to be a human.

She was pleasantly surprised and quickly opened the door for them. The people at the door saw that the girl who opened the door was a cleanly dressed girl with exquisite appearance, and they were stunned. Looking at her pure eyes, they guessed that she might not know the situation outside, so He coaxed the original owner to live here.

The original owner was simple-minded, thinking that it would be difficult for everyone, so he left them to eat and live in his home. At the beginning, everyone was on good terms.

They are headed by a pretty girl in her 20s with a hot figure. Her name is Lu Ling. She is a water-type power user. Besides her, there is also a fire-type power user and a plant-type power user. , are boys.

The other five were ordinary people, and the three of them followed suit, and these two supernatural beings had a good impression of Lu Ling, so Lu Ling, who was not the strongest in attack, suddenly became their leader.

And Lu Ling didn't know what was going on, she always targeted the original owner intentionally or unintentionally, and often instructed her to do this or that, the original owner couldn't bear it no matter how good-tempered she was, when Lu Ling ordered her to do laundry again, The original owner got angry and quarreled with her and asked her to leave his home.

However, what the original owner didn't expect was that not only did the other people not stand by her side, but they also followed Lu Ling to exclude her, and finally drove her out.

Lu Ling had already changed the fingerprints on the door lock, and the original owner couldn't open the door of his house.

Lu Ling condescendingly asked the original owner to apologize and let her come back.

But the original owner was proud of herself, so she resolutely left, planning to go north to the nearest base.

However, not long after she left, she encountered a team of supernatural beings. The entire team was men. The original owner felt bad and didn't want to go with them, but they forcibly dragged her into the car.

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