The original owner couldn't run away even if he wanted to. I don't know whether it was luck or misfortune. Not long after the car drove out, they encountered a wave of zombies. They were trapped in the middle of a dilemma. In the end, those people decided to throw the original owner out to attract zombies.

The poor original owner just became a victim and was pushed from the car by them.

The original owner looked at the endless zombies, feeling desperate, thinking that it would be good to die like this, but she didn't expect someone to fall from the sky, and the lightning power with a destructive aura smashed the few zombies close to her into coke .

The original owner was rescued by him and got into his car. Only then did the original owner know that this person is Lin Changyun, a mutant with supernatural powers, which is very rare in the last days. His ability kept him safe and sound, and no zombies could approach him.

He came from a farther place. This road is the only way to go to the northern base. He happened to save the original owner by passing here.

The original owner followed him, and the two became partners. The original owner couldn't help him with anything else, but it was okay to help him heat up meals or organize things.

So Lin Changyun didn't drive her away either.

The two stayed together for two days, the car ran out of gas, Lin Changyun drove her to the gas station, unexpectedly there were a group of zombies hidden in the gas station, Lin Changyun immediately fought with them, what a coincidence, Lu Ling They also passed by here, and when they saw Lin Changyun's lightning ability, they immediately became concerned, and came to help one after another, and then recruited Lin Changyun into the group, with a good attitude.

Lin Changyun was used to fighting alone, but he would not refuse the kindness of others, so he asked the original owner what he thought. Lu Ling did not expect to meet the original owner here again, and immediately pretended to be very concerned and greeted her.

Lin Changyun didn't know their previous grievances, so the original owner told him, but there were many people on Lu Ling's side, and they all turned to Lu Ling. Lin Changyun hesitated for a while, and finally brought Lu Ling and his party.

Afterwards, Lu Ling took the place of the original owner and followed Lin Changyun, because she has a water ability, which is very convenient in many cases. In addition, Lu Ling is "gentle and generous", and Lin Changyun quickly got acquainted with her, and the original owner saw her , gradually disappointed.

When we arrived at the next supply point, that is, the supermarket, everyone went to collect supplies together, and the original owner also went, but they didn't expect their smell to attract nearby zombies. There were too many zombies, so Lin Changyun immediately asked everyone to get in the car and leave. In a corner where no one was paying attention, Lu Ling locked the original owner in the supermarket.

When Lin Changyun found out that something was wrong and wanted to come back to find the original owner, Lu Ling said that the original owner was scratched by a zombie and was feverish, so don't waste time.

Lin Changyun was worried, and insisted on going back to find the original owner. Lu Ling had no choice but to take him back, only to see the scene where the original owner was bitten by zombies.

Lu Ling directly shot and killed the original owner. Before dying, the original owner saw Lu Ling's proud eyes and heard her say to Lin Changyun: "It's hopeless, let her die quickly."

Then Lin Changyun turned and left.

The original owner died just like that, and was bitten by crazy zombies after death, leaving no good meat.


After Lan Shuang digested this memory, the hairs all over her body stood on end, and she felt nauseous again.

"Xiao Baba, the original owner's death is too tragic, right? What is the origin of that Lu Ling, why do I feel that something is wrong with her?"

888 nodded sharply: "Host, you are so smart, something is really wrong with Lu Ling, she was reborn!"

"Huh?" Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows in surprise, "Reborn? This way...she can't be the heroine, right?"

"No, she is an important and vicious supporting actress."

Lan Shuang breathed a sigh of relief, "If this kind of person can be the heroine, it will be strange if the world is not destroyed. Who is the hero? Don't tell me it's the vacillating and indecisive Lin Changyun?"

" is indeed him."

888 told Lan Shuang the complete story.

It turns out that the original owner of Lan Shuang's body was the male protagonist Bai Yueguang in the beginning.

Her previous experience was similar to what Lu Ling knew. She was rich in the second generation and was not valued by her parents. She avoided zombies in the villa by herself, and later met Lu Ling and his party. Ling and Lan Shuang are ordinary people, but Lan Shuang is more beautiful than Lu Ling, and one of the supernatural beings likes Lan Shuang very much.

Therefore, Lu Ling became a marginal figure in the team. They met the hero Lin Changyun on the road. Lin Changyun joined their team and went to the supermarket with them to find supplies.

At this time, the original owner had a fever, and Lu Ling said that she was scratched by a zombie, and asked everyone to throw the original owner away. The supernatural person and the male owner disagreed, and reprimanded Lu Ling for being too cruel.

In the end, the original owner returned to the car and developed a healing ability, which is the dream of all ability users!

The healing ability can not only treat trauma, but when a person has just been bitten by a zombie, the healing ability can help him heal quickly and avoid infection.

And the person who can awaken the healing power is one in a million, as precious as a giant panda.

Lan Shuang's status has suddenly increased, and she has become the key protection target of this group of people. The supernatural beings take good care of her, and the ordinary people are even more eager to curry favor with her.

Lu Ling, who said before that he threw Lan Shuang down, directly became the target of public criticism, and was crowded out by people.

Lu Ling's mind kept twisting, and he hated the original owner more and more.

When fighting against a wave of zombies, Lu Ling took advantage of the original owner's inattention and pushed her from behind, trying to push her into the wave of zombies. Even if she had the ability to heal, so many zombie bites could kill her.

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