The pain of differentiation seemed to disappear along with the loss of her blood.

At first, Lan Shuang thought it was a hallucination of being paralyzed by blood sucking, but soon she found that she was really painless.

Not only is there no pain, but there is still a warm current wandering in the body.

Lan Qing let go of her finger, kissed it for the last time, the small wound healed immediately, and the fingertips were as smooth as ever, as if nothing had happened.

Lan Shuang withdrew her hand in surprise and took a closer look, there was really no trace left.

She took a deep look at Lan Qing. This man's ability is indeed amazing.

However, it may also be the effect of her own healing ability?

Lan Shuang touched her chin, she had to find a chance to practice it.

Lan Qing didn't know what she was thinking. After he sucked Lan Shuang's blood, he leaned against the wall contentedly, showing a sense of laziness that people couldn't take their eyes off.

The originally light-colored lips were stained with a little blood at this time, and they looked bright red and full, like a rose in the snow, beautiful and dangerous.

His cheeks were also peach-like, and his eyes were blurred, as if he was drunk.

Lan Shuang also looked at these changes in him in surprise, and couldn't help but look away.

888 wondered: "What's wrong with you, host?"

Lan Shuang said in a low voice: "With his appearance, it is really easy to arouse people's desire to commit crimes."


"So you're afraid that you won't be able to control yourself?"

Lan Shuang: "Oh, that's not true. Am I someone who is so easily seduced?"

888: "Please speak from your conscience."

Lan Shuang: "Huh? Conscience? Where is it? I haven't touched it."


The two chattered for a while, and Lan Shuang felt that her weak arm regained some strength, and then she stood up while supporting the wall.

Now she can clearly feel the flow of supernatural powers in her body, like streams, flowing in the blood, and then converging to the heart.

She stretched out her hand, and with a thought, a small soft green halo appeared on her fingertips.

Lan Qing next to her seemed to be attracted by the light, and she also stood up, staring at Lan Shuang's fingers.

Lan Shuang was thoughtful, "Could it be this ability that you like?"

She controlled the supernatural ability to leave her finger, and flew towards Lan Qing like a small green star, but Lan Qing just took a look and looked away.

Lan Shuang was stunned for a moment, "Hey? Isn't it?"

Lan Qing looked at her calmly, "Ang."

Lan Shuang: "..."

"Show cuteness is prohibited."

Lan Qing tilted her head, her pure eyes showed a trace of doubt and innocence: "Ah..."

Lan Shuang took a sharp breath and turned her back, "888, how could there be such a foul person? He looks so delicate and clean, so innocent and harmless, and he has a good figure. Crazy dancing on xp!"

888: "Hahahaha..."

Can you stop dancing?This is your husband!
Lan Shuang took a deep breath, "No, I have to calm down and not be tempted by beauty. I have to do tasks, do tasks."

After taking a few deep breaths, she calmed down and turned to look at Lan Qing, "Can you understand me? Nod if you can."

Lan Qing hesitated for a moment, then nodded slowly, then shook again.

"Can you understand half of it?"

Lan Qing nodded happily this time.

"How could this be?"

888 explained: "Probably because of the mutation, although he has become a zombie, he still retains some human habits. Zombies rely on the crystal nucleus in their brains to maintain their lives, so the higher the crystal nucleus level, the more more human-like."

An idea flashed in Lan Shuang's mind, "So, as long as his crystal nucleus continues to upgrade, it is likely to become the same as a normal human?"

888 considered for a moment: "It should be possible."

Lan Shuang stared at Lan Qing for a moment, then suddenly stretched out her hand to him.

Lan Qing looked at her suspiciously, "Huh?"

Lan Shuang laughed, "Come on, follow me to fight zombies and dig out crystal nuclei."


There were a lot of things in the warehouse, so Lan Shuang rummaged around and found a few baseball bats.

She gave Lan Qing one and said to him: "I'll go out in a while, and you will follow me. When you meet those strange zombies, hit them on the head! Then dig out the crystal nucleus inside. You know the crystal nucleus is what?"

Lan Qing shook her head honestly: "I don't know."

Lan Shuang was silent for a moment, "It's okay, I'll dig it out and show you later."

She clenched the baseball bat in her hand, opened the door of the warehouse, and glanced out cautiously. The surrounding was very quiet, and there were no zombies.

She turned around and waved to Lan Qing. Lan Qing came over and looked down at her, then twirled the baseball bat thoughtfully.

The two walked along the dark corridor and returned to the room where Lan Shuang was trapped before.

The zombies inside hadn't left yet, but because they couldn't find the target to attack, they gradually quieted down.

With his head bowed in a corner, he looked as if he had fallen into a deep sleep.

However, Lan Shuang did not let down his vigilance. Too many bugs can kill people. Although these low-level zombies move slowly, they are still overwhelming when they are in large numbers.

She made a "hush" gesture to Lan Qing, signaling him to keep quiet, Lan Qing nodded obediently, but the next moment, the twisted zombie suddenly became irritable and let out a roar.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Play me, right?

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