As soon as he opened his eyes, the sleeping zombie suddenly became irritable. When he got up, he rushed towards Lan Shuang and Lan Qing. His roars tormented his eardrums, and Lan Shuang couldn't help but "tsk", "It's so noisy. "

She clenched the baseball bat in her hand and stood in front of Lan Qing, "Be careful when you fight later."

Although 888 said that Lan Qing was a high-level zombie, he was actually not afraid of zombie viruses at all, but... Lan Shuang turned to look at his delicate and innocent face like an angel, and thought about how he was bitten by zombies, and felt uncomfortable all over .

Turning his head to look at these gray-skinned zombies with protruding eyeballs and grinning teeth, Lan Shuang suddenly felt his eyes burn.

She slowly raised the baseball bat to aim in the direction, but she didn't see the slight change in Lan Qing's eyes behind her.

Lan Qing first looked down at Lan Shuang's hair, thoughtfully, then looked at the rushing zombies, silently restrained her expression, and silently followed behind Lan Shuang as a pendant.

The zombies rushed more cheerfully.

Lan Shuang kicked the one running in the front, swept the stick and blasted the head of the zombie who was jumping towards Lan Qing on the right. With a "bang", the alienated brain was directly shattered, revealing the withered brain and a piece of it inside. Glowing almond-sized white nuclei.

Lan Shuang's eyes lit up, "This is it!"

She grabbed the crystal nucleus and put it in Lan Qing's hand, "Here, this is the crystal nucleus, you can upgrade after eating this."

Lan Qing looked at Lan Shuang's withdrawn hand reluctantly, then glanced at the crystal nucleus indifferently, "Ah..."

"Eat it, when the time comes to upgrade, you can talk like a human."

After Lan Shuang finished speaking, she stopped looking at Lan Qing and went to beat up the zombies.

The current zombies are still at the lowest level, and it is very easy to fight. Naturally, Lan Shuang will not let go of this opportunity to collect crystal nuclei. When the second rain comes, their speed and physical fitness will be greatly improved. It is not so easy to get out.

Lan Qing looked at Lan Shuang's nimble figure, pinched the crystal nucleus and looked at it in front of her eyes. Just now, Lan Shuang used her own ability to clean the crystal nucleus. It was very clean, holding it in her hand like a pearl before the end of the world.

Lan Qing stared at it for a moment, put the crystal nucleus in his mouth expressionlessly, and chewed it.

The cheek on the right side was slightly bulging, and he stood there, as clean as a painting that didn't fit in. If he didn't know it, he might think he was eating some kind of hard candy.

Soon, with a slight movement of his Adam's apple, he swallowed the crystal nucleus.

Lan Shuang exploded the heads of two zombies again, and picked out two crystal nuclei, both of which were white.

"Little Baba, is there any particularity to the color of the crystal nucleus? White is the lowest grade?"

888 nodded: "Yes, the more advanced the crystal nucleus is, the more beautiful it is, the more energy it stores, and the more intelligent and flexible the zombie will be. According to the color, the lowest is white, followed by pink, red, and yellow. , blue, green, and the highest level have not been seen yet, even in the late end of the world, human beings have not discovered colors other than these, so the highest level they delineated is green."

"Sure enough." Lan Shuang nodded, "Then can you tell from the outside?"

888 flipped through the information, regretted: "I can't tell, the appearance of low-level zombies is not much different, and there is a qualitative change in the blue stage. Zombies with blue crystal nuclei look similar to humans in appearance, and they are also very smart. , but the blue is not so obvious, you can pay attention to observe their actions, generally fast and dodge, it is more advanced."

"Okay, I got it." Lan Shuang remembered these points in her heart, and stopped beating aimlessly. She observed while beating, and finally locked on a screaming zombie mixed in the crowd of zombies.

"Lan Qing, be careful yourself, I'll catch that red-eyed one over there! The eyes look pretty, and the crystal nucleus should be pretty good!"

Lan Shuang rushed out with a warning.

She didn't see that Lan Qing's face darkened slightly after hearing her words.

Red eyes...beautiful...

Lan Qing murmured: "No..."

He slowly raised his eyes to lock onto the red-eyed zombie in the group of corpses, his green eyes glowed with a psychedelic light, obviously he didn't move, but the aura around him suddenly became fierce.

The originally manic zombie seemed to have encountered something terrible, roaring and crawling around.

Just dare not approach Lan Qing and Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang felt something was wrong with his back turned to him, but the red-eyed zombie was right in front of him, so he couldn't miss this great opportunity.

She raised her baseball bat and swung the short zombie in front of her. After knocking him down, she stepped on his stomach and jumped in front of the red-eyed zombie.

The short zombie: "... Aww!"

The red-eyed zombie looked at the messy-haired human in front of him, and realized that she might not be easy to mess with, so he turned around and wanted to run.

Lan Shuang flew up and kicked him on the ass, the red-eyed zombie staggered and knelt down, Lan Shuang approached step by step, raised the baseball bat in his hand, his eyes were sharp and indifferent, "Don't blame me, there is no mercy in front of life and death."

She slammed down with a stick, and with a "bang", her brains that were not completely withered exploded. Before Lan Shuang could hide, she was grabbed by her wrist and pulled behind her.

Lan Shuang was taken aback for a moment, then raised her head to see Lan Qing standing in front of her.

"Why did you come here?"

Lan Qing didn't dodge, and was splashed with brains, white spots, which looked disgusting.

Lan Shuang: "..."

She held Lan Qing's hand instead, and said sincerely, "Thank you Xiaoqing."

Otherwise, she should be the one who gets sprayed all over her body now, and she might be able to spit on the spot.

Lan Qing's eyes flickered slightly, she looked into her eyes, and pursed her lips, "Oh."

Lan Shuang couldn't help laughing, "What the hell, don't talk like zombies."

"Ang." Lan Qing held back the word for a long time before choking it out.

Lan Shuang saw how pitiful he was, and rubbed his white hair, which felt so good to the touch, "Okay, go get the crystal nucleus."

The red-eyed zombie has fallen to the ground, with half of its head drooping on the ground, revealing the rich red crystal nucleus inside. The surrounding zombies are about to move, as if they want it very much, but they don't know what to be afraid of and dare not go forward.

Lan Shuang narrowed her eyes and glanced at Lan Qing, who looked at her suspiciously.

Lan Shuang didn't say anything, she dug out the crystal nucleus, rubbed it on the zombie's body, wiped off the dirty things attached to the outside, and wrapped it around the outside with her own ability, then handed it to Lan Qing, "Eat Well, much cleaner."

In fact, it’s not very dirty if you don’t wipe it. This kind of crystal nucleus has a protective film on its surface, which separates it from the zombie’s brain. It’s very clean after removing the film. Besides, it’s the end of the world, so it’s not that particular, Lan Shuang Can dig crystal nuclei with bare hands, Lan Qing, a little zombie, shouldn't dislike him.

However, Lan Qing just took a look and didn't answer.

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

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