Lan Qing's lips parted slightly, "Ah..."

This "ah" emotion is hard to understand.

It was the first time that Lan Shuang found that being unable to communicate was such an uncomfortable thing.

She put the crystal nucleus in her palm, stretched it out in front of Lan Qing to seduce him: "Really don't want it? It's very sweet."

Lan Qing stared at the crystal nucleus, and her Adam's apple slipped, just in time to be seen by Lan Shuang. Lan Shuang couldn't help laughing, "You see, don't you still want it? What's the matter?"

Lan Qing: "Ah... ah!"

Lan Shuang: "...I don't understand, Xiaoqing."

Lan Qing: "Oh..."

He lowered his eyes, looking a little aggrieved.

Lan Shuang felt her head hurt even more.

"Forget it, just don't eat if you don't want to eat, I didn't see that you are still picky eaters." Lan Shuang muttered, weighing the crystal nucleus in her hand, "It's a pity to just throw it away, it would be even worse if it was picked up by other zombies." Dig a hole for yourself, how to deal with it?"

888 went online in time: "It's easy to handle, host, you keep the crystal cores and go back to the human base. They can be exchanged for supplies. High-grade crystal cores can be converted into energy, and the supply in the human base has been in short supply."

"That's a good idea." Lan Shuang's eyes lit up, and she stuffed the crystal nucleus into her pants pocket.

Lan Qing looked straight at it.

Lan Shuang naturally took his hand, and led him to the other side of the shelf, "Go, look for clean clothes."

Lan Qing's face immediately improved a lot, and his eyes became clear again.


I don't know if it was frightened by Lan Shuang's headshot with a stick, or because he was afraid of Lan Qing. Anyway, where they passed along the way, zombies didn't dare to surround them. They only dared to look at them from a distance. Awow twice.

Lan Shuang pretended not to hear.

The supermarket is huge and sells a full range of things. Although there are no high-end clothing, there are still white shirts and jeans, and even simple white sneakers.

Lan Shuang searched around, and also picked up two unopened packs of wet wipes that had been forgotten at the bottom of the shelf.

She found a hidden corner, pushed Lan Qing over, and put the clothes on the shelf beside her, "Here, change your clothes, and call me when you're done."

As she spoke, she unpacked the wet wipes and took out a few to wipe her face, "Look, these are wet wipes. You can wipe your face, hands and dust. You can wipe yourself first before changing into new clothes, understand?" ?”

Lan Qing blinked, then nodded in silence for a while: "Ah."

"Okay, then I'll turn around first."

Lan Shuang turned around and walked to the corner to wait with her back turned to him.

Lan Qing looked at the wet wipes, followed Lan Shuang's example and took out a large ball of wet wipes, wiped from the top of the head to the soles of the feet, then picked up the white shirt on one side, and gesticulated for a long time before putting it on.

After putting on the pants, he stepped on the shoes directly under his feet.

Just like that, he pulled behind Lan Shuang and patted her on the shoulder, "Ah."

Lan Shuang was puzzled: "So fast...uh..."

As soon as she turned her head, she checked the messy buttons and Lan Qing's thin abdominal muscles.

Lan Shuang looked away embarrassedly, glanced down, and saw the unzipped pants again.

Lan Shuang: "!"

The Lanqing underwear is ready, maybe because it is easier to wear, so there is nothing wrong with it, but because the jeans are not pulled up, unzipped, hanging loosely on the hip bone, so a section of black underwear is exposed, lining the His white belly, thin muscles, looked inexplicably seductive.

"Little Baba, do you think he's tempting me? How can you wear such good clothes like this?"

Lanshuang is a little bit broken.

888 is also embarrassed to see, Lan Qing's body is really too sexy and beautiful, the greenness and maturity of youth are only a thought away, but the hormones have already begun to attack indiscriminately.

888 covered his eyes, and whispered: "Hold on, host, the system has detected inharmonious content, I'm going to turn on the shield, take care!"

Then he slipped away.

Lan Shuang: "..."

Seeing that Lan Shuang was silent, Lan Qing hooked her fingers, "Huh?"

Lan Shuang came back to her senses, "Cough—well, your clothes are not buttoned correctly, and your trousers have to be zipped up."

Lan Qing looked blank: "Huh?"

Lan Shuang: "..." She looked at Lan Qing fixedly for a few times, and suddenly realized that it's not that he doesn't know, he doesn't understand at all!

"This is where you—"

She raised her hand and gestured, "Pull this up."

Lan Qing looked down, still in a daze.

Lan Shuang and him stared at each other for a while, but reluctantly compromised, "I'll show you a demonstration, and you watch carefully."

She glanced at Lan Qing's trousers, quickly looked away as if they were too hot, unbuttoned his clothes for him, and fastened them one by one.

Lan Qing watched intently the whole time.

"Do you remember this buckle?" Lan Shuang raised her head and looked at him inquiringly.

Lan Qing nodded: "Ah."

Lan Shuang unbuttoned it again and let him do it himself.

Lan Qing moved slowly, with a bit of unskilled clumsiness, but at least he didn't make a mistake this time.

"The zipper below..." Lan Shuang gasped, gritted her teeth, pinched the zipper head and pulled it up. Hearing the sound of the zipper sliding, Lan Shuang didn't dare to look at it. Xue's ear is facing Lan Qing.

Lan Qing looked thoughtfully at the pulled up trouser chain, and then at Lan Shuang, with inexplicable emotions flashing in her eyes.

"Okay, that's it, you practice yourself."

When she reached the end, Lan Shuang let go of her hand immediately, took a quick glance, and was sure she had pulled it up, and she was relieved.

Lan Qing's long eyelashes trembled, "Ah."

Following Lan Shuang's example, he pinched the zipper and pulled it to the end. Then he smiled at Lan Shuang and pulled it up again. His eyes were shining, and he had an expression of "seeking compliments".

Lan Shuang: "..."

This scene is so weird!Don't act cute at this weird time!

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