There are also many zombies outside the supermarket. Lan Shuang didn't pay attention to how long it took her to differentiate before. She was still accepting the memory of the original owner at the time, so she couldn't feel the passage of time at all. In addition, the lights in the warehouse were always on, and the corridor outside was also dark. window, so she thought it was daytime outside.

It wasn't until she came out that she realized that it was already late at night, and the outside of the supermarket was pitch black, with no light at all, but the sky in the end of the world was slightly red at night, and with the stars all over the sky, it seemed indescribable. Weird, but at least you can see things clearly.

Just as Lan Shuang got used to the darkness outside, she heard a roar not far away, like a zombie calling for her companions.

She turned her head and glanced at Lan Qing, "Go, let's get rid of them from the other side."

Lan Qing has no objection, Lan Shuang will do whatever he says, he is quiet and well-behaved the whole time, just like a docile kitten.

Low-level zombies rely on sound and smell to find people, because they can't see with their eyes. When Lan Shuang ran out of their hearing range and the smell disappeared, they would circle around like a blind man and would not catch up.

Lan Shuang breathed a sigh of relief, and her running speed slowed down.

She sat down directly on the side of the road to rest, staring at the other side of the road.

Lan Qing imitated her and sat down next to her.

888 asked: "Host, what are you going to do next?"

Lan Shuang propped her hands behind her back, looked away, and looked up at the stars in the sky, "Of course I'm looking for a car to catch up with Lu Ling and the others. I'll take revenge on Lu Ling first, and then I'll think about the rest."

"But Lanqing is a zombie, maybe they won't accept it?" 888 is more worried about this.

"It's not their turn to accept it or not. I don't have to be with them. My goal is only Lu Ling. After killing her, no one cares about where I want to go, whether it's a human base or wandering around. As long as I have the ability, I can naturally protect the person I want to protect."

888 thinks so too, the healing ability is so cherished, and Lan Qing listens to the host so much, when the host uses this to negotiate terms with humans, they may not be unacceptable.

"Hey—Host, it seems that someone is coming."

888 heard a car noise, Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows, and suddenly smiled, "There are still people in such a remote place, and I don't know if they are good people or bad people."

888 was puzzled: "Why do you seem to be quite excited when you mention the bad guys?"

"Yes." Lan Shuang sat down cross-legged, leaned on Lan Qing's shoulder, and smiled, "If the other party is a bad guy, I can just grab the car over without any psychological burden."

888: "...So that's the case."

This is a suburb. Although the supermarket is large, there are not many buildings nearby, and the surrounding situation can be seen almost at a glance.

So Lan Shuang and Lan Qing who were sitting on the side of the road looked particularly eye-catching.

A black off-road vehicle came out of the night, the dazzling headlights came straight, and landed on Lan Shuang and Lan Qing's bodies. Lan Shuang's clothes were pink and white, and Lan Qing was white, both of them were shining brightly. After being photographed like this, the drowsy people in the car suddenly woke up.

"Hey——slow down, is there someone in front?"

The co-pilot had a muscular, scarred face, dark skin, and a blunt cut. When he was not smiling, he gave off a very vicious look, but when he smiled, he looked particularly wretched.

"Look at this figure, she looks like a girl. I can't tell whether the one next to her is a man or a woman, but she is white hair anyway."

There were four men in the back row, and they all stretched their necks and looked forward, "How do you look? I've been running on the road for a whole day. Except for the disgusting zombies, I haven't seen a single living person. It's unlucky. I'm going to have the eye of a needle."

"Hey, that woman looks pretty good, her legs are quite thin, and she doesn't know what her face looks like. She's sitting here in the middle of the night. Didn't she deliver it to her door? Could it be that she's here to catch men?"

As soon as this remark came out, all the men in the off-road vehicle laughed.

They came out of a prison. Before the apocalypse came, they were sitting together drinking, and suddenly it was the apocalypse. Coincidentally, three of the six of them had different abilities, and the six became brothers on the spot, and began to run amok. .

They have good physical fitness, they are hard stumps, and they are relentless when fighting zombies. At the beginning, they gathered many ordinary people who sought protection, but they thought it was cumbersome, so they used those people as bait to lure zombies on the road, and killed many people. People have also played tricks on many people, men and women, girls and teenagers, as long as they are good-looking, they have not been able to escape their claws.

The six of them have survived to this day by burning, killing, and looting, and their lives are still nourishing, but there is no way to go on for a long time, so they want to go to the northern base. , as long as they don't say anything, no one will know, or even if they know, they will just turn a blind eye, after all, manpower is scarce now.

So they had nothing to fear, confident that they could create a world in the northern base, galloped day and night, and rushed over.

It's been a long time on the road and they haven't vented their anger. These six people have long been suffering from suffocation. Now seeing Lan Shuang and Lan Qing, they are like wolves who have seen meat, and their eyes are green.

"Hurry up, old man, let's go and have a look."

The scarred face on the co-pilot was the boss. As soon as he spoke, the third child who was driving immediately kicked the accelerator and rushed over, and the group of people in the back seat immediately cheered.

Hearing the sound getting closer, Lan Qing turned her head to take a look, dazzled by the glare of the headlights, she leaned on Lan Shuang's shoulder and let out a "huh".

Lan Shuang raised her hand to block the light for him, "This is the headlight, it's okay."

Lan Qing blinked, smelling the scent of Lan Shuang, couldn't help getting closer, "Xiang—"

As he spoke, he suddenly opened his lips and bit Lan Shuang's neck.

Lan Shuang: "!"

She raised her hand to Lan Qing's face and looked at him in shock: "What are you doing?"

Lan Qing was interrupted, her expression was a little upset, and she looked aggrieved when she met Lan Shuang's eyes, "Ah..."

Not to bite his neck, he held Lan Shuang's finger and tried to put it in his mouth.

Lan Shuang suddenly realized: "Hungry?"

"hold head high."

Lan Qing rubbed her teeth against her index finger and looked at her eagerly.

Lan Shuang's heart trembled, "Bite it."

Lan Qing's eyes lit up, she immediately bit her skin, and began to suck in small mouthfuls.

The expression was very obsessed and intoxicated, Lan Shuang looked at it and wondered if her blood really tasted so good?


With a bang, the car stopped steadily in front of them, the window of the co-pilot fell down, revealing Scar's playful face, he looked Lan Shuang up and down a few times, and a bit of surprise flashed in his eyes , "Tsk, not bad, she is a stunner."

After the voice fell, the windows of the rear row also fell down. Several men gathered together to look over, and blew hooligan whistles at Lan Shuang.

"Little sister, do you want to follow the brothers?"

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