Their salivating gazes were undisguised, and they repeatedly flowed on Lan Shuang's small face and figure, as if they wanted to clean her up with their eyes.

Lan Shuang looked at them coolly, "Oh? Come with you? Why?"

The men didn't take her seriously at all, and said contemptuously, "You just came out of the house, right? This is the end of the world, the strong is king, and you guys are all supernatural beings, follow us , take care of your popular and spicy food, so you don’t have to worry about your life, and you don’t have to wander around anymore, isn’t that good?”

"That's right, is the little boy next to you your boyfriend? Hahahahaha——Look at the fair-looking guy, let's call him together."

Lan Qing faced them sideways, they couldn't see Lan Qing's face clearly, they only saw a fair side face and a slender neck, they felt that he should look good.

After being interrupted from eating, Lan Qing's eyes glowed red again, and he suddenly turned his head to look at those men with a cold expression and murderous intent all over his body.

The few men were stunned by him for a moment, and subconsciously backed away. Then they felt that this was a bit embarrassing, and they became angry from embarrassment: "What are you looking at? Little boy, are you looking for fuck?"

Scarface yelled in surprise: "Hey, this kid's eyes are green, so pretty! Fuck, what kind of shit luck did you have tonight, to meet such two superb, don't talk nonsense with them, just throw people Catch it for me!"

As he spoke, he opened the car door, revealing a black vest and overalls. His muscles were bulging, and he looked full of strength.

He deliberately showed off in front of Lan Shuang and Lan Qing, trying to overwhelm them in terms of momentum first.

However, Lan Shuang didn't even look at him, she just reached out and stroked Lan Qing's hair, and asked softly, "Are you full?"

As soon as her hand fell, Lan Qing's expression immediately became docile. He restrained the invisible thorns all over his body, and nodded to Lan Shuang: "Ah."

He also held Lan Shuang's finger and licked it.

The few men who came down from behind were even more excited when they saw this scene, and whistled one after another.

"What is this for? Playing?"

"Why does the little boy look so hungry?"

"Do you like to eat fingers? What's delicious about fingers? My brother has better ones. Come here!"

The second child in the team stood in front of Lan Qing, and stretched out his hand to pinch Lan Qing's chin.

Lan Shuang looked at him with cold eyes, "I advise you not to move around."

The second child sneered: "What? Who are you scaring, little sister?"

Lan Shuang smiled suddenly, two shallow pear dimples appeared on her lips, sweet and pleasant, the second child was taken aback, and it was at this time that he was so dazed, Lan Shuang patted Lan Qing on the shoulder and said: "Eat it!" Work when you're full, these guys are not good people, don't show mercy, understand?"

Lan Qing met Shang Lanshuang's eyes, tilted his head and thought for a while, "Ah!"

Lan Shuang smiled: "Very good."

"Aren't you two out of fright? What are you muttering about?"

The boss came over, his muscles tensed and relaxed with his movements.

Lan Shuang glanced at him, then suddenly grabbed the baseball bat beside him, and hit the man's crotch at an extremely tricky angle.

To deal with this kind of beast, there is no need to talk about martial arts, just hit wherever it hurts, and hit to death!
Scarface obviously didn't expect Lan Shuang to be so fierce, and he would kill him as soon as he made a move, so he panicked and raised his foot to kick Lan Shuang away.

But as soon as he raised his feet, he felt an invisible force enveloping his legs. He suddenly widened his eyes and looked at the air in horror, "What's going on?"

Lan Shuang lowered her eyes and glanced, Lan Qing's hand was in front of her, her five fingers opened and closed, and the scarred face immediately screamed: "Ahhhhh—my leg!"


"Brother!" Several other people looked over in horror, watching Scarface's legs suspended in mid-air at a tricky angle, and then twisted in one direction. That angle has exceeded the physiological limit of normal human beings.

"It hurts, it hurts—my leg!"

Scar's face turned pale from the pain, and beads of sweat kept dripping down, making everyone terrified.

The second child was the first to react: "They are also supernatural beings!"

"What's so weird?"

"It doesn't matter what his supernatural ability is, save the elder brother first! It was the boy who made the move, that woman should have no supernatural ability, catch her and threaten the boy!"

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows: "Oh, come on then."

As she spoke, she stood up, and two men rushed to Lan Qing to hold him back. One of them had a fire-type ability, and the other had a wind-type ability. Green enveloped it.

Lan Shuang squinted her eyes, but she wasn't very worried. Lan Qing's supernatural ability is the space system. He can hide in the space he created, and can also separate the space around him from the sea of ​​fire. The sea of ​​fire can't hurt him. hair.

At present, it seems that her situation is more dangerous, and the remaining three people are all coming towards her.

Lan Shuang: "..."

"It's so annoying, why am I a nanny-type ability? I want that kind of cool ability! It's better to be a thunder-type ability, like a thunder and a child!" Lan Shuang complained to 888 in grief and indignation.

888 scratched his head: "We can fulfill the host's wish later, you should concentrate on fighting first, they are here!"

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