Chapter 493 This Zombie Is Kinda Cute 17
Lin Changyun didn't care about Lan Qing at this time, he looked at Lan Qing up and down, left, right, back and forth, but it was still difficult to connect him with those ugly and twisted zombies with teeth and claws.

"Xiao Shuang, are you joking with me, or have you misunderstood something? Is he really a zombie? But he just looks like a pretty person."

Lin Changyun actually wanted to say that he looked like an angel, but it was a bit strange to say it, so he changed it to a human.

However, Lan Shuang could understand his implication through her eyes. When she first met Lan Qing, her first reaction was almost the same. She felt that he was clean and beautiful like an angel, and he was incompatible with this decaying city.

"If you don't believe me, you can check to see if he has a heartbeat. Zombies don't have a heartbeat."

Lin Changyun glanced at Lan Qing hesitantly. If he stretched out his hand, he doubted whether Lan Qing would suddenly violently beat him up.

Lan Shuang saw his worries, and whispered to Lan Qing: "Let him touch your heart, don't worry, he won't hurt you, I'm here."

Lan Qing looked down at her, expressionless.

Lin Changyun said awkwardly: "Forget it, there is no need to try, I believe you."

However, the next moment, Lan Qing took the initiative to grab his hand and put it on his heart.

Lin Changyun: "!"

The moment the skin touched, Lin Changyun believed Lan Shuang's words, this man's palm was so cold!
He couldn't help shrinking his hand, Lan Shuang looked at him suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

Lin Changyun looked at Lan Qing and then at Lan Shuang, and said in a low voice, "It's nothing, I just think his skin is cold."

Lan Shuang was at a loss, "Is it cold? Are you okay?"

Except for the beginning, she was always warm when she met Lan Qing. Although the temperature did not reach the normal human body temperature, it was definitely not very cold.

888 said quietly: "Maybe, you are special, after all, Lan Qing only sucks your blood."

Lan Shuang thought about it, and accepted the guess calmly, "Well, I think so too."


Lin Changyun put his hand on Lan Qing's heart, he couldn't help feeling a little uncomfortable, but soon he found that Lan Qing really didn't have a heartbeat, his expression slowly froze, he looked up at Lan Qing in disbelief, Lan Qing and He looked at each other with a faint light in his eyes, and there was no emotion, or no emotion at all.

In the next second, he shook off Lin Changyun's hand and turned to hold Lan Shuang, his chin resting on Lan Shuang's shoulder, looking very tired.

Lin Changyun: "..."

Although you despise me, can you not show it so clearly in person?
The intimacy of the two made Lin Changyun "thump" in his heart, "Xiaoshuang, what is the relationship between you and him...?"

"It's the relationship you see. We are friends. Although he can't speak, he is very clingy to me. I think I can take good care of him, but a team is not what one person decides. You can go back and discuss it with them. , but please don't reveal that Lan Qing is a zombie."

The last sentence implied a warning, and Lin Changyun's expression was also terrified, "Don't worry, I won't tell them."

For people nowadays, zombies are enemies, and if they lead an enemy back, it's hard to say whether they are teammates or not. If the two sides fight, he will be caught in the middle.

And looking at Lan Qing like this, unlike those ferocious zombies who only know how to attack, he can't bear to let him be hurt.

Lin Changyun lowered his hands, stared at the ground, and did not speak for a while.

Lan Shuang was not in a hurry, she let Lan Qing lean on her shoulder, combing his hair with her fingers restlessly.

888 was puzzled: "Host, since you don't want to expose Lan Qing's zombie identity, why did you tell Lin Changyun? If he accidentally reveals it, it will still be very troublesome."

Lan Shuang's eyes were light, "I did this for a reason. If I want to expose Lu Ling, I will definitely return to Lin Changyun's team. Lan Qing's behavior is weird, so it's hard not to attract the attention of others. If Lin Changyun didn't know in advance , when Lan Qing's identity is revealed, he probably won't be on our side."

888 half-understands, "Will he stand by your side now? Because he is the male lead, do you believe him?"

"No." Lan Shuang smiled inexplicably: "I will not trust anyone easily. In this world, only myself will never betray myself."

"Lin Changyun is the hero of this world, so he has good luck in his body. Becoming his friend is beneficial and harmless, and he is soft-hearted. I told him Lan Qing's identity in advance, and he will probably help me. As a cover with Lan Qing, if the leaders of a team accept Lan Qing, others will be afraid if they want to make trouble."

888 suddenly realized: "I seem to understand that Lin Changyun's attitude is very important. Everyone else listens to his command. People are blindly obedient and obsessive. When the laws of the world collapse, people have no support in their hearts. Subconsciously believe in the powerful people around him, even blindly, Lin Changyun is such a person now, he trusts and accepts people, and others will accept them."

"That's right." Lan Shuang said appreciatively: "This is the first, and second, Lin Changyun is still a relatively meticulous person. He knew Lan Qing's identity in advance, and he would definitely observe his every move subconsciously. You will find that there is a big difference between Lan Qing and zombies, and you will speculate from the worst angle, and then discover his goodness little by little, so the effect will be doubled."

888 digested this truth for a while.

When people think that a person is a good person, they will unconsciously put all the standards of a good person on him. Once he takes off his good person's coat and is discovered that he is a "bad person", no matter how many good things he has done. The important thing is that as long as he does a little bit of bad things, everyone will only think that he is bad from the bottom of his heart, and those standards will backfire.

On the contrary, when a person has long known that the other party is a bad person, if he does a bad thing, his status will be considered normal; He is not bad at all, and he can still correct his evil ways, so he will naturally be more tolerant of him.

888 figured this out, and sighed from the bottom of his heart: "Host, you are really good at studying people's hearts."

Lan Shuang stroked Lan Qing's hair along his hair, and smiled at him when he looked up.

How do you do the task if you don't study people's hearts?

Such a short time is enough for Lin Changyun to analyze the pros and cons. He stretched out his hand to Lan Shuang, "Xiao Shuang, I still hope you can join us. To be honest, I really need your healing ability. The same , I will keep the secret of Lan Qing’s identity for you, and try my best to protect you, I hope you can trust me again.”

(End of this chapter)

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