Chapter 494 This Zombie Is Kinda Cute 18
Lan Shuang looked at his somewhat rough hand, smiled, and shook it, "Okay."

Seeing that her smile remained unchanged, Lin Changyun breathed a sigh of relief, "I actually came out to look for gas. I originally planned to rush to the gas station after searching the supplies from the supermarket, but a large group of zombies surrounded the gas station. Our manpower Not enough, it was dangerous, so I withdrew and turned around a few times, but I didn’t find a gas station, and I ran out of gas, so I had to stop in the suburbs.”

"That's a coincidence, I still have a few barrels of oil in the trunk, which should be enough."

"Great, I've seen it. I have the map here. There is a gas station less than half an hour's drive ahead. The location is relatively remote. There should be gas. We can get there as long as we can."

"Get in the car, I'll take you back."

Lan Shuang pulled Lan Qing back, Lan Qing naturally sat in the co-pilot, Lan Shuang went to drive, Lin Changyun looked around, walked around behind the driver's seat and sat down.

After closing the car door, Lin Changyun looked around, "This car is not bad, but the smell..."

Kind of weird and kind of smelly.

"I snatched it from a group of men. I don't know how long I haven't showered. Let's make do with it. You open the car window. It's not cold now, so you can let the smell out."

Lin Changyun nodded, he just said, how could Xiaoshuang smell so bad?

But how did she steal the car from a group of men?

He pushed down the car window, and the night wind blew, instantly waking up a lot. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of a corner of white, oh, it should be that Lan Qing who helped.

Speaking of which, he still doesn't know what Lan Qing's ability is?
No, do zombies have abilities?
Lin Changyun didn't understand, so he just asked.

Lan Shuang smiled: "I didn't know before. After seeing Lan Qing, I realized that zombies also have supernatural powers, and there are high and low levels. High-level zombies are similar to people. For example, Xiaoqing, he has supernatural powers, and Not weak, I guess there are other high-level zombies too, be careful when you meet Brother Lin in the future."

Lin Changyun's face became serious, "This is the first time I know about this, thank you for reminding me, it seems that I should be more careful when I travel in the future."

He was so stimulated by the news that he no longer wanted to gossip, and concentrated on showing Lan Shuang the way. The car made a roundabout around the edge of the city, and finally saw a little light of fire.

This time without Lin Changyun's words, Lan Shuang took the initiative to turn around and approach the fire.

The closer it was to the other side, the clearer the outline became. Lan Shuang could clearly see a few people sitting around the fire with sad faces.

Hearing the sound of the car and seeing the lights of the car, they stood up all of a sudden, and instantly entered a state of alert.

Lan Qing also squinted her eyes, and a low voice escaped from her throat.

Lin Changyun hurriedly explained: "My own, Lan Qing, don't be impulsive."

Lan Qing ignored him and looked at Lan Shuang. Lan Shuang reached out to touch Lan Qing's hair while stepping on the brakes, "It's okay."

With just two words, Lan Qing's hostility instantly suppressed, and he lazily leaned back on the seat.

Lin Changyun: "..."

So this man's crazy and quiet switch is Lanshuang?
"Stop!" People stood in a row by the fire, Lu Ling raised her hand and made a "stop" gesture, the car stopped slowly, her eyes flickered, this car looked much better than their van.

I don't know who is in the car.

She thought a little and tried to look into the driver's seat.

Lan Shuang didn't get out of the car immediately, she looked at those familiar faces through the windshield, and smiled almost imperceptibly, "You're all right, friends.

Before the other side looked over, she took the lead to look away, opened the trunk and said to Lin Changyun: "Brother Lin, let someone carry the oil."

Lin Changyun didn't notice anything wrong, nodded: "Okay."

He opened the car door and got out of the car with long legs. Lu Ling was on guard, and he was taken aback when he saw him, "Brother Yun? Why are you in the car?"

The others were also stunned, but their bodies relaxed instinctively.

Lin Changyun nodded at them: "I met an acquaintance on the road and took a ride, and they gave us the oil."

"Is there oil? That's great!" Lu Ling trotted over excitedly, with admiration in her eyes, she asked curiously: "What acquaintance, is he your former friend, Brother Yun?"

Others also gathered around. Lin Changyun's expression was unnatural for a moment, but he quickly covered it up. He cleared his throat, stepped aside and said, "You all know each other, it's Lan Shuang."

Lu Ling's smile froze, and then turned into disbelief, "Lan Shuang? How is it possible? She's not in the supermarket—"

Lin Changyun glanced at her with a little imperceptible inquiry, but didn't speak.

The others were also dumbfounded and looked at each other.

"Brother Lin, don't tell ghost stories at night."

"In the last days, the dead will not become ghosts, but zombies. Brother Lin, you can make up stories decently."

The ones who spoke were Lao Fang and Xiao Tang. Although Lao Fang was called Lao Fang, he was about the same age as Lin Changyun, even two months younger than Lin Changyun, but he looked a little anxious. People in their 20s look like people in their thirties, so Everyone calls him Lao Fang.

And Xiao Tang is only twenty, a college student, handsome and sunny, if there is no Lin Changyun, he will be the most handsome in this group, but with Lin Changyun, everyone subconsciously treats him as a child.

Lao Fang is from the fire department, and Xiao Tang is from the plant department. Both of them have a good relationship with Lu Ling, and the remaining four are ordinary people. Looking at the car curiously.

Lan Shuang unbuckled her seat belt and told Lan Qing, "Don't be afraid when you see people, just follow me closely. If you don't want to deal with them, just ignore them. If you can't deal with them, come to me, okay?"

Lan Qing nodded obediently.

Only then did Lan Shuang open the car door with confidence, jumped out of the car briskly, closed the car door with a "bang", leaned against the side of the car, looked at the familiar faces, and showed them a "kind" smile, "Night good."

Everyone gasped and took a step back.

"It's really you?!" Lao Fang's eyes widened in disbelief.

Xiao Tang was silent for a moment, and jumped behind Lin Changyun with an "ow" sound, clutching his arm tightly, "There is really a ghost!"

This young man is very tall, but he is afraid of ghosts.

Lin Changyun was almost deaf from the yelling.

He said helplessly, "Open your eyes and take a good look, this is a real person, what the hell is it?"

"Human?" Xiao Tang blinked and looked at Lan Shuang hesitantly.

Lan Shuang stretched out her hand to him, and unceremoniously twisted it on his arm, "Does it hurt?"

"Hiss, it hurts!" Xiao Tang held her wrist instead, "Hey, it's really hot! Are you really still alive?"

"of course, I--"

"Ah—" Before Lan Shuang finished speaking, she stretched out a hand behind her, and gently held Xiao Tang's finger, breaking it off.

"Ow, ooh, ooh—"

Xiao Tang hopped his feet in pain.

Lan Shuang quickly said to Lan Qing: "He has no malicious intentions, it's okay, don't break his hand."

(End of this chapter)

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