Chapter 496 This Zombie Is Kinda Cute 20
Before she could stop her, Lan Shuang had already started her performance. She leaned against Lan Qing and whispered, "I'm an ordinary girl, and I was left in a supermarket full of zombies with a fever. I didn't say anything." I was lucky enough to meet Lan Qing. Although he lost his memory, he was a very nice person. He protected me and ran out of the supermarket. I met Brother Lin and saw that you were in trouble. , I didn’t say anything I didn’t want, so I forgive you.”

She sniffed, her voice tinged with tears, "But when I came back to greet you, not only were you not happy for my escape from death, but you also questioned me in various ways. I said I don't care, but you still insist on Apologize and take responsibility, why, am I such a narrow-minded person in your hearts? Are you happy that you don't blame you if you force me to say it?"

"Did you forget that you lived in my house at the beginning, and you found it troublesome in the end. I was the one who was kicked out. How did you apologize when you saw me and Brother Lin together? You said that there was a misunderstanding before, but not now. As a result Woolen cloth……"

Lan Shuang sighed tremblingly, wiped away her tears, turned around and took Lan Qing's hand and said, "Forget it, they don't welcome us, let's go."

Seeing her crying, Lin Changyun felt very uncomfortable, "Xiao Shuang, wait a minute—"

Lan Shuang didn't intend to stop, Lin Changyun panicked immediately, he quickly stepped forward and grabbed Lan Shuang's arm, "Xiao Shuang, wait a minute, they didn't mean that, I will explain it clearly to them."

Seeing him grabbing Lan Shuang's arm, Lan Qing immediately changed his expression, "Ha—"

The blue flame at his fingertips flickered, and it was about to fall on Lin Changyun's body. Lan Shuang held Lan Qing's finger without a trace, and pressed the flame back.

Lan Qing: "..."

He gave Lan Shuang a dissatisfied look.

Lan Shuang pinched his fingertips soothingly, and said in a low voice, "Don't make trouble."

Lan Qing: "...ah."

He responded in a low voice and remained still.

Lin Changyun didn't know that he had walked through the gate of hell.

He turned his head and his expression turned cold. He slowly swept past Lao Fang and the others, and said in a calm voice, "I've already said that Xiao Shuang doesn't care about the previous things. What are you talking about? To force her to express her opinion? If you can't tolerate her so much, I will walk with her, and you continue to walk your way, and we will not interfere with each other, so as not to block each other's eyes."

After Lin Changyun's voice fell, they immediately panicked.

"No, brother Lin, we didn't mean that, don't do that!" Xiao Tang stretched out his hand to stop Lin Changyun, turned to look at Lan Shuang, and said helplessly, "Shuangshuang, we really didn't mean it on purpose, and there is no other meaning in saying this , don’t cry, I promise, we won’t leave you behind, okay?”

Lin Changyun looked at Lao Fang, and the old side looked embarrassed. Wasn't he the one who was aggressive just now?

Now that this is happening, he has become the chief culprit and almost forced Lin Changyun away.

We must know that in this end of the world, it is difficult to find such a good-tempered and capable captain like Lin Changyun.

They still depend on him, how can they fall out with him?
After thinking about it, Lao Fang couldn't help looking at Lu Ling with some complaints. If it wasn't for her, he wouldn't have made such a fuss against Lan Shuang.

Lu Ling noticed that everyone was staring at her like needles, and felt uncomfortable all over.

"Lan Shuang, I didn't mean that. Don't argue with me. It's my fault. I'm wrong. Come back."

Forced by the situation, Lu Ling had to bow his head.

She handed Lan Shuang a pack of tissues, "Don't cry, I feel so sad when I cry."

Lao Fang also expressed his opinion immediately, "I'm sorry, Lan Shuang, I was too anxious just now, and I was also worried about you. Since you are fine, come back, we can protect you."

Lan Shuang turned her back to them, looked at the endless darkness, pulled her lips, what a hypocrite, protect her?Isn't it because it's profitable?
Now bowing their heads is only because of Lin Changyun's pressure. In fact, they are used to being superior in front of her. Even if they know that she has developed a healing power, their contempt for her will not change for a while.

But it doesn't matter, she is very happy to make them bow their heads unwillingly.

Lin Changyun didn't speak anymore, he pushed Xiao Tang's hand away, turned to look at Lan Shuang, "Xiao Shuang, you choose to go or stay, I will not persuade you, I will support you."

Lan Shuang squeezed out a tear, and slowly turned around to look at them. Those tear-filled eyes seemed to have endless words, which made people's heart tremble.

"Forget it, we're all acquaintances. It's hard to survive in the last days. There's no need to worry about small things. The past is the past. I hope you can really treat me as a teammate in the future."

"Don't worry, we will still be teammates when you come back, and I will take care of you!" Xiao Tang was the first to express his opinion. He patted his chest and said, "And your brother."

Lan Shuang laughed through tears, "Thank you."

Xiao Tang felt embarrassed when she said that. After all, he is still young, and he still retains the innocence of a teenager. He loves and hates passionately and purely, and he can easily change his position.

He has no conflict of interest with Lan Shuang, and he doesn't like Lu Ling like a girlfriend, so he easily accepts Lan Shuang.

So Lan Shuang's first target of instigating rebellion was Xiao Tang.

As for Lin Changyun, Lan Shuang lowered her eyes and squeezed Lan Qing's hand. Lin Changyun was always vacillating and soft-hearted. As long as she was in a weak position, Lin Changyun would always turn to her.

Lan Qing held Lan Shuang's hand backhand and squeezed it back, "Yes."

Lan Shuang patted his head, "Okay, it will be fine in a while."

Lan Qing glanced at the opposite person impatiently.

Lin Changyun cleared his throat, "Since everyone has no objection, then Xiaoshuang will officially come back. From now on, we will be a team. Everyone should trust and take care of each other, and don't hide small thoughts. Only with a strong team can we survive to the end in the last days." , it's getting late, Lao Fang, you and I will bring the oil down and fill the car, the others go to bed, Xiao Tang will watch the first half of the night, and I will take care of you in the second half of the night."

"it is good."


Everyone responded and dispersed.

Lu Ling walked over hesitantly, "Shuangshuang, where do you sleep? Do you want to come with me? It's more convenient for us two girls to be companions."

Lan Shuang shook her head: "No, I'm with Lan Qing, we have a car."

Lu Ling glanced at the spacious off-road vehicle, feeling envious in her heart, the van is so big that everyone can't stretch their legs when they sleep together.

"Then can I go with you?" Lu Ling asked with a look of embarrassment, "I'm not feeling well recently, and it's not convenient to be in the van."

Lan Shuang blinked, and seeing other people looking over, she deliberately said in a difficult way: "I happen to be with Lan Qing, do you sleep between us? That's embarrassing."

Lu Ling: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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