Chapter 497 This Zombie Is Kinda Cute 21
The content in these words is too rich, and the eyes of the other people looking at Lu Ling changed suddenly.

Although Lan Shuang said that Lan Qing could be regarded as her younger brother, her gaze was open, but Lan Qing was obviously not like that. 90.00% of Lan Qing's gaze fell on Lan Shuang, and the remaining [-]% was on Lan Shuang. The zero point zero one is that he only glanced at Lan Shuang when other people were approaching.

That look always contained a warning meaning, as if enclosing territory, making people afraid to approach.

But his eyes can't see how much he likes Lan Shuang. They can't see the kind of love between men and women, but it probably will happen sooner or later. After all, Lan Qing only likes to stick to Lan Shuang.

In this case, normal people would wink and not bother, but Lu Ling proposed to sleep with them, what is the difference between this and a third party intervening?
Sensing the gazes of the crowd, Lu Ling's face was hot and she couldn't hold back.

"I don't mean that, it's fine if it's inconvenient, it's the same when I go back to sleep."

Just now he promised that he would not reject Lan Shuang, no matter how uncomfortable Lu Ling felt at this moment, he could only endure it and settle the score later.

So comforting herself, she suppressed her anger and walked back to the van.

Lao Fang and Lin Changyun took down the oil drum, filled the van with gas, and put the oil drum back when it was ninety percent full.

Lin Changyun clapped his hands and smiled with relief: "These are enough to support us to the next stronghold."

Lao Fang nodded, his face relaxed a little, but when he remembered where the oil came from, his expression became unnatural for a moment.

He glanced at the opposite side of the fire, the SUV was parked there, the rear windows were slit, the front windows were closed, the lights were off inside and out, and he couldn't see what was going on inside clearly, but it looked like The people inside should have rested.

He approached Lin Changyun and asked in a low voice: "Brother Lin, do you really think that Lan Shuang came back to help us sincerely? If we leave her behind, will she really have no complaints in her heart? This may sound ugly, But Brother Lin, think about it carefully."

Due to various reasons, Lao Fang still couldn't feel at ease with Lan Shuang, especially now that Lan Qing was beside her, he felt something was wrong no matter how he looked at it.

Lin Changyun patted him on the shoulder and persuaded: "Don't think so much, it's good that she can come back, the healing power, you can always use it, isn't it?"

Seeing that he was determined to stand by Lan Shuang's side, Lao Fang was taken aback for a moment, met his meaningful eyes, and fell silent again.

"Come on, go back to sleep."

In the end, Lao Fang didn't say anything more.


Lan Shuang was lying in the car. Although she didn't hear it, she had the strongest plug-in 888!
888 broadcasted it in real time, retelling the conversation between Lin Changyun and Lao Fang verbatim to Lan Shuang.

In the end, he said with righteous indignation: "This old Fang is really not a thing. He uses your oil and chews the root of your tongue behind his back. How can a big man be like a village gossip?"

Lan Shuang leaned on her arm indifferently: "Who doesn't talk about people behind their backs, who doesn't talk about people behind their backs? His behavior is just the normal state of the most ordinary people. He can control his mouth and maintain a good posture. The moral level, that is a minority, is something to be very proud of.”

"Uh..." 888 paused, "It seems to be the same."

"Although the host, you still have to be careful with him, I'm afraid he will trip you up in the future."

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

Lan Shuang adjusted her posture.

The back seat of the off-road vehicle is still spacious, but there is still a danger of falling.

Lan Shuang's posture was unavoidably a little stiff.

Lan Qing had had enough sleep before, but now she is not sleepy at all, sitting in the co-pilot seat and glanced back from time to time.

Lan Shuang felt helpless when he looked at her, her voice was heavy with sleepiness, and she said in a low voice, "Don't look, I'm very sleepy."

Hearing what she said, Lan Qing fluttered her thick eyelashes slightly, "Yes."

I don't know how I learned this word, but now it doesn't, it sounds more obedient.

He really stopped staring at Lan Shuang, turned around and stared at the night outside the window, wondering what he was thinking.

And also staring at the night, there was Lu Ling who tossed and turned and couldn't sleep at all.

She leaned back in the chair, stiff.

It's the end of the world, and it's somewhat unsafe to sleep outside if you don't sleep in the car, especially when zombies come and go here from time to time.

But sleeping in the car is really uncomfortable, not to mention that I can't stretch my legs, and my neck and waist are very uncomfortable.

Of course, none of this compares to her distress.

Why did Lan Shuang come back?Why is she not dead?Why did it go back to the plot of the previous life?Then he was the one who died in the end?
When Lu Ling thought of this possibility, she suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. The feeling of being bitten by a zombie had been imprinted in her bones, and she would never forget it after she was reborn.

And that last shot.

Xiao Tang fired the last shot in the previous life. It was Lin Changyun who pushed her into the group of zombies. Xiao Tang shot her again and scolded her for being ungrateful.

Lu Ling slowly opened her eyes, and her eyes fell on Xiao Tang who was watching the night by the car, with a bit of resentment.

He and Lan Shuang are not good things together.

In this life, she was reborn as a water-type supernatural being. She is beautiful and knows what will happen in the future. She doesn't believe that she will repeat the same mistakes. This time, she must trample them all under her feet!

Turning his eyes, Lu Ling recalled that there was no gas in his previous life. It was Lin Changyun who found an oil drum in an abandoned parking lot, brought it back, and made the van go to the gas station.

At the gas station, they encountered a group of zombies and rescued a car of ordinary people who were held hostage by supernatural beings. The two sides fought. Although Lin Changyun won in the end, many people were seriously injured. Lan Shuang was at this time Stand up to heal everyone, thus buying a wave of people's hearts.

As for the abilities of the supernatural beings, they cannot be used too many times in a short period of time, and there is a lot of room for manipulation.

She thought about it, got out of the car lightly, and patted Xiao Tang on the shoulder.

Xiao Tang turned his head in doubt, "Sister Lu, why did you come down?"

"I think I've been busy all day, and I'm quite tired. I just can't sleep, so I'll replace you. Get in the car and rest for a while."

"No, no, I'm a big man, how can I let you watch the night?" Xiao Tang repeatedly declined.

"It's okay. I really can't sleep. I'm also a supernatural person. I can get out of danger. Don't worry. If you can't beat me, I'll call you the same again. Go." Lu Ling smiled softly, looking small Tang was a little embarrassed, he was indeed sleepy.

After hesitating for a while, he didn't refuse again, and obediently got into the car to rest.

Lu Ling stood by the car, her gaze fell on Lan Shuang's side vaguely. She still remembered that they were attacked by zombies that night.

She decided to be a hero once.

(End of this chapter)

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