Chapter 498 This Zombie Is Kinda Cute 22
Lu Ling leaned against the car, staring at the off-road vehicle opposite, the off-road vehicle was quiet, as if the people inside had fallen asleep.

She tugged at her lips. The two of them didn't know whether it was because their hearts were too big or they were overconfident in themselves, but they were able to sleep in this environment.

But for her, the deeper they sleep the better, don't disturb her being a hero.

In the night of the last days, there are countless crises lurking. The light of the moon and stars seems to be dyed a layer of blush, which makes people feel hairy.

The wind was blowing, and with it came a strange smell of decay.

Lu Ling couldn't help frowning, and a howl or two came from a distance, which shocked her spirits.

She looked around, always feeling that something would pop out of those dark corners in the next second.

After being tense for an hour, she couldn't resist the drowsiness, and her eyelids began to sink.


"Ho ho ho ho—"

There was a series of rubbing sounds, and Lu Ling woke up with a jolt, and met a pair of eyes without whites, which looked extremely terrifying.

She gasped, "Here we come!"

She immediately went on alert.

She didn't wake up the people in the car immediately, but took a few steps forward and came to the side of the off-road vehicle.

She wanted to look in through the car window, but there was a privacy film on the car window, so she couldn't see anything, so she could only look back in embarrassment.


The zombie rushed over.

Lu Ling immediately raised his hand to lay a barrier for the off-road vehicle and the van, and waves of water surged up from the ground, attacking the zombies.

When encountering the attacking zombies, he was even more excited, and the roar became louder and louder. Lu Ling leaned back on the off-road vehicle, and the zombies smelled the smell of living people, and immediately surrounded him from both sides.

Lu Ling condensed supernatural powers, and the water flowed into swords. One by one in each hand, she slashed at the zombie's head.

"Go away!"

She yelled on purpose and kicked the zombie out.

"Host, what is she doing?" 888 looked at Lu Ling with confusion.

Lan Shuang pulled her lips, put her elbows on the car window and supported her chin to admire Lu Ling's "heroic posture".

"Oh, I guess I want to do the opposite and try to get my favor."

888 was surprised: "She doesn't want to kill you anymore? Then how can I do this task?"

Lan Shuang raised her eyebrows arrogantly, her eyes lighted lightly, "Of course, she can do whatever she wants. She killed the original owner in her previous life, and she left the original owner in the supermarket again in this life. If we didn't time travel, the consequences would be disastrous , How could I let her go? Even if she changes her mind and wants to be a good person now, it is impossible for me to forgive her instead of the original owner. "

888 thought: "That's right, the damage has been done. Now that she wants to repent and start a new life, should she forgive her? Wouldn't that be unfair to the victim?"

Lan Shuang nodded: "Don't soften your heart on people who are not worth it."

She tapped her chin with her fingertips. Seeing that Lu Ling couldn't beat the zombies and was scratched in the back, she smiled softly, "It's a cruel trick, but I can be cruel to myself."


She said this directly, Lan Qing heard it, opened her eyes and looked over.

Lan Shuang met his gaze and suddenly had an idea.

She hooked her fingers at Lan Qing, "Xiaoqing, come here."

Lan Qing looked at her ignorantly, not knowing what she was going to do, but she turned around obediently and stretched her head over.

Lan Shuang whispered in his ear: "You let those zombies lure her away, but don't hurt her, just take them away."

Lan Qing blinked.

Lan Shuang looked at his fair and clean face, and then at those eyes that were as clear as jewels, and suddenly felt a little guilty for teaching bad children.

However, after feeling guilty, it was accompanied by a somewhat inexplicable sense of pleasure.

Lan Shuang suddenly realized that there was still a little perversion in her heart.

She stretched out her hand to pinch Lan Qing's face, which feels very good in the hand, "Huh? Do you understand?"

Lan Qing was silent for a while, then nodded slowly: "Well."

Lan Shuang sighed, "It's shameful to be cute, but it's useful."

She rubbed Lan Qing's hair, and stretched out her index finger, "Are you hungry? I'll bite you when it's done."

Lan Qing's eyes lit up instantly, and he held Lan Shuang's fingers and rubbed them with the tips of his teeth.

Lan Shuang flicked his white teeth, "Like a kitten."

Lan Qing reluctantly glanced at her fingers again, then turned to look at the zombies outside.

Obviously he didn't speak, didn't make any sound, and didn't even move, but Lan Shuang felt that in an instant, Lan Qing's whole aura changed, becoming elusive, majestic and mysterious, like someone who never knew the world. The little prince instantly transformed into a king holding the power of life and death.

This kind of mysterious and mysterious change, if you don't experience it personally, it is difficult for others to understand.

Lan Qing locked his eyes on several zombies in the group of zombies, and with just one look, the other party received his message.


"Ho ho ho!"

The zombie's cry was the same to human ears, ugly and hoarse, Lu Ling didn't find anything unusual, and was still fighting the zombie hard.

However, Lan Shuang could see clearly while sitting in the car, the zombies surrounding the off-road vehicle were all heading towards Lu Ling.

Lu Ling was surrounded by zombies and unknowingly deviated from the range of the car.

When she came back to her senses and wanted to come back, she found that there were zombies densely behind her. If she wanted to go back, she had to deal with them first.

Lu Ling was trapped and couldn't get out, so she could only retreat to a safe place while beating, and soon disappeared from Lan Shuang's sight.

Lan Shuang snapped her fingers, "Nice job."

Lan Qing withdrew her whole body, and immediately looked over obediently, staring at Lan Shuang's fingers eagerly, "Ah."

Lan Shuang smiled: "No hurry, I'll drink it for you when I come back, there are more important things now."

Lan Qing: "... Aww."

His eyelids immediately drooped, and his fingers unconsciously grabbed the corner of his clothes.

Lan Shuang took one look and immediately looked away and got out of the car. Looking at her again, she was afraid that she would not be able to take it anymore. If she didn't care about feeding Lan Qing first, wouldn't her plan fail?

Opening the car door, Lan Shuang glanced carefully, the person in the opposite car was still sleeping, deeply asleep.

She sighed with emotion, this group of people also had big hearts, so they were so relieved to let Lu Ling watch alone.

The zombies didn't leave completely, and now there are still a small half of them wandering around in a daze.

Lan Shuang took out an iron rod from the trunk, weighed it in his hand, and pointed at the zombie, "Come on!"

Lan Qing didn't give any new instructions, the zombies smelled her, and immediately rushed forward screaming excitedly.

Lan Shuang picked up the stick and fought them with a condensed expression.

The headshots of "bang bang bang" can be heard endlessly.

The crystal nuclei fell all over the ground, but they were all low-level crystal nuclei. She lost interest after glancing at them.

Backing to the van, she slammed the window several times.

Xiao Tang opened his eyes in a daze, "Who is it?"

Lin Changyun was startled, and suddenly woke up from the dream, "It's time to change shift?"

(End of this chapter)

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