Chapter 499 This Zombie Is Kinda Cute 23
"Boom boom boom——"

The sound of knocking on the window didn't stop, Lin Changyun suddenly realized something was wrong, Lao Fang also woke up, he frowned and looked fiercely at the source of the sound.

Two minutes later, Lin Changyun was shocked: "Something is wrong!"

"Go down and have a look!" Lao Fang pushed open the car door and jumped down.

Xiao Tang followed closely behind: "Hey, wait for me!"

After he finished speaking, he turned his head to look at the ordinary teammates who were at a loss, and said, "Don't get out of the car!"

Several people nodded: "Okay."

They didn't dare to go down, and if they couldn't help, they didn't say anything. If they still didn't help, their lives would probably end here.

When Lin Changyun got out of the car, he saw Lan Shuang besieged by a group of zombies, holding an iron rod in his hand, which was already stained with a lot of sticky liquid.

"Lan Shuang?!" Xiao Tang exclaimed, "Why did you come down?"

He looked around and was stunned again, "Where's Miss Lu?"

Lao Fang also looked at Lan Shuang carefully.

Lan Shuang knocked down a zombie with a stick, and leaned against the car panting, her face flushed after strenuous exercise, "I don't know... I, I didn't sleep well, and I heard something suddenly, so I decided to get up and have a look. I didn't expect it to be a group of zombies, I'm afraid you didn't find it, so I came here to remind you."

"Just you?" Lin Changyun looked at Lan Shuang suspiciously.

Lan Shuang shook her head, "Lan Qing is behind."

Everyone looked in the direction of her finger, and saw Lan Qing coming from the other side, a zombie rushed up to bite him, and the space around him immediately twisted, twisting the zombie into pieces.

The three men who witnessed all this: "!!!"

Lao Fang always thought that Lan Qing was just a little boy with a bad brain, but he never thought that he was so cruel!

"That... what kind of power is that? It's scary!" Xiao Tang murmured looking at Lan Qing.

Before, he only thought that Lan Qing was very good-looking, like an angel, but now he saw him walking step by step with a blank face, and the zombies around him were distorted and cracked inch by inch, and he suddenly felt a sense of absurdity.

What kind of angel is this, this is clearly a demon from hell!

Still the kind that kills without blinking an eye!
Seeing him approaching, Xiao Tang took a step back involuntarily, but saw Lan Shuang beckoning to Lan Qing, "Xiao Qing, it's alright."

Lan Qing's eyes fell on Lan Shuang without any emotional fluctuations.

Xiao Tang swallowed, and subconsciously stood in front of Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang was stunned for a moment, and Lin Changyun next to him was also stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Lan Qing with a cold expression.

Old Fang's palm was already flickering with flames.

However, Lan Qing went straight to Xiao Tang, frowned at him, Lan Shuang gently pushed Xiao Tang aside, "It's okay, Xiao Qing won't hurt us."

Xiao Tang looked at her suspiciously, "How long have you known him?"

There was a smile on Lan Shuang's lips, and she held Lan Qing's hand without hesitation in front of everyone, and said crisply: "Some people have white heads like new ones, while others are as old as before. Trust and affection are never the same. Measured by the time of acquaintance."

Although Lan Qing couldn't understand, but seeing Lan Shuang smiling at him, he felt that she should be in a good mood, so he also smiled at her like her.

Lan Shuang suddenly felt a blow, and couldn't help but tighten Lan Qing's hand.

Lin Changyun watched this scene silently, his brows slowly furrowed.

"The most urgent thing is to find Lu Ling first. Why did she suddenly disappear?"

He looked at Xiao Tang, "Didn't you watch the night before?"

Xiao Tang said embarrassingly: "Yes, but Miss Lu suddenly came out and said that she would take my place, saying that she couldn't sleep, so I agreed."

After hearing this, Lao Fang gave him a disapproving look: "You are a man, how dare you let her keep watch?"

"She said she could do it. I didn't agree with it at first, but she said that she is also a supernatural person. If she can't beat her, she can still call us, so I agreed." Lu Ling was on shift.

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel, Lin Changyun raised his hand and said, "Okay, let's deal with these zombies first, and then go find Lu Ling separately."

The surrounding zombies have actually been crushed by Lan Qing a lot. As soon as Lin Changyun's lightning power came out, the situation changed, the lightning flashed, and the thumb-thick thunder hit the zombies directly.

Lao Fang didn't lose the chain at this time, as soon as his fire element came out, it swept across the area, and the zombies backed away screaming.

Xiao Tang slapped his hands on the ground, the next moment green light surged, the ground cracked, and countless vines burst out of the ground, rushing straight to the zombies, trapping them on the ground.

Lao Fang's fire started directly, and with Lin Changyun's thunder, the zombies had nowhere to hide, so they could only enjoy this "barbecue" three-piece set.

Lan Shuang squinted her eyes. No wonder this group of people arrived at the northern base safely. This trio is really strong, capable of both offense and defense. As long as they cooperate properly, there will be basically no problems.

The high-level zombies mixed in with the zombies saw that they were not well, and immediately fled with the zombies in embarrassment.

Lin Changyun was taken aback, "They retreated."

Xiao Tang was stunned: "Zombies are so smart? Will they retreat?"

After the words fell, the zombies who had rushed forward just now really started to retreat one after another.

The old man looked serious, "Did they evolve?"

These words reminded Lin Changyun, and he subconsciously glanced at Lan Shuang. Lan Shuang had reminded him before, and he was still dubious at that time, but now that he saw it, he was afraid it was true.

His face became serious, but he didn't make it so clear, he said vaguely: "It's very likely, we should be more careful when dealing with zombies in the future."

In any case, the retreat of the zombies is a good thing for them.

Lin Changyun said to Xiao Tang: "You and I will go to Lu Ling, Xiao Shuang and your old Fang will stay here."

"I'll go with you." Lan Shuang took the initiative: "I and Lan Qing are both going, it's easy to find two more people."

"But you-"

Lin Changyun glanced at her worriedly, Lan Shuang smiled: "Xiaoqing will protect me, don't worry."

This is true.

Lin Changyun glanced at Lan Qing, but Lan Qing ignored him at all.

"Okay, let's go find it separately."

The four of them walked in two directions, but after a few steps, they saw Lu Ling.

Lu Ling walked back with a gloomy expression, and at first glance there were no injuries on her body.

Lin Changyun frowned at her: "Lu Ling, where have you been?"

Hearing this, Lan Shuang, Lanqing and Lao Fang both came over.

"Are you okay?" Lao Fang looked her up and down, but seeing that she was fine, his expression couldn't help being a little complicated.

Lu Ling looked at them in surprise: "Why are you all awake?"

Lan Shuang explained: "I heard the zombies screaming outside, so I woke everyone up, and then found that you were not there, so everyone came out to look for you. You... what did you do?"

"I'm going to fight zombies." For some reason, Lu Ling felt a little guilty when he said this.

(End of this chapter)

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