Chapter 500 This Zombie Is Kinda Cute 24
"Hit zombies?" Xiao Tang looked at her suspiciously: "But we also have zombies here, why did you run away?"

Lu Ling opened her mouth, "I... I was chased by zombies. There were too many zombies at the time, and the situation was very dangerous. I didn't react."

"Then why didn't you call us? It's dangerous for you to go out alone!" At this time, Lao Fang was not calm anymore. In the last days, the most taboo thing is to fight alone. The team's original plan.

Looking at them, Lu Ling suddenly felt extremely wronged. She looked at Lin Changyun with beautiful eyes, "Brother Yun, I didn't do it on purpose, I did it for everyone's benefit, I want to lure the zombies away..."

Lin Changyun pursed his lips tightly.

Lan Shuang said in a timely manner: "But you are very dangerous alone, and the water ability is not a very powerful ability. You can't defeat so many zombies, and you are watching the night by the car, why don't you wake everyone up immediately? ? If you leave alone, everyone will not know that the zombies are coming, and it is also very dangerous. Don't do this next time."

Her tone was gentle, and she couldn't hear the slightest sign of reprimand, but every word pierced everyone's heart. Lin Changyun looked at Lu Ling with a hint of reproach in his eyes.

Lu Ling: "..."

Here it is again, this kind of look again, in their previous life they often looked at themselves because of Lan Shuang.

But what did she do wrong?Isn't she still doing it for their own good?
If it wasn't for them, why would she be chased by zombies in the middle of the night?
Being teased by zombies and scolded by everyone, Lu Ling didn't achieve the desired effect and even caused a mess all over her body. Her anger was instantly ignited, and she suddenly became irritable.

"I said I didn't do it on purpose, what else do you want?" Lu Ling's face flushed with excitement, and her voice raised unconsciously, "I can't help being lured away by zombies! I just want to protect you, now Is it all my fault?"

As soon as she opened her mouth, tears came down in a "swish".

Lao Fang's face changed, and his eyes instantly turned guilty, "No, we didn't mean to blame you..."

Xiao Tang frowned, he didn't have Lao Fang's thoughts, and naturally he didn't feel so distressed when he saw Lu Ling crying, "Sister Lu, we didn't say anything, we were also worried about you, you ran out alone, there are people around here It's a zombie, even if you are a supernatural being, you can't beat the zombie group, right? Are we concerned about your fault?"

"And..." He glanced at Lu Ling's clothes meaningfully, "You said you were being chased by a large group of zombies, but you didn't have any injuries on your body, and even your clothes were as clean as new. Zombies?"

His question was not unreasonable, Lin Changyun and Lao Fang closed their mouths after hearing this, and looked at Lu Ling with unclear meaning.

Lan Shuang stood sideways behind Lan Qing, seeing Lu Ling's speechless expression, she quickly bent the corner of her lower lip.

888 said with emotion: "Host, it turns out that you just asked Lan Qing to order the zombies to lure Lu Ling away, and not to hurt her, because of this moment! Wow, the effect is good."

Lan Shuang didn't speak, just watched the play quietly.

But she didn't want Lu Ling to suddenly look over and glare at her.

Lan Shuang: "???"

Lu Ling quickly looked away again, and looked at Xiao Tang with a sad face, "Xiao Tang, I thought that we have been partners for so long, you don't say you know me well, at least you know a little bit, now you think I Are you lying?"

"I didn't mean that, I just told the truth and asked." Xiao Tang was a little embarrassed to meet her gaze, turned his face slightly away from her, and then saw Lan Shuang.

Lan Shuang glanced at him calmly, and said, "Forget it, the matter is over, there is no point in pursuing these things, go back and rest, fortunately there is no danger."

Lin Changyun took a deep look at Lu Ling, and said in a deep voice, "Go back and rest, I'll watch in the middle of the night."

Lu Ling: "I..."

She wanted to say something unwillingly, but Lao Fang tugged at her sleeve and shook his head at her.

Lu Ling clenched her lower lip, silently followed Lao Fang and left.

Lan Shuang held Lan Qing back, "Let's go too."

Lin Changyun stopped her, "Xiaoshuang."

Lan Shuang stopped and looked back at him: "Huh?"

"Thank you for your hard work." Lin Changyun said with gentle eyes.

Lan Shuang shook her head: "In a team, it should be."

When Lin Changyun saw her say that, the more he felt guilty towards her, the more indescribably complicated he looked at Lu Ling. He watched Lu Ling get into the car and sighed silently.


The people in the car saw Lu Ling coming up, and an older uncle asked, "Xiao Lu, are you okay?"

Lu Ling didn't even look at him, she sat back in her seat, lowered her head halfway, said in a vague voice, "It's okay."

The uncle couldn't help being a little embarrassed.

Lao Fang glanced at him and persuaded, "Uncle Li, don't take it to heart, Xiao Lu was frightened, and he was upset, not for you."

"Hey, it's okay, Xiao Lu has worked hard, let her have a good rest."

Uncle Li closed his mouth after speaking, and leaned against the other three people.

The remaining three people are two men and one woman. The girl is named Qi Yan. She is very thin and quiet, but every time she collects materials, she is very careful and fast, so everyone is willing to take her with her. She was a high school student before the end of the world. , 16 years old, studying very well, originally had a bright future, but now it has been ruined by the end of the world.

The other two boys, one was the same age as Qi Yan, and they were classmates at the same school as her, named Wen Zicheng.

The other 23 is as big as Lan Shuang, named Qiu Yu.

Because the three of them are ordinary people and about the same age, they can still get along and have a good relationship, even better than with Lu Ling and the others.

Qi Yan is good at studying, and her vision is also poisonous. She has always felt that Lu Ling is not a really good person, so she has always been on guard against her. Seeing her deflated, although she did not speak, her eyes were bright. She glanced at the person beside her. Wen Zicheng.

Wen Zicheng raised his eyebrows at her, and the two of them knew each other.

Uncle Li hesitated to speak, but looking at Lu Ling in front of him, he still didn't say anything, and made a "shh" gesture to the two of them.

Qi Yan and Wen Zicheng glanced at him, nodded and didn't look any more.

Qiu Yu didn't say anything, just sat there not knowing what he was thinking.

Xiao Tang sat on the other side, separated from Lu Ling by Lao Fang. Lao Fang looked at this and then that, and whispered to Xiao Tang, "What's the matter with you? Why do you still question her like that if you don't speak for Lu Ling?" ?”

When Xiao Tang saw Lu Ling being so sad, he felt a little awkward in his heart. He wondered if he had gone too far, but people are rebellious, and he could reflect on himself. When Lao Fang said this, his temper came up.

He was right, why should he be questioned like this?
Xiao Tang snorted, "I'm not right? Lao Fang, I know you like Sister Lu, but you can't be blinded by love, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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