Chapter 696 The Invisible Lover 30
"You are at the helm of the Huo family, and you are so busy every day? If you have nothing to do, you will wonder if I am trying to catch you. I don't know if you eat too much salt, or you are born with love paranoia, or are you invincible? "

Lan Shuang spoke quickly and articulately, Huo Zhen was scolded before he could react, and he didn't interrupt for a long time.

Sitting opposite Lan Shuang, Jiang Lusheng looked at her radiantly, his eyes lit up when he cursed, and he couldn't help laughing.

"I've said [-] times that I don't like you. What are you struggling with? Or do you actually like me, but you just can't save face so you're playing hard to get here?"

"Lan Shuang! Who is playing hard to get you, are you sick?"

Huo Zhen growled.

Lan Shuang sneered again and again, "I'll return this to you. You are the one who is sick. You can't understand my human language. Do I have to learn a dog language for you? Bark bark?"


"I'm resigning because I'm fed up with your self-willed, self-righteous, self-righteous and shameless boss! It has nothing to do with my relationship, and I also proposed to dissolve our engagement." Lan Shuang suddenly laughed when she said this, "Huo Zhen, you are really hypocritical."

"What?" Huo Zhen's forehead was throbbing with veins.

"Obviously you don't like me, and you have the ability to refuse this engagement, but you didn't refuse at that time, what were you thinking at that time? Do you think that you don't like anyone anyway, and I'm not bad, the point is that your grandma likes it, for Satisfying the wish of the old man, so you agreed with the flow?"

Huo Zhen's lips moved, but he didn't say a word.

Lan Shuang rolled her eyes, "Hehe, look, you don't love me, but you want to marry me, treat marriage as a joke, and treat me as a tool, why should I like you? How old are you?"

"Later we got engaged, and the whole family in City A knew that I was your fiancee, but you flirted with a clerk without any concealment, and you just cuckolded me so blatantly, but still refused to break off the engagement, Huo Zhen Let me ask you, what the hell do I owe you to be humiliated by you?"

Huo Zhen was startled, his clenched hands suddenly loosened, he pursed his lips tightly, his eyes darkened.

"If you have someone you like, be tougher and cancel the engagement. The Lan family can't refuse. After all, the Lan family is in decline now, but you care about Mrs. Huo's health and don't want to leave a reputation of being unfilial, so all the bitter fruits let me Come back, don't you just hope to use cold violence to force me to take the initiative? Huo Zhen, you really make me sick."

Taking this opportunity, Lan Shuang vented all the anger of the original owner for so many years.

"I wanted to resign a long time ago. I was confused before. Now, go as far as you can, and don't appear in front of me again."

"You and Ruan Yining, I hope that you will be locked up, that you will be together for a hundred years, and that you will grow old forever. Don't make trouble for others."

After speaking, Lan Shuang hung up the phone directly, and dragged Huo Zhen into the blacklist.

Lan Shuang leaned comfortably on the sofa, stretched her arms, exhaled a breath of stale air, "Cool!"

After cutting off two bad relationships in one breath, Lan Shuang felt that she had finally returned to a normal life, and her whole body felt extremely relaxed.

With a sound of "呲", something icy and cold stuck to his face.

Lan Shuang opened her eyes and saw that it was a can of iced Coke, and there was still a faint white mist on the can.

Lan Shuang reached out to take it, and was about to speak when she heard her aunt mutter in confusion: "It's strange, why is there a can of Coke missing?"

She glanced at Jiang Lusheng, and they both laughed at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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