Chapter 697 The Invisible Lover 31
Resigning is easy to say, but it's not that simple. Lan Shuang still has a lot of things in the company, and she has to go get them back. Besides, the work at hand needs to be handed over. Sending emails is useless , she sent an email to inform Huo Zhen.

The next day, she went to Huo's in person. As soon as she entered her office, someone knocked on the door. It was Huo Zhen's assistant, Guan Mingming.

Guan Mingming is Huo Zhen's personal assistant, responsible for running errands for Huo Zhen and handling various things, so he knows Huo Zhen and Lan Shuang very well.

He didn't despise Lan Shuang because of her change of status, and his attitude was as polite as ever, "Miss Lan, Mr. Huo asked you to go to his office. He has something to tell you."

Lan Shuang was packing up her design drawings and some documents. Hearing this, she smiled, showing no emotion, "Can't you talk on the phone? Is there anything I need to go in person?"

Guan understands why: "I don't know, this is Mr. Huo's meaning, Miss Lan, don't embarrass me, why don't you go there? Anyway, it's not far away, and it won't take much time."

Lan Shuang was silent for a moment, "All right."


Huo Zhen's office has a direct elevator, and when the elevator door opens, there is an entire floor of Huo Zhen's office, which is comparable to a luxury hotel.

When the secretary at the front desk saw Lan Shuang coming up, she just nodded without saying anything.

Lan Shuang ignored it and walked straight in, just in time to see Ruan Yining coming out of it.

Looking at each other, the happy smile on Ruan Yining's face froze instantly, she looked at Guan Ming behind Lan Shuang, "Assistant Guan, why is she here?"

"Of course Huo Zhen invited me up." Lan Shuang said with a smile, "Let's not get in the way."

Ruan Yining pursed her lips and turned sideways, looked Lan Shuang up and down. The clothes Lan Shuang was wearing couldn't tell what brand it was, but she knew it was not cheap just by looking at the fabric and tailoring.

She suddenly raised her hand to stop Lan Shuang, made a guilty look, and said, "Lan Shuang, are you still angry with us? After you left that day, my parents regretted it very much. After all, we have lived together for so many years. Yes, if you can apologize and keep your head down, they will be very happy for you to go back."

Guan Ming's heart tightened, what was this ancestor doing?provocative?If the pot is not open, you have to carry the pot, right?
He stared nervously at the back of Lan Shuang's round head, silently praying that this ancestor would not be as fussy as that ancestor, he could not afford to offend either one, and if there was a fight, he would not know who to pull.

The secretary next to him also craned his neck to watch the show.

However, the imagined scene of tugging at each other's hair did not appear, Lan Shuang directly pushed away Ruan Yining's arm, and walked straight over without even giving Ruan Yining out of the corner of her eye.

Ruan Yining: "???"

Guan Mingming gave Lan Shuang a thumbs up in his pocket.

Miss Lan, cow!
Lan Shuang knocked on the door perfunctorily, and the next moment the door opened directly from the inside, and Huo Zhen stood at the door.

Lan Shuang immediately withdrew her hand to avoid encountering any unlucky things.

"What do you have to say, say it."

After she finished speaking, she glanced at her watch, "Well, I asked the driver to wait for me below for half an hour, and there are still 15 minutes left."

Huo Zhen frowned, looked past her and looked at Ruan Yining behind her, and said softly, "Go."

Ruan Yining forced a smile, but didn't move immediately.

When Huo Zhen looked at Lan Shuang, her tone became ten degrees colder, "Come in."

Lan Shuang sneered: "Nervous."

Huo Zhen: "..."

Guan Mingming hastily closed the door, fearing that the two would fight at the door.

(End of this chapter)

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