Aunt Xu smiled slightly and took out two identity deeds from her sleeves, "Whatever happens to them is up to you."

Got it!

Once someone has done this, she can't shirk it.

Mingyi pursed her lips and raised a smile, "Then I'll ask Aunt Xu to say thank you to the princess for me. I'll make arrangements for you two."

After listening to her words, Zhou Ting took the body deed from Nanny Xu and handed it to her.

"Keep it."

"Okay." If you can't refuse, then you have to maximize your interests. "The two nuns came to my side and I have wronged you. If you want to leave at any time, just tell me, I am not that kind of person who likes to embarrass people. My master will definitely set you free."

Aunt Zhao expressed her loyalty, "The princess already told us when she gave the slaves to you. From now on, you are the master of the slaves, and the slaves are your slaves."

"Master is kind and kind, and the slaves follow you voluntarily." Aunt Rong spoke concisely, but Mingyi could hear the underlying meaning behind her words.

They just wanted to show their loyalty and just want to be by her side.

"I understand. I'll trouble you two nuns to give more advice in the future."

"You are serious."

The two nuns are polite and polite, speaking and acting with dignity.

Seeing this, Aunt Xu smiled slightly and said, "Master, Mrs. Cheng, I have to go back to serve the princess; the two nuns will go back to pack things later and move here to serve you."

"Okay, Aunt Xu will thank the princess for me."

"Well, I will definitely bring you here."

Nanny Xu left happily, accompanied by two other nuns.

Zhou Ting stopped and stared at her and said, "Yiyi, I'm sorry."

"Why is Chaosheng apologizing?" Mingyi's eyebrows were sharpened, "Did you know early on that the princess planned to send grandma to me?"

Zhou Ting nodded with difficulty and looked at her for a moment. Seeing her frown, her heart tightened.

"My mother-in-law told me before that I wanted to send two nuns to serve you; I wanted you to learn the rules of aristocratic families from an early age. However, I refused. Unexpectedly, my mother-in-law sent them directly to you."

Maybe he shouldn't stay with Mingyi.

If she returns home with her parents, her mother-in-law will not be able to find a chance to send someone to her side.

"I'm just a commoner, and my family is not very well-off. You sent two nannies to me. Does the princess want to warn me?" Mingyi pretended not to know, and just said: "That's not right. If you want to warn me, Nanny Xu won't would say those words.”

Zhou Ting bent down slightly, took her hands, and whispered softly: "Yiyi, don't think too much. If you are willing to learn the rules of the aristocratic family, then learn it; if you are not willing, it doesn't matter, just follow your wishes." good."

Not willing to force her to change.

When he first saw her, she looked like a country girl. He didn't look down on her or dislike her. He didn't dislike her at the beginning, and he wouldn't dislike her in the future.

He knew that his feelings were not a temporary novelty; they were the joy from his heart or soul, the joy of reunion, and he wanted to be close to her when he saw her.

"Is it really possible?" Mingyi was unsure and hopeful.

"Sure, mother-in-law also said to follow your heart. If you don't want to, you won't learn." Zhou Ting solemnly seemed to make a promise.

Mingyi could feel the attentiveness from Zhou Ting. From the moment he met her to the present, he was always considering her feelings; for fear that she would be careless about him, Mingyi paid such attention to the level of caution, which was rarely seen in Tongtian. arrive.

"Thank you, Shiosheng."

Mingyi took the initiative to move forward and rubbed her cheek into his arms.

Zhou Ting was at a loss for the sudden act of intimacy, and felt great joy in her heart; a little girl of her age didn't understand the feeling of love, but her willingness to get closer to him showed that the relationship between them had taken a further step.

As long as he works hard, he will definitely not be able to see anyone else when she first starts to fall in love.

"I, let's go back to Heyun Courtyard." On the way back, Zhou Ting was walking on both hands and feet, as if he couldn't walk anymore.

The next whole afternoon, he was always in a trance, and from time to time he would touch the chest that had been rubbed when he was doing official duties; once he was putting his hand on his chest, but unexpectedly, Buwei came in with tea and saw him. He lowered his head and pen and paper. , put a hand on his heart, stunned.

From Wu Wei's point of view, he was clutching his chest and feeling uncomfortable, but he was so anxious that he hurriedly walked forward, put down the tea, and asked anxiously.

"Sir, what's wrong with you? Do you feel uncomfortable in your heart?" Not panicking, he raised his head and called out, "Come here, come quickly, ask the doctor to come over."

Zhou Ting:.

"Don't shout."

He quickly put down his hand, raised his eyelids, and glanced at him angrily; he turned to look outside the screen and covered his mouth with one hand.

"Uh huh"

"Shut up, don't yell."

Buwei nodded repeatedly, panicking, and saw that Zhou Ting was fine again; Buwei was confused, what happened to their father? He looked very uncomfortable just now, and how long had he been fine again?

Only then did Zhou Ting let go, "What's the fuss about? Go and bring some fruits and snacks to Yiyi. What kind of fruits are there in the house? Bring some over after you've washed them."

I wonder what fruit Yiyi likes to eat.

Buwei was still in shock, and when he heard about his father, he suddenly felt that his worries were in vain.

"Master, are you really okay?"

"What can happen to me? Go quickly."

"Oh oh oh."

Knowing that his good intentions had led to bad things, he hurriedly retreated; but when he walked out of the screen, he met Mingyi. If Mingyi hadn't been sharp-eyed and used Qinggong to avoid it, they would have collided with each other.

Seeing this, Zhou Ting frowned dissatisfied, "If you don't do anything, how can you behave in such a panic?"

"I know my mistake." Buwei turned sideways and said, "I bumped into Mrs. Cheng, please forgive me."

Mingyi shook her head, "What happened to your father? Look at how loud you shouted."

Zhou Ting:.

It’s all the fault of not doing it.

Can't you be more steady? The shouting was so loud that it seemed that Yiyi was attracted.

"Come back, Miss Cheng, I'm fine. It was my servant who didn't understand the situation just now." Bu Wei quickly admitted his mistake and took the blame by the way, not daring to let Miss Cheng misunderstand.

What if Mrs. Cheng thinks that I have an emergency and dislikes me?

"Oh?" Mingyi stepped forward and stood in front of Zhou Ting, looking him up and down.

He has a ruddy complexion and a good complexion, his eyes are bright and bright, and his face is handsome and does not look sickly.

It's fine if it's really okay.

Under Zhou Ting's nervous eyes, Mingyi nodded and relaxed her eyes, "It's okay."

"Of course it's okay. Ever since I ate the fruit you gave me, my health has been very good. I don't want to make a fuss about it. It's too insecure. I should be sent back for training."

"Looking at how angry you are when you speak, it seems like everything is fine." Mingyi looked at Buwei, but she didn't notice when she rubbed oil on her soles and slipped away.

Zhou Ting had a smile on his face, "Yiyi, do you care about me?"

"Of course I care about you. You are my parents now. I live in your house, eat your food and live in your house. Why don't I treat you better?"

She looked like this, making Zhou Ting chuckle.

Two chapters are in place today. It’s so late. Good night, my dears~~

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