"Then please Yiyi pay more attention to Chaosheng." She was the only one who was curious.

If he didn't say anything out loud, he could only think about it in his heart.

Hearing his weird accent, Mingyi just pretended not to understand and said with a smile: "Chaosheng is so kind to Mingyi, so he should be concerned."

"You." Not sure if she understood, Zhou Ting smiled on his face and thought about it in his mind.

Staying in the study room in the middle of the afternoon, Mingyi read by herself, pondering over single copies of books she had never read; Zhou Ting also came to accompany her after finishing his official duties, and from time to time he picked out interesting bits and pieces in the books to chat with.

Mingyi was not used to not having to eat at night. She was already growing, and her appetite was too good. Even if she ate a lot of cakes and fruits in the afternoon, she couldn't stop her hunger.

When Aunt Zhao and Aunt Rong were waiting for her to wash up, they heard Mingyi's growling stomach and shook their hands.

Mingyi blushed while sitting in the tub. She couldn't control a mortal body.

Being thirsty, hungry, and sick are normal phenomena.

"My slave, I would like to ask, does the master eat three meals a day at home?" Aunt Zhao took the chopped medicinal materials and put them in the barrel, not forgetting to ask carefully.

Mingyi nodded.

Aunt Zhao understood clearly, "If you eat three meals a day, you won't get used to it. However, most people from aristocratic families eat two meals a day. They don't eat at night and drink water at most."

"." Mingyi's eyes were filled with helplessness.

Aunt Rong said: "Master, if you would like to use some food, I will go to the big kitchen and bring you some."

"Okay! I want to eat meat. Let's see if there is any stewed meat in the big kitchen."

If you want to eat something, don’t be pretentious and speak quickly.

Aunt Rong and Aunt Zhao: "."

Their new master was waiting for them to take the initiative to speak.

"Yes, slave, go and have a look in the big kitchen." Grandma Rong let go of the hand massaging her, stood up and left.

Aunt Zhao was still scattering finely divided medicinal materials around her. Although she was scattering them casually, the method of spreading them was actually slightly different from the medicinal materials. It could be seen that there were regulations on the order in which the medicinal materials were put down, as well as the time limit.

"Aunt Zhao, why do you want to give me a medicinal bath?" There was no such thing in the ancient times she traveled through. She only heard those noble women from aristocratic families mention it occasionally. Some of them would take medicinal baths regularly, but not all of them would. .

Moreover, the medicinal bath they took was a secret recipe passed down from generation to generation and was not passed down to anyone else; each family was different, so as for the effect! It's really hard for her to say, after all, she hasn't really seen it.

Now she has gained some experience and has seen what a medicinal bath is.

When people sit in the bathtub, a scent of Chinese medicine comes to their nostrils; it is not a pungent smell of Chinese medicine, but a light aroma, which smells good.

"This is the prince's order."

"Then what are the effects of these medicinal baths?"

Aunt Zhao smiled lightly and said: "To keep in good health, the prince also used this medicinal bath when he was not in good health in those years. The princess got this recipe from a miracle doctor. It was said to be the most useful to the prince at that time. The prescription can strengthen the body and strengthen the muscles and veins, and it is also effective for ordinary people."

She didn't know that Mingyi was a martial artist, so she just thought she was an ordinary person.

Mingyi nodded after hearing this. Such a good recipe could not be seen outside. She was immersed in the fragrance of the medicine and felt grateful to Princess Zhou and Zhou Ting. She was a little girl, and a little girl with no interests. Taking care of you is really rare.

Zhou Ting is her master, which makes sense.

If Princess Zhou valued her so much, it was time for her to make some changes. "Aunt Zhao, please teach me your best when you get home."

"I will do my best, this slave." Aunt Zhao's smile grew stronger.

Aunt Rong came back with the meal, put the tray on the table, walked around the screen and came here, "Master, the meal has been brought over, and it is piping hot now; calculate the time, you can use it after taking the medicinal bath .”

"Thank you for your hard work." Mingyi nodded slightly and got a little closer to the two nuns, "Aunt Zhao, Aunt Rong, aren't you hungry at night? You don't even have dinner."

"Master, I'm not hungry. I'm used to it." Aunt Rong stepped forward and continued to massage her. His technique was skillful and he could accurately hit the acupuncture points on the human body every time.

"Sister Rong is saying that slaves are used to it, and few families in aristocratic families will have dinner; slaves are just servants, and their habits and habits follow their masters." Aunt Zhao explained her confusion.

Mingyi thought of Princess Zhou, "Is there no one in the palace who has dinner?"

That shouldn't be the case, right?

Except for the master of the house, everyone else is free to eat several times a day, right?

"That's not true. The guards in the palace will have dinner. What they eat is not cooked by the chef, but by the apprentices whom the chef has accepted. The taste is a little bit worse. When a slave passed by today, he happened to meet the chef. I'm making soup, and it looks like it's going to be used tomorrow, so I just ordered a piece of beef for you."

They answered whatever she asked, and the first day they got along was harmonious.

After taking a bath and cleaning herself, she put on clean clothes and sat down at the table. She opened the lids of the three bowls on the tray. One bowl contained stewed beef brisket. She couldn't tell what was in it, so she only used her chopsticks. With a flick of her finger, all she saw was dried chili flakes and beef.

The other two bowls are rice and a bowl of vegetables.

Not much, prediction: not enough to eat.

At least there is something to eat.

Mingyi ate her rice leisurely. She thought the stewed beef brisket would be very spicy, but when she ate it, she found that it had a hint of sweetness in her mouth. The chili pepper was not very spicy, but only slightly spicy.

Look at the red oil + chili flakes in that bowl.

Thank you, I was misled.

"Aunt Zhao, Aunt Rong, do we grow a lot of peppers in the northwest?"

"Back to my master, there are not many or few people who grow chili peppers. Not everyone is used to eating chili peppers; there are also those who are not used to it and feel uncomfortable after eating chili peppers. You can buy chili peppers in grocery stores. There is no shortage of this.”

Aunt Zhao saw her eating beef and knew she loved spicy food. "Master likes it. I will cook it for you from now on."

"Ms. Zhao's cooking skills are comparable to those of the chefs in the mansion. The princess likes her cooking skills very much." Aunt Rong also spoke.

This mistress does not have the habit of staying silent during food and sleep. They will not preach at the beginning, but will provide step-by-step guidance.

Mingyi has experienced too much in the world, and some of the habits and upbringing issues she has developed in the past can be put aside as long as they can; instead, the two nuns feel that Mingyi is a girl from the folk, and it doesn't matter if she doesn't understand.

Due to some strange combination of circumstances, her words and deeds made the two nuns think that this was the way they should be.

If she had been brought up by an aristocratic family from the beginning, not to mention others, she would have felt that there was something wrong with her; if a commoner woman, who had never experienced the upbringing of an aristocratic family, could actually achieve the ultimate in the etiquette and upbringing of an aristocratic family, then there would be no problem. Is it too big?

What is unreasonable is often the most suspicious.

"Okay, I'll try Aunt Zhao's craftsmanship when I get home." Mingyi smiled and nodded.

Mingyi wanted to learn more about the current situation, and Aunt Zhao and Rong wanted to know more about Mingyi's new master; one of them was willing to chat, and the two of them were eager to serve him, and the relationship between them naturally became closer.

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